
Viorela's page

105 posts. Alias of wakedown.


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F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Been over 3 weeks since GM_Todd checked in.

Hope he's all good. Maybe the PbP timesink combined with work/school/etc got to be a bit much. I know Todd was DMing a lot of games, which is a pretty impressive feat. I have trouble digging up the time to run a single game!

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela arches an eyebrow.

"Well that is part of the mystery, isn't it?"

She then adds, "But I can tell you there are few women who would fancy a hunt. Granted, those girls are out there - with wild unkempt hair and spear in hand. I just find it odd that a noble would choose a hunt as his reward - clearly he isn't trying to impress us with his resourcefulness in a wild situation, is he?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

"No no.. That's quite alright, Vors!"

Just what I need is this Foxglove sending me gifts.

"That's the point, a man needs to know what a woman wants on his own, without hints. I am clearly not his type. He needs a young girl who has grown up fancying herself in fineries in some manor surrounded by servants."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Well he should know his gallantry does little to impress this lady...

Viorela thinks the thoughts but smiles and nods at what Vors says. "Yes, of course you're right. It's just a hunt is a strange way to impress a lady, if that's what he intended. Wine, music, flowers certainly. I'd even take a performance as fine as the one we saw earlier."

She leans forward to whisper conspiratorially.

"Although, I must profess, good steel would be my favorite prize."

She confesses this with a guilty smile.

It felt good to swing it today. Although I need to keep up my training. Tomorrow morning...

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Still here!

Viorela sits, watching the others continue to eat.

"I'm really not interested in that noble's hunting trip. Really, I don't understand the point of him hunting. I'm sure he'll have a dozen of his servant's banging gongs together as they chase everything out of the forest until something jumps into his lap."

She shakes her head.

"You saw him, he was cowering at a couple goblins. No... I like my men to be self-reliant, or at least have some sort of talent besides spending inherited money."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Andwell's question catches Viorela completely off guard.

"I... er..."

She studies her plate.

"Well, no I suppose I'm done. Enjoy."

She slides the uneaten food towards the halfling.

I wonder how he stays so light when he eats six times the food I am. If I ate like that, oh my hips and thighs would balloon up to the size of Tosh's ego.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

"Oh, but you know how all the tragedies play out, especially those penned in Magnimar?"

Viorela gives them all a conspiratorial look.

"Well, the fat merchant who financed the play realizes how profitable it is, and makes the writer come up with a sequel."

She nods her head, as if to indicate the others already know where she's leading them.

"So, the poor starving author has to add a bit of story to his first body of work. No, the young girl didn't die in the fire, she narrowly escaped. Didn't you pay attention? The body was never found. Or it couldn't be identified - someone switched the corpses. Our villain survives on to a second chapter and plans an even larger and grander scheme to evoke vengeance on those that wronged him... err, her."

As Viorela continued to recount the theme of several plays she had seen in her time in the cosmopolitan city, she worked her self up, the excitement clearly showing in her voice as she sped up each subsequent word.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela gives Tactfoot a reprimanding glance.

"An -Aasimar- is usually quite noble actually. In most stories they are heroes, or companions that aid the heroes. To see one in a tragic light is quite unusual."

Although if I lived Nualia's life, I don't think I would be too happy with Sandpoint either.

"I suppose if the town made a mockery of how special she was, she would grow to be vengeful. It's natural for a teased child to want to beat back up on the bully whey grow older and more capable."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Perhaps we should give up on discerning the origin of these goblins and all sign up as entertainers!

Viorela gave it a thought. She's rather be a matron of the arts rather than an actual actress. Being on stage in front of a live audience sounded more dangerous that facing a band of a dozen goblins by herself. At least there, she had her magic to help her. No amount of charms or swordplay could save her from an anxious crowd.

She smiled her approval of the night's events.

"If only I knew you were all in the play, I would have brought you a gift. Perhaps some drinks on those of us who aren't actors are in order?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela applauds as vigorously as any member in the audience.

Who's have thought? Arts in Sandpoint! Magnimar, for certain. But, Sandpoint?

She leans over and whispers to Borhald and Vestad, "They were quite good actually. I've seen several plays in Magnimar, and they could pass for actors there."

She smiles, nodding her head as she makes eye contact with the others during their curtain call.

I wonder, are they to perform multiple nights? Have we lost half our compliment in researching the goblin attacks?

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Once Viorela realizes what is happening, she very quickly elbows Borhald and tugs on Vestad's robes. She shoots them a girlish grin.

"See! I told you we'd catch them on stage!"

We leave them for an hour and they all turn into actors! Or have they been preparing this all week?

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela laughs to herself at the small gnome's enthusiasm.

"No, you've been quite helpful." And eager, too!

Continuing in the good-humored spirit, she looks to Vestad and Borhald and jokes, "Perhaps we should check in on Tosh and Andwell, lest we find them dressed up and on stage instead of continuing to divine the origin of the goblin attacks?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

"The Way North?" Viorela shrugs her willingness to continue interviewing anyone in town that may be able to help.

