
Xavilon Starnon's page

234 posts. Organized Play character for Zinou.

Dark Archive

After a hurried summons to the Grand Lodge in Absalom, a quick conversation with Venture-Captain Alissa Moldreserva, and a wet, stormy trip across the Inner Sea to Andoran, the small, warm Pathfinder Lodge in Augustana is a welcome break from travel. “I can’t believe we are wasting our time on this matter,” says Caudron Wallace, the venture-captain of Augustana, as he paces the main hall. “Frankly, I want as little to do with it as possible, so I’m passing it on to you.”

Wallace nods toward a door at the back of the room. “The vagrant through there was found collapsed on our front steps gripping a wayfinder of all things. We still don’t know who he is. Talk to him, for the tale he tells is amazing if true, and then come back here.”

As you enter the adjoining room, a grizzled old man with long, matted hair awakes from his slumber. The stench emanating from him is quite offensive. Yet, as he address you, he holds himself as if he were your superior in every way.

“My loyal subjects, welcome! I know that some of you might not recognize me in my current state, but it is truly me, Gandros, the long-lost Prince of Augustana. I have been in hiding since the untimely death of my father, the Emperor, preparing for my return to glory. Unfortunately, I bear ill news. The army I have been gathering in the otherworld has been infiltrated by agents of our enemies. When last I called my forces together for inspection, dark assassins attacked me and I barely escaped with my life.”

The old man pauses to roll up the sleeve of his arm to show off the scars on his right arm. He then continues, ignoring all attempts at interruption.

“I fled back through the magic portal to this realm. Grievously wounded, and with the assassins in close pursuit, I leapt into the dark river. I floated past the Almsman’s Sanctuary, but couldn’t climb out of the water. I did manage to grab one of the bridges, but a plank fell in with me. I held on for dear life and continued to drift downstream. I went over a waterfall and then emerged in the lake of ships and crawled to shore. Augustana has changed since I last walked my city’s bright streets, but I managed to find this house, bearing the symbol of my father’s empire.” He holds up the wayfinder hanging from a chain around his neck. “I knew I would find help here! If you remove the threat from my kingdom below and help restore me to my rightful place as Emperor of Andoran, I will grant you any boon within my power!”

Please introduce your characters and feel free to ask any questions

Dark Archive

Hello everyone,
Please dot in the gameplay thread, copy/paste here your character infos and fill the infos on the slides.

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:

Anything special I should know about your character?

Dark Archive

Thread open so you can dot in.

Dark Archive

Astronomers have marveled as the famous comet Aucturn's Tear once more soars through the solar system, yet this cycle, strange portals have begun opening on each planet the comet passes, and a powerful entity trapped on the other side of these gateways desperately calls for help. To the Pathfinder Society, this is a once-in-a-human-lifetime opportunity to discover what lies through these portals—and either free the captive trapped within or ensure that it remains sealed forever.

Hello everyone to my table, everyone!

The Cosmic Captive scenario is a multi-table interactive adventure in which each group's actions contribute to the entire room's success.

The adventure will then begin the 9th of June 2017!

Please check in and provide the usual:

Player Name or alias:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Any boon or specialty you use with your character that I should be aware of?

I like to keep my games moving so I'll ask you to post once a day and to say if, for whatever reasons, you can't do so. Thank you! :)

Please report your perception and initiative modifiers in the second slide of the handouts.

Dark Archive

Open so you can dot in.

Dark Archive

Shrouded in thick fog, the shifting Gloomspires north of the Shackles have long frustrated explorers. However, a recent discovery by the Pathfinder Society has revealed a brief opportunity to navigate the columns safely and search for the lost treasure of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers. The only problem is that the Pathfinders are not the only visitors to the Gloomspires.

Welcome everyone! Please check in and provide the usual:

Player Name or alias:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Any boon or specialty you use with your character that I should be aware of?

I like to keep my games moving so I'll ask you to post once a day and to say if, for whatever reasons, you can't do so. Thank you! :)

Please report your perception and initiative modifiers in the second slide of the handouts.

Dark Archive

Open so you can dot in.

Dark Archive


The metropolis of Absalom promotes commerce in its many forms, and although slavery is legal, it is increasingly common for citizens to frown on the institution. The practice becomes more questionable when an ally of the Pathfinder Society traces an attempt at supernatural surveillance through a slave. Sent as independent sleuths, the PCs must track down the source of this espionage, which takes them deep into underbelly of one of Absalom’s darkest industries.

Content in “Slave Ships of Absalom” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Liberty’s Edge and Sovereign Court factions.

Welcome everyone! Please check in and provide the usual:

Player Name or alias:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Any boon or specialty you use with your character that I should be aware of?

I like to keep my games moving so I'll ask you to post once a day and to say if, for whatever reasons, you can't do so. Thank you! :)

Dark Archive

Open for dotting!

