Highlady Athroxis

Zerin Taro's page

51 posts. Alias of joggiwagga.


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Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Spends! Largely fleshing out things that were part of my initial character concept. This should be complete.

Skills & Abilities
Skills are increased at:
Normal - New x 2XP
Hard - New x 3XP
Ability - New x 4XP

Earned: 60 XP

Monkeywrench (Ability): 0 -> 1 (4XP)
Monkeywrench (Ability): 1 -> 2 (8XP)
Hard Knocks (Ability): 2 -> 3 (12XP)
Athletics (Skill, Normal): 0 -> 1 (2XP)
Athletics (Skill, Normal): 1 -> 2 (4XP)
Advanced Technology (Skill, Hard): 0 -> 1 (3XP)
Advanced Technology (Skill, Hard): 1 -> 2 (6XP)
Edged Weapons (Skill, Normal): 0 -> 1 (2XP)
Hand to Hand Combat (Skill, Normal): 2 -> 3 (6XP)
Shadowing (Skill, Normal): 0 -> 1 (2XP)
Shadowing (Skill, Normal): 1 -> 2 (4XP)
Hand to Hand Combat (Skill, Normal): 2 -> 3 (6XP)

Spent XP: 59
Remaining XP: 1

(Including so all my spends are in one spot)

Earned RXP: 64

Puppeteers: 0 -> 1 (4XP)
Downtowners: 2 -> 3 (12XP)
Eggheads: 0 -> 1 (4XP)
The Mob: 0 -> 1 (4XP)
Flashbacks: 2 -> 3 (12XP)
Hackers: 1 -> 2 (8XP)
Hackers: 2 -> 3 (12XP)

Spent RXP: 56
Remaining RXP: 8

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Atomic Rocket Games wrote:

I'm sorry, I was looking at the wrong character sheet.

These last few weeks have been pretty awful for focus, even for me.

The answer is still "no, Perception was what was called for." Deduction is a modifier for specific tasks. I apologize for the confusion, though, and I'll make sure there's an edit done on the rules to ensure that doesn't happen again.

Nah, it probably wasn't unclear in the rules, more me learning the rules by bashing into them and going "wait what's this thing I have written down that I forgot about?"

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Atomic Rocket Games wrote:
No, Perception is what was called for. You're good with what you've got right now. If you WANT to pick up Deduction, you can, but it's not necessary.

I already have Deduction. I was asking about it's use.

Specifically if it it is a modifier rather than a stand alone ability/skill, and off of that asking if it would have been an applicable modifier for when we were studying the video footage and doing Perception checks.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Atomic Rocket Games wrote:
All of those look fine. You might want to increase Monkeywrench as it's part of your character's defining traits over Athletics, if you have the points.

I don't currently have Monkeywrench or Athletics, though both seem pretty key to my initial concept. Hard Knocks I have but was considering increasing. I'll hold off on learning Lipreading unless I have spare XP, I need to do math first.

One question remaining from my post:

"Also - should I have been using Deduction in some of our checks with the Police and generally looking at the situation? As I understand that it's a modifier to Perception? I'd like to make sure I'm reading this right before I do increases to make sure I'm increasing it the way I'm meaning to."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Attributes and Skills - 60 XP

Attributes are increased by spending 100 x Attribute... so that's not going to happen for a long time...

Skills are increased at:
Normal - New x 2XP
Hard - New x 3XP
Ability - New x 4XP

Also - should I have been using Deduction in some of our checks with the Police and generally looking at the situation? As I understand that it's a modifier to Perception? I'd like to make sure I'm reading this right before I do increases to make sure I'm increasing it the way I'm meaning to.

Is it OK to buy more skills? I was thinking about adding Lipreading in (Under Perception)

I'm looking at increasing Hard Knocks

Considering adding in Monkeywrench (Mental Ability) and Athletics (Stamina Skills) which tie into the initial concept but I was limited by XP.


Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Providing math doesn't change for Reputation stuff

I have 64 Reputation XP

I'd like to increase the following rep:

Puppeteers (since we have established Zerin does repair work for them now and then): 0 -> 1 (4XP)
Downtowners: 2 -> 3 (12XP)
Eggheads (tangential to rep with Hackers and Puppeteers in my mind, more a bump into them for professional reasons now and then): 0 -> 1 (4XP)
The Mob (argument is that she's probably generally known based to holding down her own little corner in the lower levels of the city, and has rep with the Gangs - no plans to raise this beyond unless there are interactions to back it): 0 -> 1 (4XP)
Flashbacks: 2 -> 3 (12XP)
Hackers: 1 -> 2 (8XP)
Hackers: 2 -> 3 (12XP)

8 remaining

Working on the other part of it now

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
B.A.R.T. wrote:

Matt, you may want to revise your post.

BART would have checked the package for irregularities or similarities to Carter's package. If it was given to him under similar circumstances with an anonymous sender, no return address and definitely Avryl's address, he'd have sent her a confidential text to meet him somewhere public at a specific time. He would have followed up with another confidential message to Zerin, letting her know to meet him and Avryl where and when because there had been another package. Then, with a reluctant sigh, and an audible "G!+ D$*MIT.", he would have similarly invited Carter as well because... ugh... it's HER life, too.

After that, he would have contacted Detective Eteki to pick up the four of them at the location because we might have another package.

Zerin will scope out the meeting location before hand, paranoia being a thing, but will arrive for the meeting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Thank you for that update - and sorry for the delay on my end. Things have been a bit off the walls here and I'm learning that WFH doesn't mean more time so much as there's this really bad creep between work time and free time especially when one does tech support.

Working on an update.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Question for the GM - have we accrued any Reputation Points? The book says we gain points similar to XP when we interact with different groups, and those specific points are what we use to up our Reputations. I believe we interacted with 2 groups in the first chapter - the Law and possibly which ever group the junker with the device was part of.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

The last GM post says we've been earning XP and to spend it.
Is there anything beyond the post a few months back saying "take 3"?

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
B.A.R.T. wrote:
BART begins gesturing with his hands as he gets more involved in his explanation. "Nobody looks at priests like they look at other people. Even around cops or other emergency response folks, it's still `Pardon me, Father` and `Can I help you, Padre`. And a priest who's part of a movement that helps the poor and indigent? That means you could be walking through all kinds of disused, dilapidated areas without anyone thinking it was weird. Hell, the city even gives out parking placards to them in case of, and this if hilarious, a `clerical emergency` so they can park a vehicle where ever they want without even getting a ticket."

"Priests and maintenance workers, ignored until something goes wrong." A note of wry reflection in Zerin's tone.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin saves a copy of the ID info in case it becomes relevant. She's not particularly impressed that it took them coming in to notice the oddities, but the cops now have this info and it's ultimately their show... (and they're stuck in the station for the time being).

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"Boring is good. The more interesting it gets, the less safe things likely are." Zerin gripes, as she analyzes the feeds. She's curious if she recognizes any persons of interest, but more importantly, if there's evidence of the feed being tampered with.

Seeking clarification: the fees is in interactive mode, this is a live feed of our base locations, yes? And this is on top of the initial scan that some of us passed our checks on?

I forgot to specify earlier, but Zerin is very happy to NOT have them digging around inside her shop, that was why she wanted clarification it was outside only.

Also, Agent Axelrod? I missed that :laughs:

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Atomic Rocket Games wrote:

While none of you got the requisite Very Difficult DC 28 result, a couple of you got the Difficult DC 23 result, so...

Zerin and BART both catch sight of two or three people at random points in the feeds who all appear to be wearing feedback suits under their normal clothing. A tug at an uncomfortable neckline, perhaps, or grabbing at the cuff line at the wrist and pulling to help stretch the sleeve to a more comfortable fit. They look like they're waiting for something.

Could be anything, though. You only see them once or twice, and feedback suits aren't that uncommon.

