
Wabajck's page

Organized Play Member. 192 posts (200 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Which usually involve some pretty expensive travel and hotel stays that not everyone can swing.
...unless you GM an online game for a qualifying event. Just sayin'

Or organize a local gameday or con with at least 15 tables. Its easy, done it numerous times.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Thanks. Just returned from Origins so I am moving into GenCon mode. Just wanted to be early rather then late.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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If you run into an enemy wizard their spell book contents should be noted in the scenario. Feel free to ask your GM to find out what the NPC had.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Any proper GM should have no issue allowing creative solutions. Also last I recall theres what 3 chase scenes among all scenarios?

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Tirisfal wrote:
I am always willing to see more adventures set in Ustalav :DD

This a thousand times

Sovereign Court 3/5

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I don't really have a list of people I want to play with, really its just any of my friends.

I more want to play certain games run by people. Like I want to play The Confirmation with Mr. Baird running it or playing at a table with Jim Groves with anything he wrote.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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I heard you must sacrifice a 5 star GM to Mike in order for him to honor you with one. So better move quick before they catch on. I will be hunting the ancient 5 star know as Doug to earn my boon.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Kyle Baird wrote:
GM credit on goblin PCs makes me sad.

Same here. Get out there and do something with that goblin. Nothing ventured nothing eaten!

Sovereign Court

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Creatures from the Dark Tapestry. I am so running this.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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If getting a race or other boon is your only incentive for going to a con then you've never been to a con. There's a lot more to it then just a shot at these boons.

Also if you don't have a con in your local area then make one. All it takes to request boons is 15 scheduled tables. In a day you can schedule 3 slots of 5 tables each. All you would need to make it happen is 5 GMs, about 25 players, and effort. There's really almost no reason someone cant get access to these boons. Heck I put a small amount of effort into a local gameday once and had about 4 tables in 2 different slots. I was halfway there and wasn't even giving it my full organizer strength.

Sovereign Court

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If you are going grenadier then thrown weapons with the returning quality are going to be your best friend.

Since the alchemical item you apply to your weapon doesn't wear off for a minute or so you can keep throwing the weapon until it hits and does damage. Now having several +1 returning weapons can be expensive. Thankfully the Blink back belt was made. In short it will return weapons thrown from it back to the belt. You will just need to make sure to pick up quick draw later only so you can throw multiple times in 1 round.

I also like the idea of dipping a few levels into fighter later on just to pick up the different thrown weapon feats. There aren't many so you would at most probably just have 2 levels of fighter. Charging Hurler and Improved Charging Hurler are probably the big 2 you'll want. The extra attack and damage helps, especially with a low STR score.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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thistledown wrote:
Standard actions are pretty slow when you're throwing down 8 shots per round. And grit is a pretty rare commodity.

Their has to be a disadvantage to the class. If you want to fire those 8 shots you have to take the chance your gun will explode on you.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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As long as we are buying PFS abilities, how much so I can play the Aspis Agent prestige class? Love to play a double agent.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Mike is fully aware of the demand for goblin characters, but as of yet has not waivered on not making them available for general consumption.
And I hope to God that he doesn't...

Those boons really shouldn't show up ever again. The goblins are crazy and flavorful but have no place in a lodge.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Red Herring, its just gotta be him

Sovereign Court 3/5

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There is supposed to be a smaller book coming out soon that covers more about animal companions. I saw it in the product preview book from Gencon but its actual name escapes me. Maybe this will help put an end to a lot of debate over the power of an AC.

Back on the camel though this rule was talked about a little earlier but ill quote it so people know what im talking about

rules wrote:
Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can select any feat they are physically capable of using. GMs might expand this list to include feats from other sources.

If you can tell me how a 4 legged animal can grapple ill let it have that chain of feats.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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Also lets not forget all the silent auction boons.

One of which is now in the possession of Lord Gaddock von Delth

Grand Lodge

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I have known fighting all of my life as has Rhino. We continue this work in the name of the Grand Lodge and will never light our might waiver. Wherever the Decemvirate need us we will be, striking down those who would oppose what we call home.


Sovereign Court 3/5

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A great statement I heard a long time ago when it came to being a GM was this

"You have to first be a bad GM, before you can be a good GM"

Help the player to understand you aren't expecting the most amazing roleplaying experience right out of the gates. Just ensure the scenario is run properly and that players have fun. Fun is the most important part.

Sovereign Court 3/5

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I agree with Michael. Focus on getting more of the playerbase to those higher levels and then make a series of mods that will appeal to them.