
Von Krieger's page

Goblin Squad Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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Can't do it flying, but I can think of a way to do it Jumping, since with Ponyfinder 3rd party is on the table.

Spheres of Might has Dragoon Leap, which will let you do a full round action jump that gets 100 ft. of movement per 1 point of Acrobatics roll.

Highest Acrobatics roll I can find is from here:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/3mjoo4/pathfinder_jumping_ how_high_can_we_go/

+1254 to acrobatics with a x8 distance multiplier.

So that's a 125,400 ft hop with Dragoon Leap right out of the gate. The multipliers get that up to 1,003,200 ft.

So divide that by 6 to get 167,000 feet per second as a round is about six seconds, making that 114,000 miles per hour, or just about Mach 218.

Without Spheres of Might on the table and using default PF you CAN hit Mach 2.

Had a player in a game I'm in ponder a Bard/Sorc mix and so we looked at the Harmonic Bloodline: http://www.pathfindercommunity.net/multiclass-archetype-supplements/bloodli nes/harmonics-bloodline

This is.... kind of a mess.

There are basically two ways to read this.

All the Bardic Performances are subheadings of Bardic Performance, in which case the 3rd and 15th level bloodline abilities are redundant.

The bloodline only receives the Inspire Courage and Frightening Song performances, in which case having no performance types, the 1st level bloodline ability is completely useless until 3rd level.

I got to play an Abomination Rider briefly for one session not too long ago.

I quite had fun with the character, but we didn't get into any combat during the one session we played before the Dire Personal Life interfered, so alas, I can't say how it faired in battle compared to the other PC's. :(

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Was asked to copy my comments over from the main MCA thread... ^_^

Bohdan Maksymenko wrote:
Uhh, guys, as a critique, i want to point out that the evolutionary mutagen and wild mutagen discoveries are very weak, they are so weak, that getting them makes your mutagen actively worse.

I don't know what you're on about.

Wild Mutagen makes it weaker, but gives you additional options making it function as a shorter version of the Druid's wildshape. Having class features from multiple classes is kind of what hybrid AT's are all about, aren't they?

And Evolutionary Mutagen is all about having options. It doesn't give the Beastbrewer the same RRR STATS, RRRR NATURAL ARMOR combat power, but it DOES turn the Mutagen into a VERY versatile buff system for the Eidolon.

The Sickened debuff lasts for 1d4 rounds on an ability that lasts for 10 minutes per level. Even at first level that's 2% of the mutagen's duration, tops.

Having played a variant Bard that grants Evo points instead of Inspire Courage, I've seen just how effective being able to add evolutions onto something can be, even if it's only 1 point.

Just the +8 bonus to any skill alone is incredibly useful.

Both options are about sacrificing power for versatility.

Bohdan Maksymenko wrote:
Uhh, guys, as a critique, i want to point out that the evolutionary mutagen and wild mutagen discoveries are very weak, they are so weak, that getting them makes your mutagen actively worse.

I don't know what you're on about.

Wild Mutagen makes it weaker, but gives you additional options making it function as a shorter version of the Druid's wildshape. Having class features from multiple classes is kind of what hybrid AT's are all about, aren't they?

And Evolutionary Mutagen is all about having options. It doesn't give the Beastbrewer the same RRR STATS, RRRR NATURAL ARMOR combat power, but it DOES turn the Mutagen into a VERY versatile buff system for the Eidolon.

The Sickened debuff lasts for 1d4 rounds on an ability that lasts for 10 minutes per level. Even at first level that's 2% of the mutagen's duration, tops.

Having played a variant Bard that grants Evo points instead of Inspire Courage, I've seen just how effective being able to add evolutions onto something can be, even if it's only 1 point.

Just the +8 bonus to any skill alone is incredibly useful.

Both options are about sacrificing power for versatility.

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Stack wrote:
Working name is 'Prodigy'.

If there isn't some sort of class feature called "Firestarter" I am going to be slightly disappoint. ;)

Da Beast wrote:
I'm not finding the link you mentioned, the scroll of files ends at "Multiclass Adept.html" and the actual bottom of the page just has "Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites". I guess I should mention I'm looking for a specific rogue/sorcerer hybrid that gained sixth level spellcasting, a delayed bloodline ability and sneak attack progression, and some bonus abilities to complement illusions.

Maybe Eldritch Trickster?

I've been using the Google Docs folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6rEhy7kuV93Y1F3ckpfMjNLYWM

Coupled with an archived shot of the Wiki list: http://web.archive.org/web/20160312152625/http://mcarchetype.wikispaces.com /Multiclass+Archetypes+Alphabetized+List/

Is it just me or does the archive dump end somewhere in the M's?

I did make a copy, just in case it actually does go poof.

Down in the Maximized Magic arcana entry "Critical Spell" is mentioned, and it's not on the list anywhere. Though it exists as a 3rd party arcana. Do you mean Critical Strike?

Goblin Squad Member

I didn't hear about the daily deals until rather late. I think they were announced when I was away from my PC during Xmas travels.

IS there anyone out there with a shieldmate thingy free?