I'm making an assumption that the following actions are permitable, is it possible to do a check to see if the folks in the feedback suits look like they're armed?

Zerin, picking up on the same details as BART reaches forward to pause a feed and move it to a frame with one of the individuals featured, tapping the image with a look at BART to see if it's someone he noticed as well.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Could you do a quick tl;dr on crits?

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Once more, with feeling... and hopefully correctly coded. Operating on a single cylinder today...

Perception, 2d6+17: 2d6 + 17 ⇒ (5, 3) + 17 = 25

Perception, 2d6+17: 2d6 + 17 ⇒ (4, 3) + 17 = 24

Perception, 2d6+17: 2d6 + 17 ⇒ (6, 1) + 17 = 24

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin will have made some comment to the effect of "you're going to expect no one to think maintenance workers around my shop is odd? you have seen the neighborhood, haven't you?"

[OOC: do modifiers to Perception for Deduction come into play?]

{dice=Perception, 2d6+17}2d6+17{/dice}

{dice=Perception, 2d6+17}2d6+17{/dice}

{dice=Perception, 2d6+17}2d6+17{/dice}

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
"The department is already working on installing discreet surveillance around your dwellings and workplaces, where they can. We've got a complete, around-the-clock coverage schedule. I can't tell you more than that, because I don't personally know. It's compartmentalized, to prevent any one person from getting compromised and letting the suspect in on the full plan. Not that it'll ever come to that."

"Around or in?" Zerin asks flatly.

She doesn't acknowledge the prod about possible infractions on her record.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin's eyes narrow as the Detective summarizes the situation, pieces that have been laid out before, but maybe there's something new. His conclusion is still like a slap in the face, the logic is as undeniable as it is unpleasant.

Still not sure what that means for them, and what the police want with them, her mind is still running.

"Do you think he's watching live? Has there been any sort of broadcast telemetry to trace?"

She makes a face, realizing that it is highly unlikely that they haven't already pursued that line of tracing.

"OK. So you played a game of misdirection regarding which station we're at. Which means you assume at least one of us is being watched... are you sure none of us are being traced? Or are we waiting around to see what comes sniffing after?"

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin sighs

"I'm a mechanic, not a merch trader, one of many scattered through the forgotten lower reaches of this city. We all have our sources and hook ups for old tech, if we didn't we'd be out of work and things would be even more broken down around here. Even the stations down here get work done when the budget has shortages and replacements aren't coming."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
B.A.R.T. wrote:

"... I'm really sorry, Zerin, but I'm not sure what you actually do. I'll help the police as much as I can, but I don't even know how I got on this nuts radar."

Zerin looks mildly offended at B.A.R.T.'s comment, but shrugs and gets over it, declining to remind him that she's fixed his hardware in the past. If it matters what she does, the officer will ask.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Atomic Rocket Games wrote:

"Dwight Kaplan," Eteki says. "And Carrie Mendez. Both Thrillers, both dead from seemingly environmentally-related accidents. Except, as you've clearly been made aware, there's evidence to show they weren't accidents. Kaplan's gear didn't fail, and Mendez didn't slip. They were murdered, and we think we know who did it."
Atomic Rocket Games wrote:

He pushes two coroner's reports up so that you can all see them. "The same type of sensory suits that Kaplan and Mendez were wearing. The same kind all of them were wearing. Different brands, sure, but the same basic suits. Same effects."

Zerin does a scan of the reports, flicking through to see if anything stands out.

"And the tech analysis of the suits? If you're aware of the evidence that it wasn't accidents, you're aware that they're built for surviving a whole buffet of stupid."

As she's scanning, she adds on another question.

"And your retelling sounds like collateral damage of a personal nature is a likelihood... any evidence that it will go beyond witnesses and hit associates and belongings?"

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin makes sure the shop is locked.

There's an edge of hyperawareness in her manner, unhappy with he whole mess.

Can I verify his ID in any way?

