White Estrid

Wulfgith daughter of Wulf's page

366 posts. Alias of Timeskeeper.


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Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

So, I hate to say this (Even more so when it is to both of Tareth's games that get hit) but with no real end in sight I'm sadly doing this to my faster moving games. I just can't keep up with the when I'm likely only able to get on once a week.

Thus I think it is time to finally admit it myself that I need to step out of them so I don't hold up a spot for someone else...

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"I can but try." Wulfgith said with a small shrug. "However, my mother is an elf..." She added with a mutter before she dismounted and moved to knock on the panel to be polite.

"Sir please, we're not here to hurt you." Wulfgith called, "just, set out and speak with us?"

Persuasion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

That is a no...

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Hey Queen! Nice to see you again!

Though I'm not around as often as normal. I've had some family things come up so I'm like... here and there....

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"I know I did." Wulfgith said honestly. "Though to be fair we believe hobbits where just tales. I thought that till I met Doderic for the first time. He got a good laugh from that." She added.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Wulfgith gave a gunt of pain as the blade bit into her flesh, but she focused on the orc before her and swung her blade.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 3 + (2) = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Wulfgith slashed at the orc before her, driven on by Doderic's words. "I will not fall yet!" The shield maiden decreed as they fought on.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Wulfgith, slightly worried when the hulking creature came to attack relaxed a bit when she knocked the weapon away, but she relaxed more when Doderic joined her. She gave him a small smile before she struck at her brute with the aid of Doderic.

attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
adv: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

So, I got a bit of bad news today, my grandfather is in the hospital. His lung keeps filling with fluid and they found a mass at the bottom. The filling of his lung isn't treatable... and we're not sure about the mass yet. But they have begun to speak about hospice care... his time is limited... So it is very likely I might vanish for a few days, if that be to help take care of him or to be there to say goodbye.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Didn't Doderic get three orcs around him? And he's in the group with him and Thorgrim, and Wulfgith and Hobwise are in a group. Did I get that wrong?

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Seeing Hobwise run off when Doderic was having so much trouble made her sigh. True the other hobbit did have Thorgrim to aid him, doesn't mean he couldn't use an extra had.

"Doderic, deep breath, and have faith in your allies." Wulfgith called to him.

Doderic, have a Warden's gift! d8 to whatever roll you want to use it for!

Then she moved up with Hobwise to slash at the next orc.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I forgot the plan and in my haste to post I didn't do my do diligence, that was my bad! GM ignore the first post please, use this one!

Wulfgith waited beside Hobwise and moved when the arrows rained down upon the orcs.

Longsword attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Advantage: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Wulfgith joined aside Cereidh and Ingold raining arrows down.

Attack 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Attack 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Yes! Welcome back!

Sorry I was gone yesterday, but I'm catching up now! ^_^

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Yes take care of yourself! We'll be here!

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I'm up for that!
Sorry I took the weekend for Valentine's day.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0
Cereidh wrote:
I'm sincerely sorry for ghosting, Paizo locked me out of my account for unknown reasons for awhile??

Either way, welcome back!

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Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Yeah I'm all for killing orcs. They're just... corruption walking. He's right even Tolkien was like "Nah screw them"

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I too agree with the smaller groups at a time. Because we can't see without light! XD

Maybe get one of their small patrols shot with arrows to pull them in like suggested?

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Then, lets do this thing! XD

Take one orcs! What could go wrong?! Lol

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Wow... wasn't expecting that.

At first Wulfgith didn't thing this was the best idea for her. After all she normally came into the fray on horseback. However it seem became easy to see that she was more natural to this than expected.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"But it seems they are heading the same way we are." Wulfgith pointed out.

"It might actually be worth it to deal with them now before they have the time to meet up with more of their kind." Wulfgith said, mostly thinking to herself.

"What do the rest of you think?" She asked the others since Thorgrim had spoken his mind, which never surprised her.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I did not expect to be the hunter! XD

"Thank you, but I think our luck came from how full these fields are." Wulfgith said. "Either way I am glad to know our stomachs won't be keeping us awake."

"Here, let me help Hobwise." She added as she helped him process the rest of the kill, allowing him to instruct her in what he needed done.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 Thank gods! XD

Wulfgith seemed rather shaken from the dream she had... and Thorgrim's words of his own dream did not help.

