Xzoltar's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Persistent Abjuration : Like it ass it can be used but in a Defensive and Offensive way. You dispel the bad guys, he can't buff again with the same spell. You dispel a bad effect on a ally and he can't be Debuffed again with the same spell. Seem balanced at level 10.

Contained Conjuration : I see enough restriction to prevent most Abuses. Checking at the Conjuration spell list, I don't foresee much problem with this. The 1 minute before becoming Inert seem a bit restrictive and in my game I will start at 10 minutes, but could even go up to 1 hour. Or that could be another feat that improved this one plus give another minor ability. 10 minutes will also match most othe School Feats that can be used every 10 minutes.

Supplement Illusion : I have to reread this feat several time to understand, I was searching for Illusion spell with a duration of Visual manifestation ? Now I understand, but sitll I think you have too much room for interpretation as Invisibility is a kind of visual manifestation, same with Veil, Hallucinatory Terrain, etc. Not sure about this one.

Clairvoyant Divination : Lot of Tactical choice depending on the action you decide to do. I like this even if it has a bit of complexity for some players. I just don't find that the Condition and Benefits really match. You cast a Divination spell on an ally then make him drink a potion and after that you cast divination faster ? Same for some others conditions/benefits.

Draining Necromancy : That's like lowering their Maximum Hit Points, a kind of minor drain level or Anti-Healing effect ? Not bad but lot of Necromancy spell don't deal damage and most Necromancer won't focus on inflicting damage.

Subversive Enchantment : Not sure this will be of much use in a lot of campaign, as often its Dungeon Crawl rather than Politics, but that's fitting. I guess other than the target they know it's you that cast the spell. Do the target have a roll to make to believe their allies ?

Recoil Evocation : For most spells it seem to make sense. That's a Tactical move. Does it interact normally with Difficult Terrain ? What about Attack of Opportunity ?

Altering Transmutation : Seem balanced by the penalty it provide. Still a potet ability with a lot of Polymorph spell that just want to make you better Physically anyway

I find that dedication spellcasting is already pretty generous, you gain 2 slots vs 3 for a Full Caster in exchange for a 5 feats. If you don't want full spellcasting you can stop taking feats. Giving more than 2 spell slot seem too much considering True Caster now have 3-4 spell slots

Even in past editions Half-Caster like Ranger and Paladin get their spell at level 4+, so you can still mimic that by taking Cleric or Druid Dedication feats,

If one of my player ask for this, this is how I will balance thoses feats. Your trading 6 feats instead of 5 feats for a faster progression but less spellcasting overall. This seem a little weak.

- Hybrid Dedication [level 1] : You gain 2 Cantrips and 1 Trained Skill

- Basic Hybrid Spellcasting [level 2] : You gain 1 spell slot of level 1 and gain a second spell slot at level 12.

- Least Hybrid Spellcasting [level 4] : You gain 2 spell slot of level 1 and gain a second spell slot at level 14.

- Lesser Hybrid Spellcasting [level 6] : You gain 3 spell slot of level 1 and gain a second spell slot at level 16.

- Expert Hybrid Spellcasting [level 8] : You gain 4 spell slot of level 1 and gain a second spell slot at level 18.

Master Hybrid Spellcasting [level 10] : You gain 5 spell slot of level 1 and gain a second spell slot at level 20.

Another way to do it, that I think is still balanced without overshadowing True Caster will be 4 feats like normal but your trading spells of level 6 for a faster progression

- Hybrid Dedication [level 2] : One Trained Skill and One Minor Boon depending on the Hybrid Class.

- Basic Hybrid Spellcasting [level 2] : You gain 2 Cantrips. You also gain One spell slot of level 1 and gain a second spell slot at level 12.

- Expert Hybrid Spellcasting [level 4] : At level 4 you gain One spell slot of level 2 and gain a second 4th level spell slot at level 14. At level 6 you gain one spell slot of level 3 and gain a second 3rd level spell slot at level 16.

- Master Hybrid Spellcasting [level 8] : At level 8 you gain a spell slot of level 4 and gain a second 4th level spell slot at level 18. At level 10 you gain One spell slot of level 5 and gain a second 5th level spell slot at level 20.

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Sorry about that, I was just using the search feature on Archives of Nethys but used to bad keyword.

