Nar'shinddah Sugimar

Wildfire142's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter. Organized Play Member. 207 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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Liberty's Edge


Yes all correct now thanks for your help.

Liberty's Edge

When I asked to cancel my subscription I asked for it to stop before any second edition items were sent and having just received the cancellation notice my last order includes a second edition product pathfinder adventure path 145 Helllknight Hill.

Please remove this item.

Thank you for your help

Liberty's Edge

Please set up my subscription so the last volume of Tyrant's Grasp is the last item I receive.

It will be sad to loose my Charter Subscriber tag but the time has come.

Liberty's Edge

Haladir wrote:

Ok. I'll stand by my recommendation to concentrate on the area in which your campaign takes place.

Fortunately, I have all of my books on PDF, so I only need to bring my laptop!

I am so greatful for PDFs as my pathfinder shelf is about 2 meters long and too heavy to take to a game every week. :)

Still deciding n where to set my gMe but thinking of somewhere of the beaten track adventure path wise so I can explore a new region.

Liberty's Edge

My tags don't show it anymore but I have everything from Burnt Offerings up to last months books, so it more a case of picking what to concentrate on using these days as its getting to be information overload at times.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks they look good :)

Liberty's Edge

It will be a home game not pfs so I have free reign :)

Will look at that wiki as well.

Going to look at the other inner sea books first I think then when I pick a location get the books that cover it.

Liberty's Edge

So your saying is go with local detail books for the area your going to run in. Okay :)

Thanks :)

Liberty's Edge

Very useful pity real life has interfered for the creator.

Liberty's Edge

Apart from the Inner Sea Guide and Inner Sea Gods what four other books do people consider essential to run games set in Golarion?

Liberty's Edge

Nice stat blocks nabbing a few for my future use :) Any chance of putting up the homebrew races as well?

Liberty's Edge

Please end my Pathfinder Tales subscription with Forge of Ashes I do not wish to get a copy of Lord of Rune.

I'm canceling because of the price increase and lack of digital copy.

Liberty's Edge

Got the same issue one package shipped yesterday and is in my downloads the other half shows shipped Monday and isn't in my downloads.

I know Paizo is always busy around shipping times especially with big releases so will impatiently wait to get my hands on the Unchained pdf :)

Liberty's Edge


Got the confirmation and thanks for your help :)

Liberty's Edge

Thanks, that's annoying as I get hit with currency conversion charges per transaction which is why I do big orders, will leave it for now.

Liberty's Edge

I've got 44 paizo pdf's in my shopping cart, when I click proceed to check out I'm asked for my password, I enter it then it sends me back to the home page.

I've been in this loop for at least four goes round - any solutions?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Still here :)

Liberty's Edge

Played a game a year or so back now and was great fun but we were all new to it and the Gm let us get too much equipment and we were getting hard to coral at times but it was a blast.

By the end my character was taking her adapted wolf walkies on the outer surfaces of space stations without the need for protective gear just from the set of implants her morph had acquired over time. Great fun though :)

Liberty's Edge

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Clicking on the place your order and getting bounced back to the shopping cart, tried last night (UK time) and again just now but no joy.

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Okay after the counting and checking have 116 pre cull items and 498 post cull items. Not bad :)

Am looking to see the five post cull and eight pre cull items I know I'm missing if people are willing to share, after the top 32 are revealed.

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Ah the search continues :)

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Anthony Adam wrote:
Wildfire142 wrote:
I'm 537 of 551 and desperately voting to see if I can see the last 14 :)
Lol, I am still voting to see my own item after cull - my peer group have all told me they have seen it, so it's just me... again... sigh. Mister random number never likes me >.<

If your curious PM the item name and I'll let you know if it's one of the 14 I haven't seen :)

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

I'm 537 of 551 and desperately voting to see if I can see the last 14 :)

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A new deck item up against another old deck item which shall I choose.

And I just made Marathon :)

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Wicht wrote:
Wildfire142 wrote:
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Wildfire142 wrote:
Was wondering anyone one seen the 1.8mil item post cull?

Have not, and I'm pretty sure it would have stuck out.

Have seen several ZZgp items though.

Pity I was interested to see what powers/tricks someone thinks would be worth that amount.

I think you might have been underwhelmed.

Or maybe just whelmed.

I'm sure I would have been but its part of the fun of voting to see what other come up with :)

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Wildfire142 wrote:
Was wondering anyone one seen the 1.8mil item post cull?

Have not, and I'm pretty sure it would have stuck out.

