" Each creature who fails a Will save against a distracting wisp becomes off-guard until the end of their next turn. If the creature fails a Will save against a second wisp in the same round, it becomes dazzled until the end of its next turn instead."
I would not want to give up the off-guard effect for dazzled when a target fails vs. a second wisp. Rather, why not add on a -1 to hit along with the off-guard?
Can you use it against cloudkill to disperse it?
Shield can be cast only 1 per 10 minutes
Bill Baldwin wrote: I suspect the powers that be decided to ere on the side of caution for the beginning of the campaign. Better to have to ramp things up than down. Especially when no one, even the authors, were experience with the rules. And while most of my experiences agree with you I can vouch for the fact that On the Trail of History played with 3 5s & a 4 is brutal. Which is part of the problem. It is difficult to make a mod that is challenging at Tier 5-6 for 6 6th-level players without making it deadly to a party that barely qualifies to play it at that tier. You cant change those things in Society play.
Ade wrote: Thanks, Thursty! Another couple of minor headscratchers:
1) A couple of skill checks lack an adjustment for the upper subtier:
a) the computers check to find and disable the hidden turrets before the River Rat combat;
b) the check to persuade the android bartenders for information;
c) the engneering check in the moon tunnels is actually LOWER in the upper subtier
2) How to get past the vesk bouncers, if the players fail to get through the fire exit.
First time GM here, so don't know the usual process.
If it is a magical alarm then shouldnt there be a mysticism DC to detect and disarm for it?
Thanks for the replys.
My idead behind this was for my Ranged Soldier (bombard) to have a melee option at the ready if he is in a position that ranged is not the best option.
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Since the Pulse Gauntlet is a glove and therfore allways equiped can I have it equiped but still use a longarm for attack.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Do you get to keep the 3 items you traded the limeted-edition album for? It kinda reads that way under the Heart Friend Forever (ally boon). And those itmes dont appear at the bottom for purchase.
Keldin wrote: For those who might still be watching this thread, this is now covered in the FAQ. You still need to address the acrobatics check to just stay in your square and using a move action.
I named my exocortex Android Mechanic Kernel Dos
DrParty06 wrote: Jared Thaler wrote:
It seems like the costs work out to be relatively trivial if you upgrade a given item of equipment every 5 levels. Fair point. It's still going to take a little getting used to compared to PFS and the ability to easily increment over time with magic enhancements, ring of protection, etc. With Starfinder, there seems to be a bit more of a challenge in timing when you should trade up for best cost/benefit vs. doing it as you have the funds available that don't need to go to something else in PFS. But you can only sell back items at 10% its base cost. Page 166 under selling equipment.
John Compton
I will be GMing this at Connecticon on July 8th. Can you give me a heads up on what minis this Scenario calls for so I can make sure I have them by then.
I wish I could set up files on my PC and save them to Dropbox and then access them on my Ipad via CombatManager
I was always hoping you guys would take hold of Gamma World and make it right after TSR ruined it.
You think this will be a tier 1-2 chronicle sheet?
Hmm, the last line of Divine Favor says "The bonus does not apply to spell damage". So, is the damage from Spiritual weapon spell damage or weapon damage. Spiritual weapon is subject to SR on the first attack so is it spell damage?
Warg wrote: Calculating AC with SF and dip into MoMS.
Monk says you can add Wis mod to AC and doesnt give it a type. SF says you add Wis mod to AC and it is a Deflection bonous. Herolab seems to be adding the Wis Mod twice once from Monk and once from SF cause the Monk bonous is untyped. Is this correct?
Never mind just noticed SF isnt a deflection bonous for the Wis mod.
Calculating AC with SF and dip into MoMS.
Monk says you can add Wis mod to AC and doesnt give it a type. SF says you add Wis mod to AC and it is a Deflection bonous. Herolab seems to be adding the Wis Mod twice once from Monk and once from SF cause the Monk bonous is untyped. Is this correct?
Undone wrote: Warg wrote: I am confused with the Sacred Fist build.
When I plug it into Herolab and take Ki Channel at lvl 4 I notice there is no ki pool. Yet it also added the lvl 4 abilities from the monk class like ki defnse, flurry, speed and strike but no pool to use the ki. The Ki pool does not show up untill I put in lvl 7 warpriest and then it also adds lvl 7 monk abilities like ki strike coldiron/silver.
Is this how its intended to work or is Herolab broken for this build? That is because the sacred fist does not get a Ki Pool until 7th. You take the feat at 5th because you've got an open slot. You've basically on monk -3 for all ki related effects. Ok but why is it at character lvl 7, the warpriest lvl 7 abilities are turned on in hero lab when actulay he is only a lvl 6 warpriest cause of the dip in monk?
I am confused with the Sacred Fist build.
When I plug it into Herolab and take Ki Channel at lvl 4 I notice there is no ki pool. Yet it also added the lvl 4 abilities from the monk class like ki defnse, flurry, speed and strike but no pool to use the ki. The Ki pool does not show up untill I put in lvl 7 warpriest and then it also adds lvl 7 monk abilities like ki strike coldiron/silver.
