Berkanin Ardoc

WildCalm's page

** Venture-Agent, California—Los Angeles (Santa Clarita) 2 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

The Game Attic is closed. New address for this event (April 24, 2017 PFS game in Santa Clarita) is:

Green Tower Games
24787 Valley Street
Santa Clarita, CA

Silver Crusade

I recently took a vacation to visit a friend who lives near Little Rock in Arkansas. There is a gaming store there called "Game Goblins". They have Pathfinder Society groups that meet there on (if I remember correctly) Thursday evenings. Unfortunately we didn't get to go there when I was visiting.

You can get the store's address and phone number if you google: Game Goblins Little Rock AR

Good luck!