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"Nah, he doesn't want to pay my bill for the use of industrial cleaners to clean up the mess that would make in my shop."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Since we don't know about her being ethical IC...

"Maybe watch where you point those things?"

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"I'm sure you'll win them over with your stunning personality" Zerin deadpans

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin mutters quietly "...or we're all an easier target..."

She sighs

"No, I get it. I just hope it's not a waste of time."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"From as few of us as possible to all of us..." Zerin sighs. [b]"But going along now means if they actually care I won't be hassled later for not adding to the initial report. The driver is only expecting three though."[b]

She seems resigned to going along, but is not exactly enthusiastic. Though, it seems like the cops are actually taking the report seriously, thanks to Emily's cachet.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"Huh. Well that's almost refreshing."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"Why not both? A little paranoia is healthy." A wry twist to Zerin's expression. "By all means, call the cops. You folks might be high enough profile they'll give a shit. Response times can be a bit delayed down here. More of a clean up/damage control than prevention." Not so much bitterness as cynical acceptance of that as a fact as part of living in the lower tiers of society.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Goldfish brain activate! But really, I'm going with paranoia is what keeps old soldiers alive so, it's reasonable for her to have done. And even if Jagger is reputable, shenanigans can run amok. Zerin's not really that worried about the possibility of a remaining warranty

Zerin strips the simple piece down quickly and efficiently in response to Avryl's request. She didn't think it was likely that Jagger would f!%* her over, but tech often had location functionalities built in and well, paranoia wasn't always a bad thing.

"Looks clean... worth a little less on the resale market, but then I wasn't the one who paid." She gives a shrug, slightly amused at the last bit.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Basic Technology: 2d6 + 13 ⇒ (4, 3) + 13 = 20

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin reaches out pick up the reader, turning it over in her hand for a quick examine before placing it down on a workbench, and turning to pull out some tools she thinks will be useful.

Ok, Mr.GM, I have a +13 to the roll... is that 13d6 that I'm rolling, or something else?

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Avryl Grimaldi wrote:
"Zerin…considering the age of this, do you have some more appropriate tools to take the reader apart?"

Mr.ST - is this a thing that Zerin has the means/skills to do?

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"I'd rather not be entertainment, but to each their own. Already paid my price for living life on the cutting edge." There's a certain dryness in her voice, in particular as she draws attention to her cybernetics and perhaps Emily's past feature focusing on them years ago.

"My opinion on this is yes, there was nothing accidental about the equipment failure... I'd recommend you beef up your own security precautions."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin shrugs.

"How paranoid is your circle about security? Living on livestream isn't exactly the most subtle way of existing.

She considers, thinking.

"Given enough time any security system can be interfered with, so I'd say 'access' might be relative. But I wouldn't say 'sabotage' sounds paranoid in this situation at all."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin pulls up another screen, tapping to through to display spec sheets.

"Can't tell you anything about the people involved, but the equipment that malfunctioned..." She points at tech readouts. "Calibr8 and EnVoTek build quality work, solid fail safes, and reasonably idiot proof. Maybe not quite bored Marines playing a game of hold my beer, but this sort of use shouldn't have been a problem."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

"Huh." Zerin comments, a pensive expression as she leans back slightly. "That's unusual."

Yeah, I know, cryptic and not exactly useful.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin tilts the screen so she can read, scans to see if she recognizes anything of note on there (or any names).

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin does not have the relevant Reputations, she only has Flashbacks, Outsiders, and Gangs

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin has been casually following the back and forth, while fidding with some odd piece of equipment.

"So... if the reason that the B.A.R.T. here wasn't going to paid should be obvious... then maybe it's worth taking a look at what you've been handed. That sounds rather... ominous and if it means someone isn't meant to survive this I'd really rather not have a strike team break into my shop and cause all sorts of collateral damage."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Perception Check, 2d6+17: 2d6 + 17 ⇒ (4, 3) + 17 = 24

"I'm too old for this shit" Zerin mutters after the clip ends.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Avryl Grimaldi wrote:

Avryl half seriously glares at Zerin. "Surprises…that's exactly what I'm more than a little worried about—the stuff no one can predict."

