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My summoner with the Leadership feat counts the eidolon against his score.

Rationale behind this is simple, the core rule book was written before the summoner ever existed. Maybe some day they'll get around to including a mention in the text, but it is clear that an eidolon should be treated as a "familiar, special mount, or animal companion".

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While it was not Pathfinder specific, since Pathfinder was just a gleam in Paizo's eye when we were writing it, d20 Dawning Star by Blue Devil Games included a solar system, which you can sample with this free product:

Go to Dawning Star.

That extract comes from Helios Rising, a much bigger book.

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I would say Wall of Iron would be suitable for creating the walls of a building or fortress. Not necessarily a pretty or long lasting building, but maybe if you wedge it between 2 walls of stone, it'll hold up better?

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I hope the brawler beats up the monk and takes his stuff.

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Initially I passed this feat up without much thought, but as I've gotten more familiar with the mythic rules and gained another tier, I've been looking closer at this feat.

The text:

Your mythic power is even more potent than that of most other mythic beings.
Benefit: Your tier is considered 2 higher for determining the potency of mythic abilities, feats, and spells. This doesn't grant you access to mythic abilities or greater versions of mythic spells at a lower tier than you would normally need to be to get them, nor does it grant you additional uses of mythic power or adjust the dice you roll for your surge.

What does this affect, particularly what is a mythic ability? It is not defined in the glossary.

The chart titled: Base Mythic Abilities does use the term, so let's look closer at what that does for us.

Gaining your first tier provides the mythic power (points) that we expend to fuel various abilities and references your tier in determining how much power you have to spend. However, the text from the feat clearly states you don't get additional uses. Besides, another feat handles that.

The surge ability is also affected by tier, but again the feat says it doesn't work for it and again separate feats exist to boost the surge.

So we go to tier 2.

Amazing Initiative references your tier, so it seems we have our first mythic paragon use. At tier 2 with mythic paragon we'd be adding 4 to our initiative.

Without wasting space, none of the remaining abilities from the Base Mythic Abilities chart seem to be affected by the mythic paragon feat.


Arcane Shield, Command Undead, Improved Trip, Two-Weapon fighting and any number of other feats would seem to benefit from mythic paragon.

Of particular interest to me is combining mythic paragon with mythic spell lore. While you can take the mythic spell lore feat multiple times, getting even more mythic spells is better.

So, the feats portion of what mythic paragon does seems the easiest to determine.

But what about the spell portion of the feat?

Animate Dead, Globe of Invulnerability, Saving Finale, and Wall of Ice would seem to be some of the spells that benefit from Mythic Paragon. Each spell requires reading the text to determine whether it benefits or not.

That leaves us with what is arguably the best parts of being mythic. Are path features, such as Absorb Blow and Fleet Charge affected by mythic paragon? What about abilities like Enduring Armor, Throw Spell, Adamantine Mind, or Divine Source?

Ex. The spell-like abilities granted by Divine Source would be up to level 5, if taken at 3rd level with mythic paragon.

I'd love to apply mythic paragon to Absorb Blow, Divine Source, etc, but the phrase may apply to specific things which are not explicitly explained.

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Aleron wrote:

I forgot to list something important for Samael (the summoner) in mine...

I was just about to say, 'hey wait a minute, it doesn't work like that' but then I noticed you said Sustained by Faith.

My summoner took Mythic Sustenance, which isn't quite as good, but my path isn't hierophant.

But it eliminated the need for Waterbreathing or Waterwalking spells.

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Is this a campaign that revolves around micromanaging things like soap?

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I'll let others provide you the stats, though I'd suggest a summoner (non-synthesist since the action economy is what you want to control).

But one simple thing is to stop with the 5 page long backstory. Not even 1 page. A couple sentences, not written down, just off the top of your head if anybody asks is all you need.

Your DM will have no story in order to weave into his own. You can make decisions based on the situation at hand and what you anticipate might be fun for you.

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Our group is comprised, right now, of all casters. We have a wizard, sorcerer, cleric, druid, and summoner.

You would think that somebody would remember definitions like caster level, spell resistance and penetration, concentration checks, etc.

But we don't. I play the summoner and rarely need to worry about any of these things, plus I'm busy taking notes. The wizard player's memory is so horrible he can't remember things he was told earlier in the same session. Don't know what the sorcerer's problem is. The cleric and druid are quiet or not. The DM says look it up only if we all sit around scratching our heads wondering who's right.

Can anyone point out a file that someone else might have created for similar situations, or maybe an app since the DM and a couple players use ipads/laptops, or pdf?

It isn't a big deal, but I know sometimes we get it wrong.