Green Dragon

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Organized Play Member. 37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Suppose my character is a level 14 Beastmorph (Alchemist archetype) with the feral mutagen discovery. The character drinks his mutagen and decides to gain grab, trip, pounce and rake.
How exactly would a charge from him play out?

Sub-questions from the above:
1) Does he add both trip and grab to his bite and both claw attacks?
    1.1) If no, does he have to decide for each natural attack if it gets trip or grab?
2) Can he add trip and/or grab to unarmed strikes?
3) Can he rake, even without being a quadruped?

I'd like to cancel both my subscriptions: "Pathfinder Adventure Path" and "Pathfinder Companion".
I have already sent 2 e-mails in the last 2 days to customer.service trying to cancel them and explaining why I'd like to cancel, but I've got no response and the subscriptions were not cancelled yet.

Thanks in advance.

prd wrote:
Subjects, Effects, and Areas: If the spell affects creatures directly, the result travels with the subjects for the spell's duration. If the spell creates an effect, the effect lasts for the duration. The effect might move or remain still. Such an effect can be destroyed prior to when its duration ends. If the spell affects an area, then the spell stays with that area for its duration.

Since magic circle against evil is an area spell, does it mean it is stationary once cast?

The question came up because I am playing a cleric and I was thinking about some ways of actually causing damage to a swarm. So, I thought about summoning a Small Air Elemental and have it use its Whirlwind(Su).
The rules are not clear on this, but I'd like to see what you guys would rule in this situation.
If I were DM'ing I would problably rule that a swarm damaged by a whirlwind would take 50% extra damage (as if it were an area attack) if it fails its saving throw.

What I find odd is that the whirlwind saving throw doesn't take into account the weight (or size, which is simpler in game terms) of the affected creature(s), making it as useful against a single beetle as against a troll (if the size of the whirlwinding creature permits).

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1) What's the damage type associated with Channel Energy and Lay on Hands? Is it positive energy? Or "untyped" (irresistible)?

2) Also, since they are both Supernatual abilities, incorporeal undead take only half damage from them, right?

Thanks in advance,

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

From PRD:

Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite.

Emphasis mine.

So, I see three possibilites for it:
1) Smite evil extra damage is applied to all types of damage rolls (for instance, spells).
2) Only damage rolls that need an attack roll to succed (offensive version of lay on hands, touch spells) get the extra damage.
3) Only weapon damage rolls benefit. What about splash weapons?

Also, is the extra damage the same type as its source? If a paladin throws an alchemist's fire against a target of smite evil, the extra damage is fire damage (relevant against incorporeal foes)?

What do you think? Sorry if this has been brought up before.