Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
Zaeos stirs uncomfortably, taking the proffered drink. Does it sound like my wife...? he thinks, appearing to struggle to hear something only he can.
Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
"I am Zaeos, the Hunter. I was most recently in Fangwood and it is the same there as here... Maybe we could hunt down these missing priests." weekends not so hot for me usually, but post at least once a day on weekdays. Everyone else still here? Paizo eating my posts...
Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
Zaeos looks about in horror, unable to find the being he knows he saw. He makes sure to move a bit closer to his would-be companions and the comparative safety of the light.
Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
Thnaks to Akurna I realized I had built Zaeos for a 25 pt buy game (long ago). I'll need to fix that while updating monk, ugh. I'm a little concerned though after reading the rules on defense/dr. Zaeos might have a decent defense but he's going to bleed like no tomorrow compared to everyone else lol. I could theoretically wear light/medium armor as an inquisitor, but monks lose features in armor. So expect me to be 110ft away as much as possible :)
Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
Sounds good to me. I'd rather have an extra BAB and no flurry penalty than good will saves, and don't mind waiting until 4th if I go that high for point blank master. Most levels will be Inquisitor anyway and that has good will saves. I'll take off qinggong since it basically does nothing with unchained.
Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
Apparently there's some weird monk archetypes don't work with unchained monk because they don't 'say they do' junk (who redoes a class and invalidates their own published archetypes for it...) DM are you ok with me ignoring that arbitrary rule and just using zen archer with unchained monk anyway?
Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
Family members, siblings, adopted mutants: Wife and children, Zaeos abandoned them long ago along with his elven roots. Day-to-Day Activities before adventuring, before the darkness fell: Zaeos does work as a tracker, hunter, and general mercenary to fund his hunting, moving around frequently. Where you lived, house-wise, neighborhood-wise: Nowhere in specific. Was probably in Fangwood hoping for the odd chance to hunt an elf. Friends, acquaintances, important people in yer life: N/A. :) How devout you are to Sunday gatherin's of the local churches and whatnot. Basically describing your connection to religion and such: Zaeos is very religious, but has developed his own form of worship and is seen as a nut job or worse, a known heretic. He takes steps to hide his worshipping as needed. This one's for fun: Who is the first person to die in your starting citys, towns, or other place: Probably his quarry. Most likely he was hired to hunt down a brigand, a robber, or someone who angered someone else. Spending so much time hunting, the first death he would have witnessed due to the 'end times' would probably be whoever he was hunting. Hey at least it counts as a job done!
Male Elf Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1/ Zen Archer (Qinggong) 2; HP 24/24, Init +7, AC 18/FF 14/T 18; F +5, R +6, W +9; Per +10; CMB +4, CMD 19
Yeah weekends are tough. Will be finishing up character. Background needs a little tweaking but he's going zen archer for a few levels. Will start as inquisitor1/monk2. After he gets 3rd he will be going full Inquisitor for the rest of it or until dead :)
Hi this is a relative of Mr. Glass. I have a LE Inquisitor that might fit in :) Might need some slight adjusting he was made for giantslayer or kingmaker and didn't get to play. Ironically he was made with the pride trait and LE. If selected I will level him to 3rd, but same gist (hunteresque Inquisitor). I'll show glass how to make an alias too lol.
Changed up the traits and fixed gear to average instead of max starting gold. I left the drawback on there, it went with the character lol. If we get an extra feat from it let me know and I will add one of the old ones he had picked that were survival related. Should be good to go, let me know if you have any questions or I missed something in the converting.
I might throw in once we know what's already spoken for. I also have this one Zaeos made already, I can reflavor to non evil if necessary. Was for an evil kingmaker game and wasn't selected. Good outdoors and social skills and going for zen archer monk later, so good archery and some utility spellcasting. Would just need some trait rearranging, basically.
Sorry Zaeos was silent during the debate because he's already en route to the trade post, head start! (Evil, I know) I saw the DM said he would allow one drawback, so if he confirms it I am going to change pioneer trait to perception +1 and take wilderness emissary, +1 survival (so no change there) and +1 linguistics and class skill. Being a good scout, might be helpful to occasionally drop a point in it for additional languages so that he can understand whomever he is stalking for the group. His drawback would of course be pride, since that is something he has in abundance.
Darius, he is middle aged. Its actually point buy of: 13,15,13,13,17,7 (with elf modifiers and middle age penalties and bonuses). For point buy, it's 3+7+3+3+13-4=25 ;) From background: "Being just past middle-aged, Zaeos has lived over 175 years already, and seen and done much in that time.", age is 199. He's excited to possibly help found a kingdom for his bicentennial birthday, haha.
