Yogo Junzo's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Shadow Lodge

This class is very splashable. 1 lvl in Bloodrager with the divine bloodline gives you good aligned attacks that do 1d6 damage to evil outsiders. Very useful for a frontline. I'm looking at a Brawler/Bloodrager right now.

Shadow Lodge

The Pale King wrote:
Looks like a much more interesting version of the class, can't wait to try it out. Metamixing is by far my favorite exploit.

the reduced amount of spells per day really hurt. The limit on the pool for points as exploits keep that powered down as well. Not sure I would like this as a class since you end up shooting a crossbow a lot in combat. If it went back to capping at 5 spells per day at each level it would still be great.

Basically you are trading the school ability of the wizard for the exploit ability as it stands and making them wait another level for higher level spells than all the other prepared casters