Abraun Chalest

Viscount Corneleous Ornelos's page

501 posts. Alias of gmpathfinder (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32).

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After picking up a set of chase cards, I've been debating using a modified set of rules for the sea battles- modeled after the chase cards.

Right now I've got 26 (half a deck!) of sea based cards, each with two different checks for the captain (and crew) to overcome.

I've also added a failure condition for some.

I was wondering if some of you would find them handy. I would also love feedback on what to improve. Some of the checks and dcs are a bit arbitrary at this point, and I've not completed the fail conditions.

I plan to use some of the rules (wind, position) and start the PCs 2 cards behind their prey (or, if they're the prey, they'll start two cards ahead). I'm still messing with the turns/timing (I think there are a few cards with both language in the pack right now).

Let me know what you think (PDF)

Dark Archive

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Hedgewall Seed Pouch
Aura Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 33,750 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
This bulging leather sack contains 50 handfuls of assorted seeds and burs. As a standard action, one handful can be sown in a 5’ x 5’ area, which instantly grows a thick tangle of thorny brush to a height of 10’. If sown adjacent to another handful of the seed, the areas entwine with each other as they grow to form a seamless barrier. This hedgewall barrier acts as a wall of thorns spell, save that it becomes a permanent, non-magical plant. The hedgewall provides cover for those behind it.

If grown in hospitable conditions with adequate soil and water, a hedgewall can live for decades. Otherwise, the plant wall takes damage normally until it is destroyed. If cultivated by a skilled horticulturalist the barrier can grow and expand naturally. After the last handful is sown, the sack becomes non-magical.
Requirements Create Wondrous Item, Wall of Thorns; Cost 16,875 gp

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

The cold metal handle nearly slips out of your hand when the weight of the coffin shifts. The damp of the mid morning fog makes the deed more treacherous. You gaze across at the other bearers- a motley crew that seems out of place amid the somber residents of Ravengro. Together you stand in the entrance of town's only cemetery, holding aloft the coffin of your former mentor/companion Professor Petros Lorrimor.

The funeral was a short affair, attended by the grizzled old priest of the town, Father Grimburrow, and his assistants. A handful of villagers sat silently in the pews as priests gave prayers to Pharasma to ensure that the soul of the departed would be guided to it's final home. Shortly after, Kendra Lorrimor, the young daughter of the deceased, requested your aid to carry her father down to his final resting place. She now leads the procession to the grave, where Father Grimburrow and his assistants wait. Behind you trails the half dozen mourners.

M Human
Ini: +0, hp 0/?, Attack: AC 10
Wizard (unknown level)

Discussion thread starts here! I'll post a the game thread shortly.

This thread is for introductions, questions, out of game discussion etc.

I've been thinking about running another PBP for a while. I've played in a couple, and previously ran a Dragonlance pathfinder adaption for a few months until it faded. This time I'd like to tackle the Carrion Crown campaign.

The setting:
That the letter bearing the Lorrimor Family seal arrived via courier was not a surprise. That it was written in a flowing, feminine script and signed by the Professor’s daughter Kendra was. You were expecting an invitation to an adventure with the befuddled old professor Petros Lorrimor, not unfortunate news. The letter informed you that the Professor had died was enough to send you scampering toward Ravengro just in time to arrive for the funeral procession, at which you’ve been drafted as a pall bearer.

The PCs start this adventure with a prior relationship to the now deceased Professor Lorrimor- a scholar/adventurer and expert in all things that go bump in the night. His bold, but careless adventuring career has come to a jolting end- and you are summoned by his daughter for the funeral. The adventure begins at the funeral in Ravengro in Ustalav

PC generation: 1 first level PC per person

The crunch:
You should have the basic layout of stats, traits, and feats for your initial proposal (and any plot relevant equipment etc). The minor details and character profile can be completed after selection.
Classes: All available classes from core, advanced player’s guide, ultimate combat, and ultimate magic. My preference is for core and APG classes, alternative classes will require a good backstory to explain their skills.
Races: Core only.
Alignment: No evil or dangerously insane PCs, I get enough of them in real life.
Stats: 20 point buy, no more than 2 stats can be dropped below -2
Starting gold: Average or roll here in the recruitment thread, whichever is highest.
Traits: 2, one must be from Carrion Crown’s player guide.
Equipment: Any standard purchases. We will assume that your travel to Ravengro was via coach. Guns are very rare, and may not have been introduced to Ustalav, so only early weapons firearms are allowed If your character is a gunslinger. If your character is not, no firearms are available at the starting level.


