
Weissrolf's page

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The following module (up)scales the token ring size automatically when you drag a token to the map. It also allows you to set the magnification sizes for each token size via configuration.

PS: No idea how magnified tokens affect the "Wall height" module (as in looking for walls of certain height).

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I always had great fun playing ghouls according to their attribute stats. Ghouls always where more intelligent, wiser and more charismatic than many adventurers.

They seem like somewhat Hannibal Lector kind of creatures. Now even more than before.

Minor spoiler for Strange Aeons B1:

There is a ghoul in book 1 of Strange Aeons that in my groups tried to talk his way out of his situation (being shackled to a pipe).

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It would have been nice if the Foundry+PDF bundles also got the discount. That being said, for some reason those bundles cost $1 more than the single products to begin with.

Happy holidays!

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+1 from Germany

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Playing devil's advocate here: The problem is that the most important part of the example - simple DC success - is the one that leaves you literally hanging in the water without resolve. How is this is a good first beginner example on page 10 of a rulebook?

And even a more seasoned player (myself) wondered why the critical success was needed?! Seemingly something that is explained 232 pages later and an odd case that various players likely never encountered before. Personally I never had to make that role in years of playing PF1.

The authors have my deepest respect, but they could sport a more "educational" writing style that results in more answers than questions. I had hopes that PF2 would be more precise in writing. And maybe it is, I only just began to read. But the first rule example proved to be a stumbling block already and that does everyone an unnecessary disservice.

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In which case this seems like an odd example to explain skill DCs to a beginner, readers should not have to "presume" anything. Why start with an ambivalent case where the reader doesn't know what happens halfway through?

Starting a rulebook with a rule example that already sparks a forum discussion (guilty as charged here) sets an unfortunate precedence. Besides that the example itself is odd with the critical success being necessary to complete the deed. Does this mean that beating the DC is not enough for skill checks anymore, but crits are needed for instant completition now?

This touches FAQ/errata territory, which it really should not being the very first beginner example of a rule.

But to be clear: No real negativity meant here, I am happy to see the 2nd edition out and eager to read through the book. Thanks to all parties involved for the hard work!

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Why does the poor character on page 10 drown halfway through the river despite having beaten the swim DC (16)?

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Talk about non-descriptive product descriptions:

What does this "Advanced" GM screen do that the original screen does not do and what does it forfeit in return?

GM's likely will not use two screens at a time, especially not if one if portrait and the other landscape. So please tell us more allow for an educated buying decision.

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As far as I understand the argument by James Jacobs is about printed maps, not so much PDF maps. And even then, why would the map on the title page use higher resolution than the map inside the volume? Why do I get much higher resolution PDF maps from a translated product (without any interactive forms nonsense), but not from Paizo?

It's easy to make it happen, just embed higher resolution images into the PDFs. As far as I know this was the case with older AP's map folios anyway?! So why not for Strange Aeons?

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The original maps at Paizo are done at vastly higher resolution that what we are given in the Interactive Maps and AP books. Why does Paizo not offer full resolution maps in a usable format (not that hardly usable interactive format)?

Even the map in the background of the title page of ISoS's Interactive Maps PDF is higher resolution than the main interactive one.

Fortunately my native language is not English, which allows me to buy a translated version of the AP that includes high resolution maps.´

Still, why does Paizo only deliver maps in low resolution when the high resolution files are available to them?