WanderingVoidWolf's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.

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Designing a character for a run through of the Birthday playtest adventure, and was looking at the Summon Robot spell. Is there a list somewhere of the available mechs we can summon? Can't find anything in the playtest book, nor with a brief search of the forums.

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I actually used a PF archetype when playing the second playtest adventure. I was a Pahtra Rhythm mystic disciple of Meyel, and chose the clawdancer archetype. In character, she was a dancer so finding a way to attack with her claws in a dance fit. Mechanically, other than being action-starved juggling between mystic buffs and actually using clawdancer attacks, neither I nor any of my fellow players noticed anything that felt off.

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My big issue with the Soldier class so far is that it is too specialized as a base class. Pretty much every Soldier made will be an artillery piece on the battlefield, with a secondary with two-handed melee weapons. Not a single one of the base class abilities will work with, say, a standard laser rifle or dual-wielding boom pistols. Even the various specializations released in the playtest are all about aoe weapons.

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I gotta say, I'm most interested in the awakened animal PC ancestry. That, and the werecreature archetypes.