Zerin laughs, "What, like technology that even us recalcitrant throwbacks don't use anymore?" Her amusement carries through to her self deprecation. "I don't know, get bored, try to hack him. Be a good study of the classics. He might take that as flirting, but I don't know if he runs as rough in his private life as his public... nor do I want to know."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Avryl Grimaldi wrote:

Back at Zerin's shop…

"What have I gotten myself into," Avryl almost moans. "I haven't dated anyone in…well…damn. Nothing's happened since I called it quits on my fiancé—which I was perfectly content with, thank you very much. Now I've given my PERSONE chit to a complete stranger.

"What was I thinking!? This chip of yours better be something, Emily. I don't care for total strangers barging into my life all of the sudden. I mean…does he even know, let alone like, classical music? Bowie? Mercury? Puddles?"

Zerin snorts, amused.

"You coulda haggled. If he doesn't know your jams, think of it as a project to educate him some. I wouldn't expect too much from him, but hey, maybe he'll surprise everyone."

She doesn't sound like she's convinced that's a high probability, but who knows.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17
Jagger wrote:

"You come all the way down here to see me, Taro?" he smirks. "Y'could'a just called, yah?"

He scratches at the patchy stubble along his jaw, thinking for a moment.

"Unless you got something you don't want on the airwaves? That your story, gaucho?"

"Like I'd come down to see your pretty face if I could avoid it." Taro snarks at Jagger. "Nah, looking for some hardware that I don't have in my shop, and so a shopping trip seemed in order.

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin looks Emily over, and all her high end/high fashion accessories.

"Nah, if you're gonna go slumming with Neopunks you might as well have a guide." Zerin shakes her head. "Particularly looking so upper city."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin looks at the chip and whistles softly and mutters under their breath. "Damn, where did you come from?"

They then frown, looking down at the chip, pretty sure that they don't have the right type of reader, but not really wanting to go to the most likely source. "I'm not sure if I have what's needed... but let me check to be sure."

A quick inventory query turns up nothing. A quick check of the odd corners and things that might have been overlooked turns up nothing. They swear under their breath before coming back to the front and the waiting folks.

"I got nothing. We can try someone at the Recycle Yards... but he and I don't really get along, and he might not offer a deal you're willing to pay."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin shakes B.A.R.T.'s hand, mechanical hand meeting that of the podbody's. She gives the hand a slight twist, looking at the workmanship of it reflexively, and nods slightly.

She makes a "hrmpf" noise, thinking about what they said.

"Can I see it? Smartphones had a few different types of data cards."

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

There is a sharp tang of metal and oil in the air, a back taste of melted plastic. The woman that comes out of the back, wiping grease off her hands, matches the place, the wear and tear of the years along with the relics of technology's growth showing. The cybernetics of her leg and arm aren't disguised, once-cutting edge experimental military tech now pushing obsolescence.

When she sees Emily she stops with a mild grimace. "What, here for another Inspiration piece? 'Where are they now?'"

Rouser Flashback
INIT 6 | SPD (Base) 8 | SPD (Run) 80 | TGH/RES 2/2 | Bruises 35 | Willpower 15 | Perception 17

Zerin's shop is in what used to be, in another technological phase, in another economy, a booming area. It's not quite yet urban decay, too walled in by the Metro over all, but it's time will come. Now space is comparatively cheap, overcrowded, and dingy. The building stands out in its size as a single block of space, not subdivided into smaller and smaller residences, but a plain slab of a building with heavy shutters that can be pulled down over large bay doors, one of which is rolled open, sounds of air tools and metal on metal audible from the outside.

There's ample space for a cab to disgorge a passenger, as long as the passenger isn't too picky about the state of their shoes. This area of town clearly gets overlooked on regular street cleaning.

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