
Yuggtmoy Gemerslag Foehammerkin's page

5 posts. Alias of Sporocystian.


"I will be seeking six brave Foehammers for this quest." The Orc Shaman cackled as he waved away the scene from his scrying pool; six Dwarves will be no threat at all.

As the last of the Orc guards fell, the Shaman cowered in terror. "What happened?" Turning to his assistant in time to see his head splintered by a righteous hammer of a Foehammer. "There were only supposed to be six of you!"

"Nay, we brought an army!"

Am I the only non-Dwarf on the list?

Talk about an outsider!

Good luck everyone.

I will hopefully be able to finish the long versions of these tonight, but as you are closing soon, I wanted to be sure the shorts were available. I still have about 250gp to spend, and just haven't ported in the stats for her two pets yet. Otherwise, she is complete.

Appearance and Personality:
Quick Appearance: Yuggtmoy is squat and solid, even more so than others of her species. Her skin is actual rock, embedded with bits of crystalline flesh; the crevices are packed with dirt and decaying bits of organic material, and a veritable garden of fungi, lichen, and mosses cover her from head-to-toe, and serves as her only form of garment. She has 14 metal spikes hammered into her, bent and shaped around her joints, which were implanted after puberty; these prevent her granite-like skin from hardening and impeding her movements, serving as constant grinders and chisels. Two Small Lycoperdon echinatum have their mycelial networks across her back, and take root there when not in flight; a number of smaller fruiting bodies are sprouting as well, though these have not yet developed.
Height: 4'5”
Weight: 190lbs
Age: 144

Quick Background: Yuggtmoy was the last viable offspring of a clan of true breeding Oreads known as the Gemerfolken. Seen as a bad omen from birth, she was fully rejected by her clan when she opted for a study of the natural world over their traditional mining career, or even her formal training as an appraiser.

She wandered the Darklands alone for 53 years; during that time, she consumed a nearly-lethal dosage of Pluteus cyanopus, and was inducted by what she calls the "Mother-Spore" into the Druidic path during the ensuing three month long hallucinogenic trip.

Finally, she stumbled upon the Foehammer clan, who knew nothing of the Gemerfolken and cared little for her "sins." After getting past her strange appearance, the clan recognized the value of her fungal knowledge, and they adopted her as their kin, making her the clan's principal mushroom farmer.

Here and here are a few of the species growing on her; I'll have a nice pretty (and full) list as well, if I make it in time.

While a responsible Druid would never just grow semi-sentient fungi to float through areas and set off traps...

I'm also taking a drawback; I saw the question posed, but didn't note a response. If you want, I'll drop it (and the trait gained, which in this case would be Surface Stranger).

Sporocystian here. I have to finish some work today, so the equipment, spells, and fluff'll have to wait a few hours, as well as the specifics of the two Puffballs.

1d8 ⇒ 4

Two questions for the GM: one, can an Oread replace the Stonecunning racial granted from Dwarf-Blooded with an alternate racial trait from the Dwarf list?

Second: Can I have the Dwarven language for free (using the "retraining" rules means I'd be paying 200gp for the language of the people I was born into)? I'll drop a skill for a point in Linguistics if necessary.