Dark Archive

Blurb wrote:

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament is nigh, and organizations and individuals throughout the Inner Sea are scrambling to secure a spot in the legendary Tian fighting competition, among them the Pathfinder Society. In an underground qualifier event overseen by an enigmatic old monk and his oni spokesman, the Pathfinders must overcome the opposition to ensure the Society can send representatives to distant Goka to compete in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament itself. Battles will rage and blood will flow under the streets of Absalom, and only the greatest combatants will emerge victorious.

Hello everyone to my table, everyone!

Before anything, please keep in mind these informations:

Shifteous Ninja wrote:

General infos:

* Kick off date will be the morning of Friday 13th of January (Sydney, Australia time). The Scenario will then run at a conversion rate of 5 mins/day until completion, which should run around 6 weeks. Please be aware that PbP Multi Tables run at a fairly brisk pace, and players (and GMs) will need to bear that in mind and schedule accordingly.

* The main aim is to have fun, however bear in mind that this is a challenging scenario that is delivered at a brisk pace by design, so bring both a sense of humour and a bit of flexibility :)

* Yes, there will be boons.

* Normal PFS rules apply, and both ‘classic’ and ‘core’ tables are available.
* The event will take place on the Paizo Boards, with one MythWeavers table.
* Please ensure you clarify any other customs and practices with your table GM.
* If you encounter any problems or have any concerns please let your GM know ASAP, alternatively I’m just an inbox away.

* You may only register and play at one table.
* If your desired tier is full, either choose another tier to play OR jump on the waitlist and I will see what can be done. I have some unallocated tables aside for this purpose.
* There will be a dedicated Overseer announcement thread.
* IF there is a requirement, you MAY be moved to a new table to help it become/remain legal for play. I tend to go with 'last in, first moved'.

So, we'll play in classic mode, in tier 3-4. You signed up with the current composition but I'm of course ok for you to change if you wish to.

A few informations from my part now. As some of you already know, I live in Europe and it may matter in a timed event like this one. DM Beckett already kindly contacted me to let me know of some unexpected absence. I may have some as well during the end of January as I'll be presenting my thesis before the jury at that time. Please let me know if you plan to have an absence or if anything unexpected happens. :)

This special is different than those you may have already played in the past, since it's the first one of them.

The adventure will then begin the 13th of January 2016!

What I need from you is to write here the character you will use and his/her details.

Player Name or alias:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Any boon or specialty you use with your character that I should be aware of?

Dark Archive

This will be where we'll continue the discussion about the game. :)

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–11.

At long last, the Pathfinder Society has reassembled the Numerian device known as the Sky Key. Initial tests suggest it is capable of projecting a location’s past into the present, allowing Society agents to peruse books from destroyed libraries and speak with echoes of long-dead heroes. Now that it has perfected the Sky Key’s controls, the Pathfinder Society is prepared to extract a slice of Absalom’s history and bring it into the present; however, there’s no telling what might be waiting inside—or who in the present might wish to wield the same power.

Written by Crystal Frasier.


I'll be running the special scenario The Sky Key Solution for the 5th PbP Gameday. The game will run from August 27th to October 11th.

This specific table will be a tier 1-2, which means that the APL needs to be within this level range.

Since this is a timed scenario ran across multiple tables, I will expect at least one post a day for each participant, in order to keep up with the other tables.

Please post below with your applying character, including level and class. Please also make sure that the character you apply with will be available from August 27th to October 11th.

I'll need the usual:
Player Name (or alias):
Character Name:
Dayob if applicable:
Email: You can pm it to me if you want or put it in a spoiler.
Specialty: Anything special I should know, a boon, a game mechanic that you use, etc.

Dark Archive

Open for dotting purposes.

Dark Archive

Welcome everyone! Please check in and provide the usual:

Player Name (or alias):
Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job Roll:


I like to keep my games moving so I'll ask you to post once a day and to say if, for whatever reasons, you can't do so. Thank you!

I'll hope you'll enjoy the game as much as I did when I played it :D

Grand Lodge

Ouvert pour que vous puissiez doter avec vos personnages :) Je fais juste du blabla avant de commencer pour de vrai.

"Mahaha! Alors, qu'est-ce que j'vous sert?"

Cet homme barbu s'accoude à votre table et son haleine chargée emplit l'air. L'air épais de la taverne dans laquelle vous vous trouvez depuis une demi-heure commence déjà à vous manquer. L'homme semble effectivement attendre une réponse de votre part.

Silver Crusade

Dad (theologian) 4 |

Hello à tous,
Je vous propose de maîtriser une de ces deux campagnes:
- Carrion Crown

En très rapide, il s'agit d'une campagne en Ustalav, pays remplis de morts-vivants. Vous pouvez trouver des infos en français ici.

- Reign of Winter

En très rapide, il s'agit d'une campagne dans le grand Nord. Plus d'infos en français ici.

