Xzoltar |
This is a Work in Progress of my take on the Factotum for Pathfinder 2nd edition.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/10PRaj7AGRR2YDie1L-IokaOo_O1CQBUX/view?usp= sharing
The Feedback im seeking :
- How do the different Factotum Path compare to each other ?
- Do you have any Idea of higher ability for the Polymath Path ?
- Theurgy is it a good idea or having power that not even other class have is a bad game design ? The inspiration that you know about two different topic and improved on both be fusing them together sound a good Factotum thing.
The whole document is 27 pages but much more incomplete and higher level have not yet been tested enough, so I give you few pages to be able to judge a part of it.
We have keep the notion of Short and Extended Rest in our game. Consider that after a night rest that's like an Extended Rest for the purpose of the Aptitude Focus ability.
Thanks for the Feedback
P.S. I usually speak and write in French, so I know there's a lot of grammar error in the document and I appologize for that