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The same issue occurs in the Captain Regatta.

Okay I will list my issues on this one.

1. Every single player count calls for 8 locations. Making you use all 8 enemy ships. 6 from base set and 2 from character add-on deck. So game owners without the character deck are SOL and need to proxy cards to make this scenario work.

2. I don't understand why how this was meant to scale with 8 locations regardless of player count. Seems to me that more players is better on this one period. I can't even imagine trying to duo it.

3. Since it is implied locations should not be closed, I wish this would have been clarified. Based on community posts that we had to read before playing the scenario due to confusion. We determined locations are not closed. If this is intended, I would have liked this to be stated on the card.

Clarification would be nice.

Andrew Klein wrote:
Yes you are playing correctly. However, remember the temp close. This will force him to stay at his current location. If this scenario said no temp closing (I think it may have), then focus fire on one deck. Once it is empty, you can force him there as the last card.

Yes, it is a no temp close scenario.

I don't see how we can move him to the empty deck without playing Russian roulette. If we drain a deck and leave it open then encounter the boss in the other deck... Win or lose we still lose the top blessings card and there is a 50% chance the boss is in the same deck and a single blessing is in the previously empty deck.

I might be more inclined just to close that empty location because they can be closed IF EMPTY then just encounter the boss multiple time from the final location as those encounters will no longer lose us a blessings card as only one location is open.

Either way the odds are not in our favor.

I honestly wish the boss read on his last line of text "If he is not the last card in the location deck he counts as undefeated. However blessing cards from the box are used instead of the blessings deck if this power is the only reason he went undefeated."

So we ran this last night and missed victory by quite a large amount. Failed based on time.

The Villain reads if he is not the last card in the location he is undefeated.

Now to me that means if while both locations are open and you encounter the villain whether all checks are passed or failed a card will be lost off the top of the blessing deck.

We encountered the villain with both locations open SEVEN times and defeated him all seven times but he of course ran and took a card off the blessings deck every time because he counts as undefeated.

Are we playing this correctly?

Raynair wrote:
Zhadum wrote:

I wanted to ask if we are running this scenario right...

We are all staying together because the scenario reads if an enemy ship is undefeated lose a d6 from the blessings deck. We are taking this as if an enemy ship can't be encountered because our ship is not present then it goes undefeated and we lose those cards. Is that correct? or should we not lose those cards if we can't encounter the enemy ship because our ship is not present?

I am only asking because our group failed twice on it and failed badly. To much room to lose a large percentage of the blessings deck due to a bad role?

Any pointers to clearing this scenario?

We have:
War Priest

That is an impossible situation you are referencing. For the scenario, The Black Flag, your ship is not anchored anywhere, which means, the ship is always present at the location of the current turns player. Even if your ship is wrecked, it is still present and being commanded by the current-turns player, its just that other people can not choose to move along with them.

In other words, whenever you encounter an Enemy Ship henchman in this scenario, you will be fighting a random enemy ship.

Now that I have re-read the rules I understand what you are saying. That is weird that the ship teleports to the active player when un-anchored we didn't interpret it that way.

This scenario will not be so difficult anymore.

I wanted to ask if we are running this scenario right...

We are all staying together because the scenario reads if an enemy ship is undefeated lose a d6 from the blessings deck. We are taking this as if an enemy ship can't be encountered because our ship is not present then it goes undefeated and we lose those cards. Is that correct? or should we not lose those cards if we can't encounter the enemy ship because our ship is not present?

I am only asking because our group failed twice on it and failed badly. To much room to lose a large percentage of the blessings deck due to a bad role?

Any pointers to clearing this scenario?

We have:
War Priest

Sorry to Necro this thread but I see the blessing of Lamashtu has been mentioned. The Monk can't recharge this blessing with his power.

Recharge means "Instead of Discard, Bury, or Banish place it on the bottom of your deck"


The Monks says "Recharge them instead of Discard" as opposed to saying "Recharge them" The words instead of discarding is specific, and in the FAQ they cite "If the top card of the blessings deck matches this card, recharge this card instead of discarding it." saying this does not apply to Lamashtu because of instead of discarding it so therefor the monks power does not recharge that particular blessing just the same.

So the Monk needs to count on Erastil for two dice from one blessing ONLY as opposed to using BOTH of them.

Honestly this does not hurt the Monk too much. He is way overpowered passed Adventure 2 anyway.