WotR NPC - Horgus Gwerm's page

24 posts. Alias of Dreaming Warforged.


"YOU DID WHAT!?!" howls Horgus as you tell them of your deal with the Mongrels, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and anger.

Until you make it clear that Anevia, Aravashnial and him would stay here...

"If you're not back in twenty-four hours, I'm headed back to the surface! Kenabres needs you, remember?!"

Horgus turns to Kord, moving quite close to him in defiance: "What do you mean by we? I'm in no shape to carry an armored man! Who's carrying who? and what"

"It's the way..." cuts Horgus, with sorrow in his voice. "Poor lads..."

"May Iomedae guide their souls." adds Horgus, though it's hard to tell whether he's sincere or derisive.

"That's just swell..."

"Those two will need help..." says Horgus as he points to Aravashnial and Anevia.

Horgus returns the stare: "..." but soon looks down, remaining silent.

From the back, and having watched with impatience the whole scene, Horgus bursts out: "We have to move on, no?! I'm fine with rescuing mole people, but the rest are clearly dead, and we should move on!"

"Ok, I'm creeped out. Best we move!"

Horgus just nods at Dalmien, though from his expression, you can tell your wisdom struck home.

A little later, he says, with caution: "Anevia, perhaps I can carry your kit?"

"I know, but I have to ask again: Why not split the group?"

"I don't want to stay here. Didn't we find potions of healing? ... I can't believe I'm agreeing with you Aravashnial..."

"I told you it was a bad idea!"

"Never mind..."

"Sometimes doors are stuck closed for good reasons." mumbles the man in the back.

Horgus remains outside: "Look, it seems we have different ways of looking at this. Perhaps it's best if we split in two groups. Me and Kordica will head back up as fast as possible to bring the battle to the demons. Those who wish can stay with the slow group, or come with us." He looks around to see who will follow them.

"I'm glad you agree!"

"This is a waste of time..." says Horgus, breaking the silence.

Dalmien Smith wrote:

Dalmien grasps his dagger firmly in a bout of frustration with himself. Useless! . His new-found companions had dispatched the beasts with efficiency, selflessly exposing themselves to the beast's bite. What had he done? Make the ground slightly crispy with icy dew.

Regardless he is thankful. Without Barek's acrobatics, Kord and Zoresk's deadly blades, and Eamch's helpful advice, he would have been eaten alive.

"Are..Are they gone? Are you all alright? You were all fantastic! I am deeply indebted to you. That was incredible! I've always wanted to be a crusader like you! "

"I'm all right! Thanks to you all!" says Horgus as he takes in the items: "Hey, these could be useful! One of us should carry those."

He looks up: "No way I'm climbing this!"

"What's going on up there? Why have we stopped? What? Giant insects?!? Do something!!"

"Hmm... May be we should split? We could leave a few behind. We'll come back later to rescue them..?"

"Saint Lymirin Protect Us! All is lost..." is all Horgus can say, as he looks to his hands and weeps.

"Aravashnial! You scum! Looks like you *cough!* got what you deserve!"

"*cough!* What in Calistria's name just happened! What *cough!* happened! Where are we!? *cough!*" says a burly man covered in dust. He tries to get to his feet and faints back on his ass. "I- I can't- Help! Somebody help me!"

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