"Indeed." Wulfgith stated. "Does you conscience not bother you?" She asked alongside Thorgrim's words.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I am! I've been trying to keep up with games through it... didn't work as well as I hoped.

I think it must of been some kind of food poisoning, we tried a new Mexican food place and I guess it didn't go over well...

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"Well... That was... Something that happened." Wulfgith said with a long sigh.

She looked over to Tomas. "Well... What do you think?" She asked the group as a whole.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Likely a fair idea. At least till she can rejoin.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"Dwarf-made?" Wulfgith asked, her voice filled with a bit a surprise as she looked to Doderic with a knowing eye.

"Indeed, a small fortune to start."

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"That was my fault" Wulfgith freely said as she stepped foreword. "I instructed such before learning the full truth of what young Tomas had planned. The lad suffers from that all do at one point in their lives, youth." She stated. "He became too untrusting and till he explained we couldn't trust him to watch our backs when we thought a fight was upon us."

"He will be freed and allowed to make trade as promised." Wulfgith said, as she herself moved to free Tomas. "Tomas, made the trade with your uncle as you have promised, and then all may be allowed to go on their way." She told him.

"If I wanted to fight you Bragha of the Raven Clan, you would know." Wulfgith stated simply. "Many songs are of warriors who faced the Clans of the Hills, fierce in battle and in spirit. But tonight, battle is not what we seek, but to fulfil a promise and make a small form of peace and recognition."

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Insight: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Wulfgith shook her head as she dismounted her horse as a sign of nonaggression. "No, I believe there had been a misunderstanding." She explained as she removed her sword from her hip and tied it to her saddle.

"The merchants where not all aware of who they where trading with, it was only recently been made aware. You have my apologies." She said. "Though it will not undo the damage done."

"Please, make your trade, and we will do the best we can to ensure this ends peacefully." Wulfgith promised.

Then she looked to the others, "Cereidh, could you please try and find Hobwise so that he is made aware of this?"

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Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"Enough!" Wulfgith demanded, still sitting high upon Swiftkiss.

Intimidation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

"Hillmen chose their side, Tomas." Wulfgith told him. "That Harold has correct." She added.

"However," Taking a moment to pause and ensure she had their attention. "the hearts of men are not so wholly converted. Unlike those of elves, who are naturally set in their ways, man is malleable. Often one of a race of men does not fit within the others of their kind." She stated, something of which she knew first hand. "Tomas, you have set up this exchange. Though I do not think it wise, nor do I wish to see it through, should they be civil... I cannot see a reason to spill blood." Wulfgith said to all those present.

"I am a rider of Rohan, we know the hillmen well. However only a fool choses to bring risk of death when a civil way can be taken. Harold I know what you will say but remember, if a fight breaks out we cannot ensure you or your men's survival. If we follow through with the trade a fight should not break out. We will do what we can to ensure you all get out of this alive, and having them leave peacefully is the best way to do it."

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"No gold is easy, there is always some trade off, but that in work, blood, or conscience." Wulfgith told the lady as she narrowed her eyes. "If you shoot that crossbow, you will have more to worry about than those out there." She told him.

"We can hope as we wish Ingold, but let our actions speak for us as well. Let us make our stand and be it through strength, skill, and mind we prevail with lives intact." With that Wulfgith mounted Swiftkiss again. "The wait begins."

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"They're right." Wulfgith said. "We're willing to help defend you but we need to know what we're up against and if any of you can fight. If they get past us you're going to have to defend yourselves till one of us can get to you."

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"To some food is more valuable than gold." Wulfgith pointed out with a shrug. "However I don't think that would be what we're dealing with... Young Tomas may I please see the manifest if I may be so bold?" She requested.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I am not as familiar with 5e as I am Pathfinder. So I cannot say if it would be balanced or fly in the face of some other kind of set up. So I leave it to those who know the system better and of course our GM!

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"You're uha, looking a little more one with the wilds than usual my friend." Wulfgith said with a smirk as she pulled a small thorned twig from Cereidh's hair.

