About Zaeos The HunterZaeos The Hunter
STR 12 +1
Fort: +5 (5 base)
Special Qualities: Immune to sleep, Hide Tracks, Low-Light Vision Offense:
Melee: Spiked Gauntlet, +1 (1d4+1/x2); Longspear, +1 (1d8+1/x3); Dagger, +1 1d4+1/19-20x2); Club, +1 (1d6+1/x2) Ranged: Composite Longbow, +4 (1d8/x3), 110ft; Dagger x2, +4 (1d4+1/19-20x2), 10ft; Net, -1, special, 10ft Special Attacks: Studied Target, Flurry of Blows Class Abilities::
Inquisitor, Heretic Sanctified Slayer: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Heresy Inquisition (Bluff, Intimidate use wisdom instead of charisma), Lore of Escape (Add wisdom modifier on Bluff and Stealth checks in addition to normal ability score modifiers), Hide Tracks (rolls to find or track Zaeos have a -5 penalty), Stern Gaze (1/2 level morale bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive), Orisons, Spells, Studied Target Studied Target: +1 to attack, damage, DCs, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival versus one target. Study as a move action, or immediate action if sneak attacked. Monk, Zen Archer, Qinggong: Monk proficiencies, Bow proficiency, AC Bonus (wis) Flurry of Blows (with a bow, -2 to attacks, extra attack).
Wisdom in the Flesh: Stealth skill uses wisdom, and is a class skill. Regional Recluse: +1 trait bonus to survival, +1 trait bonus to stealth in forested areas. Warrior of Old: +2 to initiative checks. Pride (drawback): When someone threatens, accuses, or challenges you, you take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks involving that creature until the creature apologizes to you. Racial Abilities::
Elf: immune to sleep, +2 save vs enchantments, lowlight vision Silent Hunter: no penalty to stealth while moving, -20 stealth running Fleet-footed: Bonus Run feat, +2 racial initiative Favored Class (inquisitor): +1 spell known, HP, or skill point Feats::
Race: Run (5x speed, 4x in heavy encumberance, +4 acro to running jump, retain dex to AC) Free: Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, Combat Expertise. Monk 1: Unarmed Combatant (deal lethal damage, no AOO, 1d6, +2 grapple) Monk 1: Perfect Strike (roll twice take best result, 2/day) Monk 1: Precise Shot (no penalty for shooting into melee) Monk 2: Dodge (+ 1 AC, +4 vs AOO) Monk 2: Weapon Focus (Bows, +1 to attack) Level 1: Level 3: Skills::
Inquisitor: 9 (6 base + 3 int) Monk: 14 (7 base + 6 int) Acrobatics +7 (1 rank, 3 dex, 3 class), +4 on running jumps
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan, Giant
Spells: Slots Per Day - 2 1st level spells Orisons: Brand, Create Water, Guidance, Sift 1st: Deadeye's Lore: +4 sacred bonus to Survival, track at full speed (1hr/lvl) Divine Favor: +1 luck to attack/damage Keep Watch: 1 creature/2 levels can stay awake and benefit from sleep. Equipment::
Weapons Studded Leather Quiver - Durable Arrows (20), Durable Cold Iron Arrows (5), Durable Barbed Arrows (2), Dye Arrows (5), Blunt Arrows (10), Pronged Arrows (10) Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk, Fishhook, Flint and Steel, Sewing Needle, Oil (2pt), Pitons, Pot, Pouch, Sack, Silk Rope 50', trail rations (3), Torch, Waterskin, Whetstone, Explorer's outfit. Funds: 3gp, 3sp, 4cp Horse: Vexer, military saddle Appearance::
Zaeos is typical for an elf, standing roughly 6 and a half feet high and thin as elves tend to be. His hair is fine, and his eyes are an emerald green. What makes Zaeos unusual is the demeanor by which he carries himself. Those green eyes twinkle with cold cruelty and judgement, the youthful face marred by a constant sneer, or sometimes a smirk. He excudes pride, but also confidence and experience. A simple cloak, hood drawn over his head, is the only notable clothing. His hand, bearing what looks to be a birthmark embellished into a life-like hawk, rests on the well-polished and large bow hung over his back. Background::
Zaeos is renowned for his relentless (and successful) pursuit of his prey. His drive to hunt for sport has soured his love of others and made him a cruel and cold man, but no one will dismiss the efficiency with which the hunter does his work. Once good, Zaeos is now decidedly evil, obsessed and consumed by his need to conquer another challenge in the hunt. Secretly, he desires to hunt his own kind, but has yet to sink to such a low. Perhaps there has simply not been an opportunity. Regardless, the hunter has taken to hiring himself out as both a tracker and a killer. His unnerving skill at stalking his quarry has already earned him some attention, and his pride causes him to continue unceasingly until the job is done and the prey is snared. Being just past middle-aged, Zaeos has lived over 175 years already, and seen and done much in that time. Once, he was married to a beautiful woman. He sired two children later in his adulthood with her. His life was spent hunting, caring for his family, and working for the priests of Ketephys. Always he was bound to Ketephys through the symbol that branded the back of his hand: the hawk. However, a new love grew in Zaeos breast alongside his god of the hunt, and that was the hunt itself. Giving in to that desire to be victor of the slain prey, he became colder, more absent, and eventually without love. His beliefs grew into a heresy so profound that Zaeos spent more and more time alone. His disgust for what he saw as his own kind's weakness of character became hatred. Eventually, as all things do, it came to light when he abandoned his children, his wife, and his homeland. He must seek more challenging prey elsewhere, he must perfect the draw of the bow, and he must be the best. Zaeos, having been pursued from his elven homeland in Kyonin in the south, has emigrated and come to make a new home for the time being. He settled in the wilderness of the Stolen Lands decades ago, before many of the living humans in the area were even born. Recently, he has done several marvelous deeds that have made him stand out. One boy of 4 years old had been taken by cultists into the nearby wilds. Zaeos managed to lead a group to their location, and the boy was saved, by the skin of his teeth, from some dark occult ritual. Zaeos and his bow personally slew three of the cultists, supposedly with what could only be elven precision. He did this not out of any great love, but because of his dedication to the hunt. That time, the cultists were his prey, and the pay was good. There was also the case of a rare stag, which had been roaming and evading capture for years. Prized by a nobleman from the Medvyed family, Zaeos earned a part of his current funds by tracking and slaying the animal. Both of these things, much to Zaeos' pride, have already begun spreading rumors about the hunter. More fame will hopefully lead to a more impressive challenge. A kingdom charter, now that is a way to show everyone who is the best. His pride won't let him leave that challenge for another.
Zaeos embodies and worships the concept of "The Hunt". After learning of both Ketephys and Irori, as well as Gozreh and Erastil, he came to understand the truth. The hunt was at the center, and all that really mattered. Those who stood in the way of the hunt must be put down. It is the path to godhood, to perfection. In this life, one was to perfect the hunt, in preparation to join the huntsmen in the next life. Glory, and station in the next life, depend upon your worth as a hunter of all things. (basic tenants being things like dedication, persistence, mastery in the tools of the hunt, and very similar to the Wild Hunt ancient lore from europe). The hunt precipitates many important events in the land, such as disasters, wars, or the rise and fall of kingdoms or gods. This mixture of gods and their essense has been labeled (wrongly) as a heresy, and endangered Zaeos' existence many times. Were he to have a say, were he to be a leader in this new kingdom, he would finally be free to practice his heresy in the open, and show the truth of the hunt to the world. |