Harrowed Summoning

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Organized Play Member. 88 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

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So; I have a new one to add.


Not really much to add beyond that.

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VonDien wrote:
In our Kingmaker campaign my Inquisitor came to possess a Instant Fortress, and when the time came for our group to have a show down with the lich giant Vordakin I DROPPED THE FORTRESS ON HIM! A crit was rolled, near max damage insued and that's how my inquisitor "Wizard of Oz'd" the lich!

Sweet! I did that to a Vampire once; sent him flying like Team Rocket on a bad day. (It was funny, because that same Vampire kept coming back, and we kept 1-Hit-KO'ing him).

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So, I just wanted to share this; this happened during our game Saturday.

Our Kasatha Bloodrager, Nositelnev, introduced us to an old friend of his. He's always been one of the more quiet ones, at least until we get into combat, and then he just smashes anything that isn't a party member, or a tree.

But then he introduced us to his friend, who is also his mount. His name is Gargaragaragara (Gar, for short). He is an awakened, Mighty, Giant Hamster with white Dragon scale barding.

Uh, wait, What!?

He also possess a spell-like ability, a GM'd "Skyward Teleport"; essentially teleports him anywhere that isn't on the ground. This mean that when he first shows up, he seems to fall out of the sky!

The introduction goes something like this; "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Gar..." *Very swiftly mounts his hamster, points eastward Excitedly* "WE RIDE!!!!!" *Whoosh*.

Hope someone got a laugh out of that. While we're on the subject, what's the funniest, yet most random thing you've seen in a campaign?

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My advice; get input from both the parents AND the kids about what they'd LIKE to see, then tailor it accordingly. At the very least, keep it PG-13 rated at worst, PG at best.

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Owen KC Stephens wrote:
Bob_Loblaw wrote:
I would love to see you continue the 7 Deadly Sins feats that you started. I would love to see that continued with 7 Heavenly Virtues.

I DO keep meaning to finish the drafts for the feat to round out the collection that currently has Gluttony, Lust, and Pride. I'll try to prioritize those.

And Heavenly feats? Neat idea!


So the standard Heavenly Virtues are Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, and Prudence. If some of those don't work or need to be swapped w/ something else, then maybe Humility, Virtue, Knowledge, Patience, and Diligence could be alternatives.

That would be SO AWESOME!!!

[Edit]: By the way, have you made anything in the way of force magic? I'm looking for some new force-magic options.

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TheOddGoblin wrote:
Leaning moreso towards being the dragon rider not the dragon myself, ideally with a "combat" build, almost something of an Eldritch Knight type of character but I'm open to suggestions. I want my familiar-dragon to be a potent combat ally but I'm open to ideas.

I basically did this with my first Character; a Summoner with an Eidolon that I built into a flying, mount of death with a lightning bolt for a ranged attack. At higher levels you can even use spells to summon a dragon.

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TwoRefined wrote:

I'm in a program called "Job Corps" which is basically a taxpayer funded technical training... thing. We mostly don't have to worry about homework at all, which is why I have so much free time to run it like I do. We tend to meet several times a week, especially during the weekend. How would you guys advise handling players that frequently don't show up with no explanation?

I haven't DM'd before, but I am working on a campaign and I've been in several already. Sometimes (and I've done this for myself from time to time), you can create a in-game explanation for why the character is gone today. Maybe he/she went to run an errand, or went to check on their business, or they suffer from a sickness that results in them falling asleep for hours on end on the back of their horse. Stuff like that can make for amusing situations.

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If you are allowed, I find that any creature/character with the Alacritous Template (+2 CR) from the Advanced Bestiary Guide has the potential to be VERY overpowered. Double all base speeds? Two standard actions every other round? Yehaw!

This one is very good for Fighters and other melee combatants in particular; is gives all but one of the feats necessary for the Whirlwind Attack feat (you'd just need to add combat expertise). Beef him up with lots of str and dex, and you've got yourself a smasher!

Adding a Keen Katana or Scimitar into the mix also helps; 15-20 critical threat range.

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Allow me to speak as someone who has been on the receiving end of a Mountain Lions claw;
The injuries I got from that were two cuts, and a broken leg.
That thing hit me hard enough to break my leg. So, with that unique perspective in mind, I tend to agree with Paizo on this one.