She nodded in agreement with Ingold. "My friends are correct." She told Harold as she threw the branch to the fire. "If our friend Hobwise returns with something or someone, we will be ready." Wulfgith smirked as she looked to Thorgrim and said "If it is simply bandits we can just let you at them Throgrim." She teased, though she did think much of the warrior's strength.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"I was starting to wonder if no one heard my whistle." Wulfgith said to Ingold as he came up and informed them of Hobwise and the others. Though Thorgrim came walking up as well.

"Well this is Thorgrim and Ingold, it seems our other friends Cereidh and Hobwise might be on the trail of something." Wulfgith told the merchants.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"Aye I think it is time they join us." Wulfgith said before she put her fingers to her lips and whistled loudly to signal to the others. "There are a fair few of us so I hope you don't mind." Wulfgith said with a small chuckle.

Insight: 1d20 ⇒ 3

"If I might be so bold, why are you our here?" Wulfgith asked. "My only guess is that you're traveling to make sales but I'm not as familiar with this area so I cannot say if that is normal." Wulfgith commented with a roll of her shoulders.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I'mma give Doderic longer to see if he wants to jump into this little talk or not!

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

GM and Doderic:
"Tis just Wulfgith." She said as she offered and thankful smile at the man's politeness.

"We have not always had good fortune on our journeys. We are, the scouts I guess you could say. The two of us easily can flee back to the group if things get bad enough. Or call for them. We where sent to see if you where friend or foe." Wulfgith honestly explained.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

"He will be fine. I shall see to that." Wulfgith told Ingold with a reassuring nod as she and Doderic readied to head off.

GM and Doderic:
Insight: 1d20 ⇒ 2

"Well met." Wulfgith said with a soft nod. "I am Wulfgith, daughter of Wulf, my friend here is Doderic Took." She added as she dismounted, patting Swiftkiss's neck she finished the introduction with "And this is Swiftkiss."

"Thank you for your offer, a warm fire and a safe place to rest is morn than many can ask." She respectfully told them.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Merry Christmas!

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0
Doderic Took wrote:
Wulfgith daughter of Wulf wrote:
Not at all Doderic!
Right, not interested at all. Got it.:D

Psh! You know what I meant! XD

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Not at all Doderic!

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Doderic! How is it going?!

The transfer from One Ring to 5e isn't too difficult. PM me the email address and I'll send you a copy of my books!

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

I too agree with Hobwise!

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

While gathering her new gear, Wulfgith grabbed up four quivers of arrow. She put two away on Swiftkiss, but she would carry two with her at all time. She hoped this would keep her from running out, and if there are more than she expected she'd be ready.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

How many arrows will they allow me to take? Like are they going to put a cap on it? Or is it just don't be outrageous?

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Wulfgith could only cover half her face with her hand when Thorgrim asked for payment. She couldn't blame him of course, he had lost a horse on the last journey they had taken and most of their supplies where gone thanks to the collapse that almost claimed her own life.

Wulfgith let out a long sigh as Hobwise brought up her detainment. "I recall sharply." She stated.

"There is the matter of getting new equipment however." Wulfgith remained the group. "We lost what when had when everything that collapsing when down upon camp. Had anyone already set about gathering more things?" She asked.

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Wulfgith listened to the woes of Glorfindel, nodding every now and again to show that she was following his words. Then she looked to those present. "Well, what do you say?" She asked them. "Shall we?"

Warden(Counsellor) 7| HP: 32/41 AC: 18 Spd: 30ft | Init: +3 Perc: +4 PP:14 | Great Bow: +4 (1d8), Longsword +3 (1d8) | Shadow: 0

Wulfgith sighed. Sadly there wasn't enough to go with at the moment. With that Wulfgith put the necklace on herself and hid it under her clothes. "Should I find one you belong to I will return you forthwith." She whispered to the necklace, though she thought it a bit silly. Yet how could she not, she had promised her helm to return it to her uncle if she was ever able. She would afford this misplaced item the same curtsy.

Wulfgith looked from Thorgrim to Hobwise, and back again before she looked at Cereidh, with a nod she agreed to take up the Elf from Mirkwood's idea. Keep well out of it for the moment. After all the last time she tried to keep the peace between the two didn't go well. Maybe they where like some of those in the Mark, just needed to fight it out.

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