Zach rodchester's page

11 posts. Organized Play character for Ranger Foster.



"I wanted a life sentence to Fitches nursery, but Eox objected on the basis of cruel and unusual punishment. "

Yeah...I remember back in the day before i went to prison i had to do some baby sitting for Fitch, I mean they were just adorable but really...i ended up having them all to to sleep on top of me in a big rat blanket after i let them take apart rebuild and play with my guns like they were a huge erector set...unloaded of course


If yer looking for talent skittermander....I got it in spades i'm the hot new rising star in the wayfinders under the tutlage of zo! himself. I can act,I do my own stunts *he then shows his free captians brand* and i got the street cred to play a space pirate ligit. So hit me up and this space cowboy can make your show 20 percent cooler.


Pateron Question from Zach "Longshot" Rodchester wrote:
Mr. Soren It's good to finally see you outside Wayfinder hq...but I do have a question if you are elected First Seeker are you and Boss lady Fitch merge the Wayfinders and Second seekers into one group? since your platform seems to be similar ?


My friend, personal physician and augmentations supplier might be willing to pay for some ad-space zo!. I can have Dr. Treehill contact you. She did the bioware work for the "lighting Spit" meme that I made famous after I did live exploration extreme with my Starfinder team a few months back.(elite hireling boon)


"I want us to have a leader who can help us recover, personally and Society-wide. I want us to have a leader with the heart of Luwazi and the drive of Jadnura. I want us to have a leader who loves and cares for the agents we have, and who is willing to protect the vulnerable. I don't know who that could be, but I want to help such a person.."

Zach sighed as he heard his fellow Wayfinder speak he was right behind her leaning against a post, after shaking out his fiery red and orange hair he addressed the gnome "I have to agree with you...I remember the episode of live exploration extreme i did...or the ghost ship and just...I think about my parents and this galaxy needs heroes the stewards are too caught up in bureaucracy and cant be everywhere at once...maybe it's time for us to live up to the ideals of the ancient organization we based ourselves explorers and adventurers and do some real good for the galaxy as a whole...we have the numbers and means now after all"


Madcutta wrote:
Madcutta kan't talk about ‘dat. NDAs an' drow deth kurses.

yeesh...remind me never to take a job for a drow anyway hope you stick around big guy. Would like your autograph if we catch each other in the lunch room.


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Madcutta wrote:

Madcutta likes ta hack! Madcutta likes ta slash!

When not hack'n an slash'n for 'da 'oguard, Madcutta plays Apostae Murderball an earns kredits. Wot iz Murderball? Ha ha!

Whoeva karriez ball, otha team triez ta murda. Madcutta iz still alive afta tree seasons. Drow kall Madcutta lucky.

dude....i got you on my murderball fantasy team big fan ...didn't know those people actally died though...but anyway i gotta ask any truth to the rumors your gonna be traded to the centeral coast maulers?


People ask me all the time what i do for credits when i'm not saving the day and getting the girl/guy/possible third gender, for the Star finders. I tell them I teach free self defense classes to the more nerd inclined members of the wayfinders. I mean I am the legendary outlaw gunslinger and sniper "Longshot" after all...and any reports of me having ever been an Overwatch marine are fake news. I mostly am given donations by my students and sometimes Fitch comes by with a smile and some extra money I'm also studying at an acting school and getting my envoy training on to be Zo!'s next big action star when starfinding has run its course and i gotta retire from the life. So yeah thats me and what i do. I'm longshot and im 20 % cooler than you.


Zach looked up hearing the android speak he turned and studied the man quirking a brow this was a first for him. Did his repution proceed him outside the wayfinders. He blinked a bit and his smirk turned a bit sly "depends on whos would be the first male android i have ever had the pleasure of knowing personally" he said


Zach perked up hearing Strawberry machine cake something about that music snapped his senses into overdrive was someone mocking him. Was one of his team around. Zach reached for his sherren-eye rifle almost by instict but found it wasn't where it normally was resting at arms length read for a quick game of Whack-a-Yoski with some mooks. "Right no weapons here" he said to himself muttering as he felt a hand on his shoulder and the same colored pefect hand put down a drink in front of him. "Easy longshot..." came a meldious voice Zach looked at the drink and muttered "Thanks Krell" he said half smiling "Something about that song...about that band" he said as she smiled sweetly "This one is on some mystery admirer" Krell said "Maybe your heroics are finally starting to worm thier way outside of the wayfinder fangirls You usally leave here with"


Zach's favorite hangout spot was down in the starfinder cantina, place was a shadow of it's former self had been for a while now but it had it's charm and no one looked at him funny or mocked him when he wore his Wayfinder necklace At least for being a soceity member. It was gonna be a long night as he stared out the window looking at the stars go by Zach exhaled he was beat up and still covered in various cuts and healing brusies from his latest mission for the starfinders his mind still processing the thing that nearly killed him and his team