I will have help for a build.
Race : Human
Alternate racial trait :
Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.
Class : Fighter or fighter with archetype martial class (level 12-15 : adventure path) [lose weapon training, weapon master]
Human Feats :
1/- skill focus (Perception)
8/ - skill focus (Intimidate)
16/ - ?
HD Feats :
1/ - Defiant Luck : to avoid a natural 1 on the saving throw or critical hit 1/day
3/ - Inexplicable luck : +8/+4 on 1d20 1/day
5/ bestow luck + 1/ day defiant luck
7/ Fearless curiosity (Cha 13)
9/ Dauntless destiny (intimidate 10 ranks) once per day you may reroll a natural 1 on a saving throw or an attack roll.
11/ Fast learner (Int 13)
13/ Improvisation : a +2 bonus on all skill checks for skills you have no ranks in. Furthermore, you can use all skills designated “trained only” untrained.
15/ Improved Improvisation : the bonus on all skill checks for skills you have no ranks in increases to +4 instead of +2.
Optional :
- One eye open (Wis 13, Alertness)
- Aquatic combattant (combat)
- armor material mastery (BAB) + 2/day armor material expertise
- Advanced Armor Training (Combat)
You are specially trained to use your armor proficiencies
in new ways.
Prerequisites: Armor training class feature, fighter
level 3rd.
Benefit: Select one advanced armor training option.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, but at
most once per 3 fighter levels.
- Advanced Weapon Training (Combat)
You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways.
Prerequisites: Fighter level 5th, weapon training class feature.
Benefit: Select one advanced weapon training option, applying it to one fighter weapon group you have already selected with the weapon training class feature.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, but at most once per 5 fighter levels.
Special: Fighters that have the weapon masterAPG archetype can select this feat beginning at 4th level. The benefits of a weapon master’s
advanced weapon training options apply only to his selected weapon rather than all weapons in the same fighter weapon group, and he can’t select the weapon specialist advanced weapon training option. A weapon
master can select this feat as a bonus feat; if he does so, it doesn’t count for the purpose of the requirement that it can be taken at most once per 5 fighter levels.
Martial Focus (Combat)
You have honed your skills with a group of related weapons.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: Choose one fighter weapon group. While wielding a weapon from this group with which you are proficient, you gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls.
Special: The Martial Focus feat counts as the weapon training class feature with the chosen fighter weapon group for the purpose of weapon mastery feat prerequisites and what weapons you can use with weapon mastery feats.
Fighter Feats and class abilities :
1/quillbreaker defense (combat) : If you are wearing armor spikes, as an immediate action when you take damage from a non-magical attack, you can give your armor spikes the broken condition to reduce the amount of damage you take by 5. If your armor spikes are already broken, they are destroyed when you take the damage. If you are wearing masterwork armor spikes, you instead reduce the damage taken by 10.
2/ fortified armor training (combat) : you can turn the critical hit into a normal hit. If you do, either your armor or your shield gains the broken condition
swift iron style (for 13, dex 13) (combat)
4/ swift refuge : Once per day when using Swift Iron Style, when you’re hit by a weapon, unarmed attack, or natural weapon, you can treat all dice other than the weapon’s base damage dice (including extra dice from sneak attack, critical hit, magic special weapon abilities, and Vital Strike) as having rolled 1s. You can use this ability a second time per day when your base attack bonus reaches +8, and a third time at +16.
6/ power attack (combat)
7/ Armor training : Advanced Armor Training : armor material expertise (BAB + 6) : adamantine 2/ day : convert half the lethal damage of the
attack into nonlethal damage.
8/ Call out (combat) (for 13)
9/ Weapon training : cut from the air (BBA + 5, power attack) : When a ranged attack is made against you
or a target adjacent to you, you can cut the weapon (or
ammunition) out of the air, def lecting the attack so the
target takes no damage.
10/ Dodge (combat) (Dex 13)
11/ Armor training : cushioning armor : half damage from falling
12/ sweeping dodge (combat) One time against an opponent in duel while wearing a cloak, you gain evasion (as the rogue ability). If a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on you, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
13/ Weapon training : smash from the air (BAB + 9) : You can use Cut from the Air against unusually
massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts)
and ranged attacks generated by spell effects. Spell effects
that do not require attack rolls cannot be def lected.
14/ shield focus (combat)
15/ armor training : cushioning shield : half damage from falling
17/ weapon training : spellcut (spellcraft 1 rank, BAB + 9) : Once per round, you can use your base attack bonus in place of your total saving throw bonus for a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability that either allows a Ref lex save or is not a melee attack and targets
only you.
(what means ? It will with a spell dominate (Will save) for example ?)
Wished feats :
weapon focus
penetration striking
greater penetration striking
blind fight
blinded bladed style, blinded competence, blinded master : to see the invisible creature or the opponent in the darkness
Master Armorer (Ex): The fighter can use his base attack bonus in place of his ranks in the Craft (armor) skill. The fighter need not be wearing armor or using a shield to use this option. The fighter substitutes his total base attack bonus (including his base attack bonus gained through levels in other classes) for his ranks in this skill, but adds the skill’s usual ability score modifier and any
other bonuses or penalties that would modify that skill.
Additionally the fighter is treated as having the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Master Craftsman feats, but only for the purpose of making magic armor. The fighter does not need to meet these feats’ prerequisites.
Equipement :
troll styptic : fast healing 2 for 2d4 rounds
air crystal : 1 minute breathable air
ghost salt : to affect incorporeal creature
clockwork armor :
SLOT armor CL 11th WEIGHT 60 lbs.
AURA moderate transmutation
This suit of +2 field plateISWG is composed of durable plates of
steel layered over an intricate framework of gears, springs, and pistons that move with mechanical precision. A suit of
clockwork armor requires a special winding key to function; this
key is created as part of making a suit of clockwork armor.
In order to function, a suit of clockwork armor must be
fully wound as a full-round action. Once fully wound, a suit of
clockwork armor functions for 4 hours. If a suit of clockwork
armor is not fully wound, its gears grind to a halt and it imposes
double its normal armor check penalty and a –2 penalty to its
wearer’s Strength and Dexterity scores. Donning or removing a
suit of unwound clockwork armor requires 10 minutes.
When fully wound, a suit of clockwork armor can be donned
or removed as a full-round action that provokes attacks of
opportunity. It grants the wearer a +4 temporary enhancement
bonus to Strength and Constitution, and its weight does not
count against the wearer’s total encumbrance. A single crossbow
or firearm sized appropriately for the wearer can be added to
the armor with a successful DC 20 Craft (armorer) check. Such
a weapon can be fired once as a standard action by the wearer,
then automatically reloads itself in 2d4 rounds, as long as the
wearer has the appropriate ammunition in his gear.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects
What means "fully wound" ?
Thanks for your future help.