"Do you think we are making progress, Borhald?" she wonders aloud, innocently.

Are we in any rush? Do trails grow colder each day that passes?

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Borhald and Vestad:

Unfortunately Quink only seems to have ears for Thassilon. I doubt he'll be much of any help unless these are ancient Thassilonian goblin tribes.

Viorela quickly diverts the conversation away from goblins and bodies and adds, "Oh, we'll speak more of Thassilon soon enough."

As Borhald brings up visiting Shank's Wood, she nods in agreement, "seems to be our easiest lead to follow up on next."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

"Good master Quink" Viorela bows to the scholar.

"These are my friends Vestad and Borhald," she says by way of introduction.

"We have some questions about the local goblin tribes and were wondering if you or your associate here may be of assistance..."

Viorela will share all they know.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Is Quink the sage?

Viorela thanks Hosk, "Thank you for your time, we'll keep you informed with whatever we find out about these goblins."

Viorela will head to the sage with whoever else does, regardless if it is Quink.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela nods her approval and willingness to join the group in visiting one of the nearer goblin camps.

"It might be possible if we grab one of their scouts, we could ask it who their leader is, and see if it bears any resemblance to the human we suspect coordinated the attack?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela winces at the grisly display of goblin trophies.

Clearly Hosk needs another, less revolting hobby.

Doing her best to hide her feelings about the gruesome gallery, Viorela clears her throat.

"Yes, um."

Her eyes dart from preserved ear to ear.

"We wanted to talk to you about just that. We were looking to track the little devils back to their lair. It was suggested you might know more about the five tribes and which might be behind the attack?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Seeing Ameiko disappear so swiftly, Viorela glances towards the kitchen for several moments before turning back to the others.

She pops the last couple of melon cubes on her plate into her mouth and tosses her cloth napkin onto the table.

"Shall we, then?"

Off to Hosk!

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

"Five tribes!"

That is a fair amount of goblin tribes in the area. Master Prospero did refer to Varisian as untamed and wild, still though.

"After we break our fast, we most certainly will follow up with Daviren."

Viorela studied Ameiko. The woman seemed to be enjoying her time minding the Rusty Dragon - barely a hint remained that she was a former adventurer.

"I know you used to be something of an 'adventurer', Ameiko. Have you turned in your sword for good? Or do the goblin attacks stir old, fond memories?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Ameiko, at last!

Viorela is excited to finally have the chance to meet with the former adventuress after having missed the chance the past two nights.

She hastily assembles her plate of fresh melon and grapes, eschewing the pork sausage and makes her way to speak with the woman.

The magus adds her voice and questions to Borhald's.

"... or, the goblins that attacked. Do you have any idea where they might call home? A ruined farmhouse? An old mine? Or if not you, who might know these things in town?"

I have many questions to ask about adventuring, but business first...

Viorela pops a melon square into her mouth and enjoys breakfast while awaiting Ameiko's reply.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

As a magus, I'm going to have to say "D" (special) for Viorela's first step. It was actually a hard choice versus the HD/BAB step.

With the extra spell slot, she'll memorize Silent Image this next morning.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela nods understandingly at Borhald's report.

My, he was contributing, while I spoke to an old woman about her pies and the well-being of her children.

"Maybe there's someone in town who would have an idea where goblins might lair? An old mineshaft? A ruined farm?"

Besides Quink, Viorela will think if she knows anyone in Sandpoint who might know where goblins would reside.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Yawning and stretching, Viorela concludes with her intentions to retire soon.

"The Dragon is it again in the morning, to speak with Ameiko?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Ah, the step system is spreading like wildfire in PbPs! :)

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela had spent a lot of time in Magnimar buried in books or immersed in training. She was ready for the real world, some adventure, some action.

"I don't think the goblins could really get too far. Most of them weren't mounted, so they walked back wherever they came from."

She looks at Vors.

"While the tracks at the cemetery were abysmal, perhaps ranging outside of town we can pick up their trail and follow them back to where they lair, where Tobyn was taken, and where their leader is?"

Seeing it's now past dusk outside she adds, "tomorrow morning, of course."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela pats Vors on the back.

"Oh! It's a great mystery, and we are it's detectives. It's exciting!"

Viorela attempts to infect the paladin with her enthusiasm.

"I must say I've never been a good judge of people... I'm, ah... far too trusting."

At some point, I'll need to find a magic spell I can rely on to sort out those that can't be trusted...

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

What, what? No looking at Viorela. She's a sister-in-arms.

EDIT - Although Ash was very talkative with Tosh.

OHHHHH, I see now.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

At Andwell's joke about Borhald's levity, Viorela can't help but to laugh. After the long day, it was good to laugh.

She composes herself, trying to force a look of seriousness on her blushing face as she glimpses the ranger.

"It's hard to tell whether this Nualia's actions were justified or not. If she was treated unwell. I... I don't know what I'd do if I were in her shoes."

