
Weissrolf's page

34 posts (35 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Hello everyone.

Maybe I am missing something, but it seems that *all* Focus spells are marked as "uncommon"?

Is this correct and if so what implications does that have for how characters can get them?

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The original maps at Paizo are done at vastly higher resolution that what we are given in the Interactive Maps and AP books. Why does Paizo not offer full resolution maps in a usable format (not that hardly usable interactive format)?

Even the map in the background of the title page of ISoS's Interactive Maps PDF is higher resolution than the main interactive one.

Fortunately my native language is not English, which allows me to buy a translated version of the AP that includes high resolution maps.´

Still, why does Paizo only deliver maps in low resolution when the high resolution files are available to them?