Backstory: Should be fleshed out for your submission. Include any of the following that are relevant:
Where are they from?
Why are they an adventurer?
What is their history with Professor Lorrimor (how did they meet, were they adventuring together, etc).

What motivates them?
What are their strengths and weaknesses?
If they were a piece of furniture, what type of furniture would they be?

Finally, a brief statement about you as a player: previous experience in pbp, estimated posting frequency, etc. Prior experience in a play by post game is not necessary.

I'll give some initial feedback by Saturday night, and final selections by the 4th.

Anyone interested?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

I bought a new copy of the first bestiary and brought it home only to find that the front cover and binding wasn't glued to the pages (about half the front cover and all of the center of the binding are not adhered).

I did not purchase it directly from Paizo: I bought it out of state, and am unable to return it. So I was wondering if there was anyone with advice on how to re-glue it safely without ruining the book. It won't stop me from using it, but it will make me a lot more overprotective of its fragile state.


Welcome. I'm excited to have you all here. This week will be a little rough for me- busy with work, so we'll have a nice gradual rolling start.

First point of business is making sure we all show up.
Try and post a greeting by Monday night (8/9/11).

Second, role your first initiative.

Third, tell us one random thing about yourself.

My #III) - My screen name here is off my email address from the mid 90s. So "gmpathfinder" predates pathfinder by more than a decade.

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The light filtering through the heavy canopy indicates that there is only an hour or two left before sunset. Your travels have left you dusty and tired; and the last portion of the journey has been more on an overgrown trail than an actual road. As you round the corner the trail opens up into a large, 50’ clearing. In the center of the clearing is a site for sore eyes- the first vallenwood tree of the valley. The vallenwood trees are mighty oaks that were tamed and manipulated in ages past. Each grows hundreds of feet in the air, and sometimes greater than 50’ in diameter. When a sapling takes root its canopy blocks out all of the surrounding trees, forming large clearings.

Standing several yards into the clearing is a stone trail marker; clearly planted here when the tree was much younger. It represents the boundary of Solace’s territory. It’s still several miles from the city proper, and looks as though it is a resting point for many traveling parties. Between the mighty roots of the tree are several used fire pits.
Another trail joins the clearing to east, and the road opens up to a well worn path in the south, leading toward Solace.


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I am looking for a group that is interested in a pathfinder adaptation of the classic War of the Lance series.

Prior experience with Dragonlance is not necessary, but knowledge of the campaign setting (books, gaming products) is not forbidden. The only thing that I ask is that you don’t give away huge plot spoilers, or expect that everything will follow the original modules exactly. I promise to change things up a bit without re-inventing the wheel completely.

The setting:

The setting: It has been 350 years since the cataclysm devastated the planet Krynn. A fiery mountain split the land, and brought many peoples to the brink of extinction. Humanity and human kind survived, without the aid of their powerful Gods watching. All of the faithful, all of the true clerics of the known gods disappeared from the land. In these dark times humans turned to banditry, and elves and dwarves barricaded themselves away from other races. It is within this dark time that our player characters begin their tale.

Currently, the continent of Absalon is rebuilding and returning to civilization from centuries of disorder. Few nations still stand; none command the might of the nations in the last age. Banditry and lawlessness run rampant, yet some pockets of order and civilization have begun to thrive.

We will start in Solace, a frontier town known for being built among the limbs of the giant vallenwood trees. This town is likely the birthplace or adopted hometown of the PCs. Leadership of the vale has fallen to the Seekers, a newly minted group of priests of new gods. The PCs left 5 years ago to seek their fortunes: for some to train in their specialty, for others to strike it rich, to join the knighthood, to learn the craft of wizardry from the High Orders of Sorcery, etc. Each promised to return in the fall of their 5th year to report what they’d learned about the world and to rekindle their friendship. The game will start with the reunion of former friends.

As a general feel the Dragonlance setting tries to be “high epic fantasy”- relatively low magic. One does not simply walk into a magic item store to purchase their favorite gear. Since the cataclysm no divine magic has existed, so no new divine items were created. Artifacts and items pre-cataclysm still exist, although some have lost power. You’ll have to decide for your PC’s whether they’d drink a 350 year old healing potion. Wizards and other magic users, in general, have become rare- what few new items have been created are often only done so with the resources and supervision of the High Order of Sorcery; and likely to be well guarded. This does not mean that family heirlooms and treasure troves of items don’t exist, but they will be much harder to pry from the hands of their current owners.


This is my first time DMing via PBP, so it will be a bit of a learning process for me.
Pace: I would like to keep the game at a moderate posting rate (1 post / 48 hours or so). If your turn is up and you are missing for 48 hours or more, we may act in your stead. After 5 days, we will likely try to replace you. Interruptions from important life events, of course, will be forgiven- real life comes first.