Have seen several ZZgp items though.

Pity I was interested to see what powers/tricks someone thinks would be worth that amount.

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Was wondering anyone one seen the 1.8mil item post cull?

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

MicMan wrote:

And this item just came up again, paired against THE VERY SAME item as before (though they did switch sides)...

Never had this before, must be rare, do I get a cookie?

Sorry not rare :(

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Often, and only realized just after I clicked that I meant to click on the other one :(

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Aye or Not, that is the question

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Been saving each pair as it pops up and have noticed the longest I've gone before I get a repeat item (i.e. has cropped up recently) is 25 votes wonder if that's chance or programming?

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

After all that asking it popped up next pair :)

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Kalervo Oikarinen wrote:
Wildfire142 wrote:
Could someone PM the names of the set command word item, the EMS item and the fifty shades item, I'm curious if I've seen them and not twigged to them.
You'd definitely know if you had seen the EMS item.

I think it might be handy if it's the one I think I've seen but wouldn't mind confirmation.

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Could someone PM the names of the set command word item, the EMS item and the fifty shades item, I'm curious if I've seen them and not twigged to them.

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Okay missing all construction requirements but still has more than half the word count left - down voted

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay that item does exactly nothing apart from cost you gp's

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Eric Morton wrote:

Ooo. Just saw the same two items twice in a row (on different sides of the screen).

I knew that such a thing was possible, and that some people had seen it happen, but I never thought I'd see it myself.

Had that a few times and no just swapping sides will not make me change my vote and vote for a SAIC

Liberty's Edge Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7

Okay few oddball's a seen tonight.

So you got a foreign language dictionary, doesn't make the item's name any better.

Your missing a zero or that cost is way too low.

Including the word official does what to an entry?

Liberty's Edge


Seen and replied to the email, all explained many thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Couldn't say until I get the packages in hand a check the labels, all my order gives is the totals and the card statement numbers don't match item combinations cleanly.

Will wait and see, I'm more curious than anything and just lucky my bank didn't flag it a possible fraud as they are oft know to do with many odd and small transactions.

Liberty's Edge

Was wondering why when the order was split into three packages my credit card got charges six times.

It all adds up right to the right amount so no problems with the order as far as I can see but it sure made me scratch my head when I say my credit card statement.

Liberty's Edge

Matt Thomason wrote:
Wildfire142 wrote:

How much lower is the UK shipping now?
Shipping & Handling: $8.22 (about a fiver = win!)

Excellent might order another as a gift at the price.

Liberty's Edge

Matt Thomason wrote:
I wasn't going to get one of these when the UK postage was more than the bag itself, but after seeing the revised prices I've done a U-turn and just ordered it (and with subscriber discount it's a *really* nice price!) Thank you for looking into the alternative shipping arrangements! :)

How much lower is the UK shipping now?

Liberty's Edge

Old Gumphrey wrote:
Wildfire142 wrote:
$23 to ship to UK still bought it though :)

I wouldn't have even if I had money to burn; it just reinforces that it's okay to gouge shipping on a loyal fan base. As to the big's a damn cloth bag, roll it up and put it in a 2 foot long mailer tube, that wouldn't cost $5 to ship. Or fold it four times and put it in a slip bag, again, under $5 to ship.

Matter of fact, if they reduce the shipping to $5 a bag, I'll buy six of them; one for me, and one for each of my players.

I would think folding or rolling would damage the bag.

For info as you can see I'm a subscriber the only reason I didn't combine the order with my subscription was to avoid customs fees, the bags cheap enough that the shipping cost is less than what I may get hit with for customs fees if I combine it with anything else :)

Liberty's Edge

$23 to ship to UK still bought it though :)

Liberty's Edge

And it ships, many thanks to the warehouse staff, and the much besieged Sara Marie and the other customer service staff :)

Downloading pdf's as I type :)

Liberty's Edge

zylphryx wrote:

No shipping confirmation email, but the track this package link in the order shows it was received and processed by Mail Innovations yesterday.

Sara Marie and all the folks who have been working your butts off to get all of these orders out the door, thank you!

To everyone who is still waiting, have patience. You will get your orders.

We know it will ship eventually it's just patience is wearing thin for some folk :)

Liberty's Edge

As I had feared no shipping invoice this morning so fingers crossed its today, but as Zaister and Paul have said I think I'm right at the end, large order and problems with the order so bumped to back.

Liberty's Edge

As night has truly fallen here in Scotland all I can hope for is to wake up to a "shipped " email, so fingers crossed :)

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