Forgot to mention how Zaeos will be heading in next few levels: Zaeos will have archery down nicely, along with multiclassing in zen archer for some more archery skill later on. Also of note for him is his spells are more ranger in choice, he can get up to a +14 to survival for an hour or two at level one and track at full speed, and will be taking stealth, survival, and perception each level. In a few levels he also gets to roll twice and take the best one for stealth, and do it at full speed due to his race, and gets some slayer bonuses as well as tracking. His secondary focus skill wise is on sense motive bluff and intimidate, but will be increasing physical skills also (acrobatics and climb mainly). Its important for a leader to be able to lie when needed and not be lied to. ;) Off to bed but can PM me with questions or post in here and I will check in the AM. Good luck to everyone applying.
I should add also, that one of his 'what he'd like the kingdom to look like' wishes would be the ability and power to freely practice his faith, and train some 'huntsmen' of his own, which is heretical and has had him persecuted and nearly put to death several times already. Here's the character with the alterations, except for a few minor details like what sort of horse I have from being a stolen lands pioneer: Zaeos: Zaeos The Hunter Inquisitor (Heretic Sanctified Slayer) 1 LE Male Elf, Age: 199, Height: 6ft 6in, Weight: 142 lbs STR 12 +1
Fort: +2 (2 base)
Special Qualities: Immune to sleep Offense:
Melee: Spiked Gauntlet, +1 (1d4+1/x2); Longspear, +1 (1d8+1/x3); Dagger, +1 1d4+1/19-20x2); Club, +1 (1d6+1/x2) Ranged: Composite Longbow, +3 (1d8/x3), 110ft; Dagger x2, +3 (1d4+1/19-20x2), 10ft; Net, -1, special, 10ft Special Attacks: Studied Target Class Abilities:
Studied Target: +1 to attack, damage, DCs, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival versus one target. Study as a move action, or immediate action if sneak attacked. Traits:
Racial Abilities:
Skills: 9 (6 base + 3 int) Bluff +12 (1 rank, 4 wis, 4 lore, 3 class)*
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan, Giant Spells: Slots Per Day - 2 1st level spells
Funds: 3gp, 3sp, 4cp
Appearance: Zaeos is typical for an elf, standing roughly 6 and a half feet high and thin as elves tend to be. His hair is fine, and his eyes are an emerald green. What makes Zaeos unusual is the demeanor by which he carries himself. Those green eyes twinkle with cold cruelty and judgement, the youthful face marred by a constant sneer, or sometimes a smirk. He excudes pride, but also confidence and experience. A simple cloak, hood drawn over his head, is the only notable clothing. His hand, bearing what looks to be a birthmark embellished into a life-like hawk, rests on the well-polished and large bow hung over his back. Background: Zaeos is renowned for his relentless (and successful) pursuit of his prey. His drive to hunt for sport has soured his love of others and made him a cruel and cold man, but no one will dismiss the efficiency with which the hunter does his work. Once good, Zaeos is now decidedly evil, obsessed and consumed by his need to conquer another challenge in the hunt. Secretly, he desires to hunt his own kind, but has yet to sink to such a low. Perhaps there has simply not been an opportunity. Regardless, the hunter has taken to hiring himself out as both a tracker and a killer. His unnerving skill at stalking his quarry has already earned him some attention, and his pride causes him to continue unceasingly until the job is done and the prey is snared. Being just past middle-aged, Zaeos has lived over 175 years already, and seen and done much in that time. Once, he was married to a beautiful woman. He sired two children later in his adulthood with her. His life was spent hunting, caring for his family, and working for the priests of Ketephys. Always he was bound to Ketephys through the symbol that branded the back of his hand: the hawk. However, a new love grew in Zaeos breast alongside his god of the hunt, and that was the hunt itself. Giving in to that desire to be victor of the slain prey, he became colder, more absent, and eventually without love. His beliefs grew into a heresy so profound that Zaeos spent more and more time alone. His disgust for what he saw as his own kind's weakness of character became hatred. Eventually, as all things do, it came to light when he abandoned his children, his wife, and his homeland. He must seek more challenging prey elsewhere, he must perfect the draw of the bow, and he must be the best. Zaeos, having been pursued from his elven homeland in Kyonin in the south, has emigrated and come to make a new home for the time being. He settled in the wilderness of the Stolen Lands decades ago, before many of the living humans in the area were even born. Recently, he has done several marvelous deeds that have made him stand out. One boy of 4 years old had been taken by cultists into the nearby wilds. Zaeos managed to lead a group to their location, and the boy was saved, by the skin of his teeth, from some dark occult ritual. Zaeos and his bow personally slew three of the cultists, supposedly with what could only be elven precision. He did this not out of any great love, but because of his dedication to the hunt. That time, the cultists were his prey, and the pay was good. There was also the case of a rare stag, which had been roaming and evading capture for years. Prized by a nobleman from the Medvyed family, Zaeos earned a part of his current funds by tracking and slaying the animal. Both of these things, much to Zaeos' pride, have already begun spreading rumors about the hunter. More fame will hopefully lead to a more impressive challenge. A kingdom charter, now that is a way to show everyone who is the best. His pride won't let him leave that challenge for another. Potential roles in the kingdom, in order of preference and ability: Marshal, royal assassin, spymaster, or high priest. Faith: Zaeos embodies and worships the concept of "The Hunt". After learning of both Ketephys and Irori, as well as Gozreh and Erastil, he came to understand the truth. The hunt was at the center, and all that really mattered. Those who stood in the way of the hunt must be put down. It is the path to godhood, to perfection. In this life, one was to perfect the hunt, in preparation to join the huntsmen in the next life. Glory, and station in the next life, depend upon your worth as a hunter of all things. (basic tenants being things like dedication, persistence, mastery in the tools of the hunt, and very similar to the Wild Hunt ancient lore from europe). The hunt precipitates many important events in the land, such as disasters, wars, or the rise and fall of kingdoms or gods. This mixture of gods and their essense has been labeled (wrongly) as a heresy, and endangered Zaeos' existence many times. Were he to have a say, were he to be a leader in this new kingdom, he would finally be free to practice his heresy in the open, and show the truth of the hunt to the world.
