Baron Hannis Drelev

Wolverine690's page

Organized Play Member. 62 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

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So with the Weclome to Paizocon thing when will more info on this be listed? I'm really curious to see this as its my first Paizocon but am torn between this & Bestiary Bash. I suppose it doesn't matter as I may not even get into that & this would be my next choice for the morning.

Also I've not seen anything about the Banquet listed, I may have missed that, when will this be so I can make sure not to schedule something during the banquet.

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I'm a longtime comic book junky myself. While sometimes the changes made to the movies are not the greatest and in a lot of cases irk the fans. I don't think that it makes them a terrible movie or is a disrespect for the source material. With the exception of everything after the first 45 mins of the newer Fantastic Four movie.

All in all I've thought the Marvel done movies, Ironman, Avengers & the like have all been exceptional. Sure some of the changes make me think WTF dude. Are they perfect no, but they take those characters we love and bring them to life to entertain us. In that they are doing they job.

I just saw Superman v Batman and while again some of the changes what not made me think wtf or something along those lines I have to say I really loved the movie and I think they took the fundamentals of those separate storylines and made them into 1 good one. The Jimmy Olson thing I'm kind of ok with that for this reason. While in credits and Snyder says it was jimmy... but this is easily something that could be corrected as say he was CIA so he was impersonating him and the real Jimmy is alive & well. Probably not but oh well I never really cared for Olson.

I just think people are to hard on some of these movies, the ones that are really good such as this & the others. Ones like the newer Fantastic Four, Green Lantern etc those are the ones that were done utterly wrong. Though entertainment wise I did like Green Lantern. And also I don't get the hate over the CGI suit I really thought it looked awesome and was far from any of the worse things in that movie.