Is this how its intended to work or is Herolab broken for this build?
I am trying to report a session for level 4 The Godhome for the Emerald Spire for Society play. When I select The Emerald Spire in the drop down menue all the character slots say "Prestige does not count. Missing character number" even when I do put in the numbers.
I noticed I no longer get to choose what part of the Emerald Spire I am reporting for like I was able to do before.
Artanthos wrote: I did not count shield into my defenses either, only mage armor. (22-24 hour duration). I also did not count my polymorph spells (alter self/monstrous physique/elemental body). All add +2 dex and small size. No change to average damage per hit, but increases accuracy by +2. Additional bonuses are dependent upon the spell. Air elemeantal adds darkvision 60', fly 60' and +2 natural armor.
You can't use enlarge, tieflings have the native outsider type, not the humanoid type. You can use the other spells I listed. Monstrous Physique II for Troll form may be more appropriate for your build. It will give you +4 strength, +4 natural armor, -2 dexterity and reach.
Your katana is listed as a +2 weapon. Black Blade becomes +3 at level 9.
Enlarge only works on Humanoids, Tieflings are not Humanoids they are Naitive Outsiders
Is this game still on? It is 11:30pm Tuesday night and the game starts at 9am Wed. morning and there is no R20 link.
Will you send us the roll20 link via email, if so when?
I would be up for something
Level 1 characters only.
Please email me the following to rlockwood99@comcast.net
* Player’s Name
* PC’s Name
* PFS Number
* PFS Faction
* Desired Token you want to use
Warhorn - https://warhorn.net/events/connecticut-pfs/schedule/2013/12/29
1. Shawn Price ranger 1
2. Stuart Wallace Sorcerer 1
3. Kelly Slayer 1
4. Schrodinger monk 1
Level 1 characters only.
No Warhorn available but you can join the event listed here https://www.facebook.com/events/668946483149968/
Please email me the following to rlockwood99@comcast.net:
* Player’s Name
* PC’s Name
* PFS Number
* PFS Faction
Ill keep tabs here on slots filled and on the Facebook page
Please email me so I can reply back with the link to the game on roll20
1. Michael Cullen shaman
2. Shawn P. Price lvl 1 cleric
3. Geoffrey Griffith
4. Zak Glade
5. Jesse Summer-Lavigne
6. Mike Venditti
Roster is full, thanks for applying
Level 1 characters only.
No Warhorn available but you can join the event listed here https://www.facebook.com/events/668946483149968/
Please email me the following to rlockwood99@comcast.net:
* Player’s Name
* PC’s Name
* PFS Number
* PFS Faction
Ill keep tabs here on slots filled and on the Facebook page
Please email me so I can reply back with the link to the game on roll20
1. Michael Cullen shaman
2. Shawn P. Price lvl 1 cleric
3. Geoffrey Griffith
4. Zak Glade
5. Jesse Summer-Lavigne
Level 1 characters only.
No Warhorn available but you can join the event listed here https://www.facebook.com/events/668946483149968/
Please email me the following to rlockwood99@comcast.net:
* Player’s Name
* PC’s Name
* PFS Number
* PFS Faction
Ill keep tabs here on slots filled and on the Facebook page
Please email me so I can reply back with the link to the game on roll20
1. Michael Cullen shaman
2. Shawn P. Price lvl 1 cleric
3. Geoffrey Griffith
4. Zak Glade
Need 4 players to make this happen. If we dont have 4 by 5pm EST I will cancell it. I will then repost anew cause I am runing it Friday, saturday and Sunday aswell.
Level 1 characters only.
No Warhorn available but you can join the event listed here https://www.facebook.com/events/668946483149968/
Please email me the following to rlockwood99@comcast.net:
* Player’s Name
* PC’s Name
* PFS Number
* PFS Faction
Ill keep tabs here on slots filled and on the Facebook page
Please email me so I can reply back with the link to the game on roll20
1. Michael Cullen shaman
2. Shawn P. Price lvl 1 cleric
3. Geoffrey Griffith
What is the roll20 address so that I may set up macros?
You also have to remember Gandolf had one of the Elven rings of power. He said to the Balrog "I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Arnor" the secret fire is Narya the Elven ring of fire and the Flame of Arnor is Glambdring his sword.
From the day he arrived in Middle Earth he had this ring. In the Third Age, Círdan, recognizing Gandalf's true nature as one of the Maiar from Valinor, gave him the ring to aid him in his labours. It is described as having the power to inspire others to resist tyranny, domination, and despair (in other words, evoking hope in others around the wielder), as well as giving resistance to the weariness of time: "Take now this Ring," he said; "for thy labours and thy cares will be heavy, but in all it will support thee and defend thee from weariness. For this is the Ring of Fire, and herewith, maybe, thou shalt rekindle hearts to the valour of old in a world that grows chill" (Círdan the Shipwright to Gandalf).
Im Russell Lockwood, rlockwood@comcast.net Russell L. in roll20
Ok i signged and have played on roll20 but not sure about google hangout
Whats the address in roll20 so I can connect or how do I gete in contact with you in google hangout?