Home rules: Krynn has one unique effect on magic- to channel arcane or divine energy into the shape of a spell can be taxing. Each time a PC casts a spell they must roll a constitution check (DC 10+spell level) or be fatigued for spell level/2 rounds.

Player Characters: For this campaign, I’m looking for 5-6 new Heroes of the Lance. If you’re familiar with the original 11 iconic Heroes, each fulfilled an important role in the epic tale. New PCs need not recreate the same original characters; rather they will try to fill some of the same roles.

While the original adventures had some very iconic player characters, I would like everyone to roll up a new pc. Characters will use the Pathfinder rule system, with some minor setting related changes. While it’s ok to model your character after one of the classic characters it would be better for you to gear your character to fulfill a role in the party rather than recreate an original hero of the lance.

Character Creation:

1. 25 point buy
2. Starting level 3
3. Available races: human, elf, dwarf, tinker gnome, kender, half elf
a. Tinker gnome- Gnomes of Krynn are an eccentric lot- full of curiosity about the world. Each gnome is driven by a need to explore and create. Each has an individual life quest to fully explore some aspect of the universe. Unfortunately the methods they use are often involve designing machines that even in a best case scenario will allow the use to walk away with most of their limbs after it malfunctions.
b. Kender fulfill the same role as Halflings; however they have a few different traits. They are forever curious and striken with wanderlust. As a race they have very little concept of individual property- so they’ll often ‘borrow’ other people’s possessions without permission. They are natural thieves, although they prefer to call themselves ‘handlers.’
There are no orcs on Krynn.
4. Classes: Currently there are no gods on Krynn, thus all classes that receive divine spells and divine powers will not be able to use them. You may still choose to play a cleric or druid, for example, however you will not have access to spells. Players interest in those classes (particularly those who would fulfill a healer’s role) may choose to take their first 3 levels in another class, or choose to play their preferred class without divine powers.
All other core classes are available, with a few minor variations. Some classes, particularly arcane caster classes, will be difficult to play from a campaign setting perspective.
Barbarians – particularly well suited to Krynn’s barbarian tribes.
Bards: No change, save the removal of the cure spells from their spell list.
Clerics – gain no spells, no channel energy powers, nor domain specific powers.
Druids – may still have animal companions, but do not receive wildshape, spells, or other divine abilities.
Fighters: No change to the class; fighters are abound in all shapes and sizes. Those that wish to follow the role of a lawful good knight might consider the Knights of Solomnia as a potential prestige class.
Monks- were not present in the original adventures, in order to fit one in, we would have to devise a rational for them existing- a roleplaying opportunity.
Paladins- do not receive detect evil, lay on hands, or spells. Smite and the aura of goodness are still present. Paladins that wish to fall along the classic knight archetype might consider joining the Knights of Solomnia.
Rogues – no change, although rogues who take spell casting abilities may face prejudice and the potential branding as a rogue wizard by the High Council of Sorcery.
Sorcerer – this class would present a roleplaying challenge. Sorcerers are hunted as renegade wizards, and usually killed or imprisoned. No sorcerer has petitioned the High Council for membership. Even if one were to do so, they would face a great deal of prejudice from traditional wizards as being undisciplined and too dangerous.
Wizards- may choose any specialization. However, magic is exceedingly rare and distrusted. Control of spell casting abilities are kept in check by the High Council of Sorcery. All wizards reaching 5th level must pass a test and join one of the three orders (White Robe, Red Robe, or Black Robe, as indicated by alignment). Failure means death. Choosing to avoid the test means being hunted down as a renegade. At 5th level wizards may choose to advance in their order rather than as a wizard.

Classes from APG/UC/UM- may not be entirely suitable for the campaign, but will be given consideration. Classes like the gunslinger may prove difficult to incorporate with equipment; classes like the summoner would attract attention from the High Order of Sorcery and likely be hunted as renegade magic users.

5. Traits- pick 2
6. Feats – standard + apg
7. Hit points – max for first level, roll for 2 and 3.
8. Estimated starting gear: 1 masterwork weapon, masterwork armor, and any reasonable collection of gear. Each player may start with a normal mount (horse, pony, etc). Gold is relatively worthless; steel is the coinage of value. Starting steel is 500 st; any gear beyond primary weapon, armor, and mount should be subtracted from that value.

If you would like to be considered, create a character and post them here. The PC should have a background that describes what role they would play in the party and what brought them to the group. Proposals will be accepted up until August 5th at 5pm. I would be happy to answer any questions and help with adaptation to the setting.