My list was bad, but can't edit, so here's the good list :

0 : Dancing Lights, Forbidding Ward, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1 : Appearance of Wealth, Magic's Vessel, Protective Ward, Summon Animal, Summon Construct, Summon Fey, Summon Plant or Fungus, Unseen Servant, Word of Truth
2 : Calm Emotions, Flaming Sphere, Hideous Laughter, Illusory Creature, Spiritual Weapon, Summon Elemental
3 : Enthrall, Hypnotic Pattern, Locate, Mind Reading
4 : Competitive Edge, Dread Aura, Protector's Sphere, Tireless Worker
5 : Drop Dead, Mind Probe, Prying Eye, Spiritual Guardian, Summon Celestial, Summon Dragon, Summon Entity, Summon Fiend, Summon Giant, Telekinetic Haul
6 : Field of Life, Mislead, Scrying, Vibrant Pattern
7 : Duplicate Foe, Ethereal Jaunt, Project Image, Retrocognition
8 : Antimagic Field, Divine Aura, Impaling Briars, Maze, Punishing Winds, Scintillating Pattern
9 : Implosion, Storm Lord, Storm of Vengeance, Unfathomable Song
10 : Gate, Revival

Now I see much stronger options of spell, like Forbidding Ward who become a quite useful Cantrip. I see some that could be quite powerful but that start at a high level of play and for now I haven't played that high. However with so few spell per day from each spell level they need to be potent, so pretty sure it would be fine. Im gonna still try with the Free Sustain, else it could just be a Feat or make the restriction you can only sustain automacitly spell of 2 level lower than the highest you can cast, so no Free Sustain Implosion or Gate.

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To have an idea of how strong is giving One Free Sustain Action each round, we need to know the spells affected :

- Cantrips : Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights
- Focus 1 : Goodberry, Appearance of Wealth
- Spell 3 : Enthrall
- Spell 4 : Blink
- Spell 5 : Spiritual Guardian
- Spell 7 : Duplicate Foe
- Spell 8 : Divine Aura
- Spell 9 : Unfathomable Song

Some spells ike Blink, Divine Aura, Duplicate Foe and Enthrall become more powwerful, but from this spell list nothing seem to be overpowered by that change. The concern I may have is future spells who could become much stronger, but for now, I will adopt that House Rules in my campaign

Here's a Sample Character :

https://drive.google.com/file/d/10TTblt8GvwJqeXByzFqLMeG3OeBEVcEx/view?usp= sharing

This is a Class that demand a good preparation, as your Character Sheet can have severals pages. This sample show only 1 of more than 100 combinaison possible at level one. We have use this class in the past editions and usually the player create a statblock or character sheet only for the combinaison he already have used or plan to use in the incoming session.

This is a Work in Progress of my take on the Factotum for Pathfinder 2nd edition.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/10PRaj7AGRR2YDie1L-IokaOo_O1CQBUX/view?usp= sharing

The Feedback im seeking :

- How do the different Factotum Path compare to each other ?
- Do you have any Idea of higher ability for the Polymath Path ?
- Theurgy is it a good idea or having power that not even other class have is a bad game design ? The inspiration that you know about two different topic and improved on both be fusing them together sound a good Factotum thing.

The whole document is 27 pages but much more incomplete and higher level have not yet been tested enough, so I give you few pages to be able to judge a part of it.

We have keep the notion of Short and Extended Rest in our game. Consider that after a night rest that's like an Extended Rest for the purpose of the Aptitude Focus ability.

Thanks for the Feedback

P.S. I usually speak and write in French, so I know there's a lot of grammar error in the document and I appologize for that

Changeling, Illumian and Elan because they are all a big part of our world campaign, so guess I will have to Homebrew them when the final version of PF2 is out

From paizo I would say Changeling, Nagaji, Drow (will certainly be a feat), Planetouched (guess Tiefling and Asasimar could be feats too)

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In our playtest, nobody really wanted to play Sorcerer over Wizard or Cleric, So we made three change : Remove the limitation on Spontaneous Heightening, Sorcerer can Heightened each spells they know normally. They must choose a Power Source depending on their bloodline, but they have access to spell from each spell list to choose from. They have the same number of Class Feats as the wizard.

Bloodline Power are already heightened, sorcerer have their spell know as well as the spells form their bloodline. More skills and martial ability (even if weak), With theses change I think Sorcerer are stronger, but I dont mind currently as I usually only have multiclass arcane caster in my game anyway, so good chance the player who will chose to play Sorcerer will choose something like Fighter as multiclass archetype...