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Ive been trying to wrap my head around this. Not even sure this is a specific P2e question or more about how things are presumed to work in PnP-RPGs and I'm a bit of an novice GM.

Here are some questions i have about Seek:

1) A PC walks into a room. There is no encounter but there is some hidden treasure with a predetermined perception DC. Would you as a GM automatically roll a secret perception check or would you not let the player spot the treasure unless the PC states they are Seeking?

2) Example above; does it really take 1 action out of combat to do a seek on a 10' range around the character? That's 2 seconds. Or is the action only meant to be used in combat to seek for undetected characters etc. If so, how long does Seek take during exploration?

3) I'm playing Age of Ashes right now. In many places it says if the players spend 10 or 20 or even 30 minutes searching a room, they find X (sometimes in combination with perception checks). Would you as a GM tell them these times before they start or just have the PCs decide how much they waste in each room looting?

Any input would be much appreciated.


Just a quick question on this feat. It says:

You have learned to access the old magic of wild places. Choose one cantrip from the primal spell list (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 314). You can cast this cantrip as an innate primal spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.

At the same time, the core book says this about the Innate Spells:

core,p302 wrote:
...You also can’t heighten innate spells...

Does this feat description imply that this innate spell does get heightened? If this is the case then why didn't the feat just say "you get one more cantrip even if you are not a spellcaster"?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Not sure why but I cannot find this info in the rule book. If two creatures are affected by a area damage effect like the Fireball Spell, does each creature roll its own damage or does the caster roll once for all creatures in the area? (I know each creature still does individual Reflex save)

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I have some questions about Alchemist Bombs, Damage, and Critical Hits. It seems I keep finding conflicting information in the core rule book. At least, that's how I am interpreting it.

Concerning Acid flask. Here's what Im looking at:

Benefits you gain specifically from a critical hit, like the flaming weapon Rune’s persistent fire damage or the extra damage die from the fatal weapon trait, aren’t doubled.
Core p544 - Spash Trait wrote:

Most bombs also have the splash trait. When you use a thrown weapon with the splash trait, you don’t add your Strength modifier to the damage roll. If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 5 feet of the target (including the target) take the listed splash damage. On a failure (but not a critical failure), the target of the attack still takes the splash damage.

You don’t multiply splash damage on a critical hit.

For example, if you threw a lesser acid flask and hit your target, that creature would take 1d6 persistent acid damage and 1 acid splash damage. All other creatures within 5 feet of it would take 1 acid splash damage. On a critical hit, the target would take 2d6 persistent acid damage, but the splash damage would still be 1. If you missed, the target would take 1 splash damage. If you critically failed, no one would take any damage.

Core p544 - Acid Flask Description wrote:
This flask filled with corrosive acid deals 1 acid damage, the listed persistent acid damage, and the listed acid splash damage.
Core p545 - Lesser Acid Flask damage wrote:
It deals 1d6 persistent acid damage and 1 acid splash damage.

1) I thought persistent damage was not affected by critical hits. This conflicts with quotes from pages 451 vs 544.

2) In the Acid flask description, there is a simple acid damage (not the splash one) that is not listed in the example or the Lesser Acid Flask damage block.

Any idea?