As I have played a barbarian for 11 levels I have to say it is a lot of fun. While mixing barbarian and fighter is more damage output I stuck with what I set out from the beginning to go barbarian every level and it has been worth it. I will hit 12th level at Gen Con this year and I can't wait to play him in the future higher level events. So I applaud your barbarian plan!
Now I started my barbarian before the APG came out so I didn't have the right setup to do a totem build of and it kind of conflicted with my personality however serendipity was on my side as a few rage powers enhanced what I was already doing.
I play Witch-Hunter who was bound and determined to get to the "witches" (before witch was a class mind you). So at first level I took power attack and step up, my first rage power was no escape and my 3rd level feat was overrun. 5th level was going to be nimble moves and 7th level was going to greater overrun. Then low and behold the APG came out and I was in heaven since there were overrun rage powers.
Overbearing advance and overbearing onslaught AWESOME! plus raging vitality and the many other rage powers.
The core of the build is as follows.
Power Attack
Improved overrun
Greater overrun
Combat Reflexes
Charge Through
Rage powers:
Overbearing advance
Overbearing onslaught
Reckless abandon
I know that many people ooo and awe over the charging pouncing barbarian builds but honestly I think this is way more fun. My friends have been calling me the bowling ball after seeing my overrun maneuvers on every enemy with in range too many times. Now I have to admit my AC is craptastic but with greater rage now and raging vitality the nearly 200hp really helps A LOT.
Basically I delay/wait for the bad guys to get reasonably close then begin overrunning as many as possible. ( 40ft movement and haste/boots of speed help a lot.) Since ohh 7th level I have been getting 3-4 attacks around every round at my highest base attack bonus. Greater overrun’s AoO’s and combat reflexes is wonderful when you can use overbearing assault and onslaught to overrun so many people. Overrun do 11 damage (overbearing assault) then knock them prone take my AoO (Greater Overrun) do 2d6+30ish and then repeat with the next guy (Overbearing Onslaught). I consistently end up doing more damage than a pouncer. Now it is very likely that a pouncer will do more damage to one single target but PFS has a lot of minion fights where I really shine.
This build is also useful with a buddy. I usually travel with another fighter or fighter barbarian who has combat reflexes and a much higher AC. They go to the middle and get surrounded by the typical minions then I bowl them all down and between our two AoO’s most things die rather quickly. It was really great in the "falling elevator" scenarios.