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![]() Hey folks, looking forward to some brutal feedback. I have been out of the Pathfinder loop for some time, but RPG Superstar encouraged and excited me about the system again. Since I'm a little rusty, please feel free to be exceptionally brutal as I could use a kick in the butt. I have noticed some of the problems, but I'll keep those to myself to avoid colouring your critique. This was my first time participating in RPG Superstar. This survived the 5 culls. Swashbuckling Sash
This bright red strip of cloth ties simply at the waist, leaving long ends at the wearer’s side. When worn, the ends almost imperceptibly quiver with potential energy. The sash grants the wearer a +5 competency bonus to both Acrobatics and Climb checks. In addition, while climbing the character may cling to a rope or object with the sash instead of a hand, allowing the character to take actions that would requires two hands instead of the usual one hand. Three times per day when hit by a melee attack, but before damage is determined, the wearer of a swashbuckling sash may expend a use as an immediate action to gain a +3 Deflection bonus to AC as the end of the sash darts out to parry the blow. If this raises the wearer’s AC above the triggering attack roll then that attack is resolved as a miss. Construction
![]() Serpent wrote:
For the folks following at home / professional development, could you give a little insight into how you decide which pitches to include? ![]()
![]() Serpent wrote:
Glad to hear you guys are spoiled for choice! I've got my fingers crossed my pitch makes it through, but either way I'll be excited to see Villain Codex II as a GM. |