Dark Archive

Zinou's Shades of Ice Trilogy (#2-15,17 and 19)
Events number: 70594, 70595 and 70596

Welcome everyone! Please check in and provide the usual:

PFS #:
Player Name (or alias):
Character Name:
Day Job Roll:


Dark Archive

Open for dotting purposes.

Dark Archive

You are awaiting your briefing.

Dark Archive

[PBP Gameday IV] Zinou's Among the Living (#0-07)
Event number: 65492

The game will begin soon. Please check in and provide the usual:

PFS #:
Character Name:
Day Job Roll:

Dark Archive

It begins as a rumor, a fairy tale. In the ghettos of an unforgiving city, a child of an ethnic minority—unpopular even in his homeland—hears tales of a city without judgment. In the glow of a burning palace, a disgraced noble begs his advisers for a place to disappear.
In the dank mud of the forest, hiding from the guard’s hounds, thieves whisper of a city without laws, without sanctions or pursuit.
This is always the way.
They come, alone or in caravans, to the foot of the great cliff and stare up at the city walls above, eight stories tall and broken by a thousand doors and windows. They pass through the gateless tangle of beggars and schemers and emerge into a city of contrasts: perpetual twilight inside
its hollow, sheltering walls, the endless noise of crowds and hawkers at its center. They enter—the pilgrims and refugees, fugitives and opportunists—and are seen, and
are just as quickly forgotten. As one, they are enveloped and disappear, vanishing into the patchwork populace and melding with it—just a few more faces in a city that long since quit noticing them.
A city of outcasts. A city of strangers.
Welcome to Kaer Maga.

The first thing a traveler to Kaer Maga sees is the cliff. Towering 3,000 feet high in places and never dipping below a thousand, carved with the faces and forms of vanished kings and gods the Storval Rise neatly bisects the frontier land of Varisia along a massive tectonic fault line, separating the lush lowlands of the coast from the arid and pitiless badlands of the Storval Plateau. Stark and forbidding, these rocky bluffs are unclimbable by all but the most daring, leading those who seek passage out of the civilized lands to ascend carefully along the edge of the Yondabakari River, which cuts a channel through the stone, or else to turn north and head straight for Kaer Maga itself, hoping to brave the legendary Half light Path.

From a distance, Kaer Maga appears to be an enormous outcropping of gleaming, white stone extending straight up from the cliff ’s edge, its 80-foot-high walls forming a seamless, six-sided ring and its squared-off skyline broken only by a cluster of towers and minarets at the south end. Upon closer inspection, however, the great walls are revealed to be riddled with holes at every level, doors and windows carved by its residents. From these random entrances hang knotted ropes and ladders, cargo nets and winch-operated dumbwaiters, which residents use to come and go without a second thought—even children swing stories above the ground and scamper carelessly across makeshift landings. While several gated entrances at ground level are big enough for carts to pass through unhindered, most newcomers enter through a vast break in the walls where some unknown force shattered the stone in ages past. And within this breach, generations of Kaer Maga’s poorest residents have made their homes in the most literal sense. A high rise of wooden scaffolding and temporary structures towers almost as tall as the walls themselves, shack on top of shanty in a hodgepodge of scaffolding and scrap lumber its interior a maze known only to its inhabitants who live arborealy on planks and nets in a shantytown of vast proportions. This is the Warren.

You arrive as a group in the city and the adventure will begin as you drink a pint in an inn. Just dot in and make yourself comfortable in the inn. Roger, the innkeep, has a french accent and comes towards you with a bright smile.

Dark Archive

[PBP Gameday IV] Zinou's Godsmouth Heresy
Event number: 65492

The game will begin soon. Please check in and provide the usual:

  • PFS #:
  • Character Name:
  • Day Job Roll:
  • Faction:
  • Initiative:
  • Perception:

Dark Archive

You are awaiting your mission's briefing.

Dark Archive

Mustering will begin here. Please check in and provide the usual:

PFS #:
Character Name:
Day Job Roll:

Dark Archive

The Pathfinder Society has opened its gates to visitors from across the world in anticipation of the Grand Convocation, a magnificent festival in which Pathfinders share tales of their exploits, show off their findings, and celebrate the Society’s accomplishments. However, an inopportune accident quickly spirals out of control when an old enemy attempts a brazen assault on the Pathfinders’ home, and an unexpected foe emerges from hiding to seek vengeance for the Society’s perceived crimes. Can the Pathfinders pacify the chaos and protect their guests while simultaneously defending the Grand Lodge?

Dear Pathfinders, the adventure will begin the 5th of November 2015.
What I need from you is to write here the character you will use and his/her details.

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Any boon or specialty you use with your character that I should be aware of?

Dark Archive

Serpent dot!

Dark Archive

6-97 Rise of the Serpents (1-11) recruitment for PbP Gameday IV.
The tier we will play in is not defined yet. If there are too much applicants, I will run a lottery.

Dark Archive

You may dot in and introduce your character.

Silver Crusade

Dad (theologian) 4 |
