Zalimar's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


I had to sign up to post this :) I found your first guide about druids and was led to this guide for bards. Well I am DMing ATM and wanted to test out the controlling bard so i used him against my players.

It was brutal i used him with nets it was actually a CL encounter under the group it was the bard and some basic bandits. Was just testing it lol it pretty much led to a potential TPK it actually was a tpk but i said the bandits give them one last chance to surrender and hand over their gold as a way out of it :D. I had wanted to see a bard do some damage and have definitely seen the power of one.

When they get a bit higher level I will send a druid from your druid guide at them lol.