I am waiting on a question I sent to the DM on deity. Originally, this character was a heretic of the elven god Ketephys (the god of the hunt). His heretical views (and heretic archtype) divorced the god from the CG alignment. I'd be happy to spread this heresy to everyone but if not allowed, might go for either the neutral god of nature, Gozreh or just worship a concept of 'the hunt' instead of a deity. The only evil hunter type god would be Camazotz that I know of, a CE bat god. Fitting in, he is lawful evil, and would fit right in, especially since he doesn't seek to be the 'ruler'. He would be a good marshal or a good royal assassin/spymaster, able to follow orders without blanching at what that entails. He is dedicated to the hunt, and to perfecting his skill at the hunt, which is why he often hires out in the first place. For the kingdom, Zaeos is the kind who would leave that up to better suited people (like yourself). He is intelligent, and tactically sound, so he would happily assist with wars, but enforcing the law of the land, whether through force (marshal) or murder (assassin) is what he would be about. What exactly the law is, is not really of consequence to him. Hope that helps, feel free to ask any other questions. When I get word back from the Winds of Fate on deity I will post here again with the basically complete character sheet (altered from the gestalt version it has now). All the changes are made, but I have it on notepad for now.
Looked over the player's guide, thanks for the link, looks awesome! I would pick for the 3rd trait (campaign): Pioneer. Since Zaeos is middle aged, he settled in the wilderness here many decades ago, before most living humans were alive in the area. Few questions: Would zen archer be considered eastern and not allowed, or would it be ok as long as it's not an eastern flavor to the character? Also, I am assuming the point buy at 25 is the standard one (as in an 18 costing 17 pts?)
Saw the bit about no eastern flavor. My character would be an inquisitor, but I was solely using the zen archer in the gestalt recruitment as a representation of his discipline in the bow. If it can be considered flavored (or reflavored) to be non-eastern then I would probably multiclass with it to some extent, or can leave it out totally, which is also fine. The main point is that he was driven to evil by his pride and love of the hunt, and proving himself the best. Becoming the master of the hunt both in skill and position (of leadership) would sit mighty fine with him.
Just made this one for a game I wasn't chosen for. It was a gestalt game so I would need to tweak him but the concept and fluff is all there, couple things like spell selection not done. Let me know. (Zen archer/inquisitor character who hunts for sport. Can easily mix it up with multiclassing to achieve a similar build.) Fitting in: he's lawful evil. Lol. As long as he is able to pursue his own sense of self-enlightenment by hunting he's fine. Possible kingdom roles: head inquisitor (obviously), spy master (in charge of it at least), acquiring intel/people/things needed, scouting party leader during wars, or any similar function. He's pretty intelligent and a good tactician. Edit: He was obviously made gestalt but also a few different creation rules. If selected I would alter those of course (stats were 24 at 1-1, max 20, which can be dropped down to 18, and the campaign feat is basically a trait that was made into a feat). If chosen I'd clean it up and get him set up within an hour, but will leave him as is if not.
Yes, I don't blame you since I didn't choose you either lol. But I did NOT mean that I built the character to be easy at causing drama. I built him to not disrupt the game or party cohesion. It can be a source of 'dramatic effect', if the group goes that way, but Zaeos can smoothly fit into any 'no paladin smiting evil party members' group with zero drama. Of course I always found paladins more offensive to party dynamic than evil characters :P
I agree with the first part, evil is not just enjoying harming others but also simply not caring if you harm others. You don't have to enjoy every evil thing either. Enjoying say, murder for sport, is evil, but the murderer may abhor slavery at the same time. Or maybe they don't condone evil when done to someone they care about, but don't mind it being done to others. Its what makes each character unique. Even good alignments should have that kind of variance.
Really I think CE get a bad rap. If you are evil you have a high level of self interest. Being chaotic doesn't mean you are compelled to do something when the consequences outweigh the benefit. Killing some dude in the middle of town might be OK if you have a 6 intelligence, otherwise maybe wait until you don't have 100 witnesses and guards that have more levels than you. :)