Yannick Ziener's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 3 posts (17 including aliases). 15 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade 2/5

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In case any person from Munich or the greater munich area didn't realize: A monthly con happens, organized by the team over at https://doder.org, most important infos can also be found at http://www.rollenspieltreffen.de/.

I am currently trying to run a Pathfinder 1e Society mission there every month, sign-ups happen over at doder.org, but I also create a public event 2 weeks in advance every time, so people can find it. In case you live in Munich and didn't know of this, be sure to check it out!

Message me in case you have questions, either here or via E-Mail (PFSYannickZiener@gmx.de) or over at doder.org, my username there is Darius. So you have many options to reach me, be sure you do, so we can wake up the sleeping Society scene of Munich.

Silver Crusade 2/5


I have been messaged by our local store to DM at a Tabletop event called "Spielwiesn". After asking them they said they would like if my game would not go longer than 1.5-2 hours and be suitable for all ages, meaning not too gory.
OF COURSE I want to spread the magic of the Society, so I was wondering what I should play that fulfills these requirements.
I was thinking "House of Harmonious Wisdom", play the beginning and then one of the middle parts, when they leave say "if you wanna play more, E-Mails me at X, that way we can stay in contact and finish the story with other people interested", but I feel like that would result in many people leaving my table with a feeling of not having fulfilled their mission... I was looking further and found "The Silverhex Chronicles". From what I read, this is a "series of six Quests", but it sounds like they all need to be played for credit as well? I was unsure about that.
Finally I found "Ambush in Absalom", which is a single quest of 1 hour (if it takes less than the given time, that's fine, just more than 2 hours isn't fine). Ambush in Absalom seemed like it would be perfect, but om Paizo.com I always have one event open on my Organized Play area to check on things and was not able to find this Quest when "reporting" the event. Is Ambush in Absalom not reportable?

Anything, from answers to my questions to recommendations, is welcome,
thanks a bunch!


So i just ran the PFS scenario 9-21, In The Grandmasters Name. While this question came up specifically while running it, it is a general question for future DMing as well.
In the scenario it states "To convince Emilio that they are agents of Grandmaster Torch, the PCs must succeed at at least two of the following checks: a DC 19 Disguise check, a DC 19 Bluff check, or a DC 11 Linguistics check to present forged identification documents".
For me this implies that the PCs need to forge these documents if they want to succeed at the linguistics check beforehand or hidden away from Emilio's eyes. A player of mine (our main DM) said that the wording implies that the checks can all be attempted, since there is no word of any prerequisites for it.

What is your take on it? This would be the deciding factor between 1 and 2 prestige points