Zero Crossing's page

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber. * Pathfinder Society GM. 7 posts (67 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Arizhel wrote:
Oh, and get Lipstitch.

I love that spell. "Shoosh you!"

Evil Eye is a MUST. (You get to make faces at the GM!)
Vomit Swarm. (Its just super cool to say "I puke up a swarm of spiders.")

I have a PFS Standard Witch and a Home Game Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor. The Home game witch wins hands down. I am sure that the PFS Witch will get better at higher levels, Mobs just don't last long enough for me to get more then one or two hexes out.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Hey Gang!

What I am trying to do is have my Eidolon run/move on all 4's but stand to attack. Kind of like how aliens move in the movie "Aliens". I am not sure if that would be the quad form or just the biped form with me just adding in flavor that it runs that way.

I would like to have it have hands and claw attacks on the front limbs.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Grick wrote:
Zero Crossing wrote:
I would need to know if it would be alowed in Society play.

It is. PFS must follow the rules. (unless a PFS-specific rule says otherwise)

You will find GMs who don't know how it works. I suggest printing out and having the relevant sections handy. (Spell Combat, Spellstrike, Touch Spells in Combat, and Range Touch from the magic chapter.)

I also suggest you make yourself as familiar with those rules as possible. Here's A Guide to Touch Spells, Spellstrike, and Spell Combat.

You Sir Rock! Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Thanks Marthian. I would need to know if it would be alowed in Society play.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Hey All!

I have a question! I wanted to know how armor prof and arcane spell failure worked together.

I am going Magus/Kensai so I dont get Light Armor Prof from Magus. I want to wear light armor but it looks like I need to take 2 feats to get the same benefits as the Magus.

Arcane Armor Mastery and Armor Proficiency, Light.

If I were to wear a chain shirt can I get away with just the AP light with the Magus spell strike, spell combat and pool strike or is arcane spell failure going to be an issue?

Is there a better way to get my AC up? I play Society, and am level one with around 300 gp to spend. And have one open feat.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
Gwen Smith wrote:
You might want to consider dropping 1000gp for the Adaptive quality: it lets you use the bow at a lesser strength if you want to (or if you get Str drained).

AND you won't have to buy a new magic bow everytime your Str mod goes up! Great for raging barbarians too!

You can even save 300gp by starting with a Str mod of +0 on your comp bow if you know you're going to make it Adaptive.

A +1 Adaptive composite longbow [Str +0] costs 3400gp.

Being in Society play I would need to have the correct amount of fame before I could buy the "adaptive" quality correct?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Hey all!

New to pathfinder and society play, I have a question about what the cost is for a +1 Composite Longbow with STR +3. I have looked at the books and checked the msg boards and just want to make sure I can buy this.

All +1 weapons are avail for purchase

1. Comp. Longbow = 100gp
2. +3 Str 3x100 = 300gp
3. Master work = 300gp
4. Magic +1/+1 = 2000gp

so that would be a total of 2700gp for a +1/+4 Comp. Longbow?