Should I tell them more about aasimars? How they are resistant to many things? Would we really fight her? I'm sure we could talk some sense into her if she had anything to do with digging up Tobyn.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Aasimars? I read about those...

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Apparently, a lot!

"Aasimars. It would be odd for a human child to be born an aasimar. But an aasimar is a good creature, celestial even - touched by the planes. They are almost always very, very good."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Is it Zantus, Zanthus or Zathus? Ack!

Viorela will contemplate if she knows anything about the father's adopted daughter.

Knowledge (Local) - about Nualia: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

EDIT - Negative!

Nualia? The father had an adopted daughter?

"Did he mention anything about Nualia and Tobyn's relationship? Were they close? Bitter? This may be our lead..."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Since the others seemed to be allowing "ladies first", Viorela discussed what she learned from Kendra.

"My aunt didn't have much to go on. She felt whoever might have dug up Tobyn was likely the same person who burned down the church. They never caught the person."

She frowns, and confirms she doesn't have much else to report beyond that.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

I prefer if the GM runs whatever garners him the most enthusiasm -- as that typically means the best game.

I haven't been in a Runelords game to get past this point (the 3 goblin fights), so I'm curious what it's all about now!

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and Kendra:

Viorela continues the discussion with her aunt.

"Was there something special about today besides the festival?"

"Is today an anniversary of something that happened involving Tobyn? Or is such a day coming up shortly?"

After her course of questions, Viorela pats her aunt on the back.

"Well, you know I completed my training, so I'm ready to put it to use and help however I can."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and Kendra:


She gives her aunt time to settle herself before she begins asking questions.

"So, I'm not sure if you gotten word from the cemetery, but it was Tobyn's grave they dug up."

"I was thinking, if there's a human leading the goblins, they'd have some reason for wanting Tobyn specifically. Any ideas?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and Vana:

Viorela greets her Aunt Vana with a feigned smile.

"I was looking for Kendra. Are you and the children okay? I saw Little Tomo and Waller at the festival earlier. Did they all make it back?"

Viorela looks genuinely concerned about Vana's children.

Feel free to use these names, or assume I used proper ones.

If there is nothing of note here, she will return to the festival grounds and scout the main streets of Sandpoint for her aunt, assuming that she would be about checking the hot spots in town out.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Onward to The Mayor:

Viorela thanks the woman and promises to visit her soon for a taste of whatever pie she might be baking this season.

She then continues on in search of Sandpoint's mayor.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and Candace:

"Candace!" Viorela exclaims, her voice sounding as if belonged to a girl ten years younger.

She moves immediately to embrace the woman in a friendly and warm hug.

Peaches should be season, I wonder if she has one of her delicious peach pies at home...

"Are you okay? I hope you weren't hurt or anything..."

If the woman is fine and good, she'll continue...

"Have you seen my aunt?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and the Older Lady:

Viorela certainly feels that she should remember the older woman...

Her name, what was it?

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

"So, splitting up it is. See you all back at The Dragon in an hour or so?"

Viorela bows politely at the others before heading off in search of her aunt.

Whoever wants to come, or not come is welcome to tag along. It's up to Borhald, she doesn't necessarily need company or need to be private.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Seeing the silhouette of the cathedral in what daylight remains, Viorela nods and begins to walk towards the structure.

"Perhaps Tobyn knew something in his life, and they mean to use magic to speak with his corpse? I'm really not sure why they would steal the body of a dead man..."

She continues to think out loud, tossing out any ideas she can on why an old man's body would be stolen from his coffin.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

I'm not sure Knowledge checks really indicate you'd be a good trader of information... you would simply go to other people who have the Knowledge and ask them for it -- the difference between a source and the middle-man (you being a middle-man).

I'd think you may want a good Diplomacy though for it's use to Gather Information.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

What to do, what to do. What would Kendra do? What is she doing?

"Yes, let's talk with Zanthus, Hemlock and my aunt. Maybe they'll have some idea why the goblins might want to dig up Tobyn."

I chose not to study the Gods in Magnimar. Master Prospero mentioned that servants of certain gods could do unspeakable things with a man's corpse.

Viorela moves closer to Vestad.

"If someone was plotting some sort of necromancy, how would we figure out their plans?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela waits patiently for Borhald to pick up the tracks of whatever goblin (or otherwise) dug up Tobyn and carried away his body.

"Why would someone want to dig up Tobyn? I suspect it's the human leading these goblins, as I can't comprehend how a goblin would ever come up with a plan to dig up a priest that has been buried for several years?"

Viorela continues to think out loud, hoping something else can complete her thoughts.

As the ranger shakes his head at the tracks, she confirms his findings (or lack thereof).


F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Tobyn? Why is that name familiar?

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Viorela frowns. She can't seem to remember why.


F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela makes a face at the thought of hunting boar.

"By all means if you gentlemen wish to hunt, you can knock yourselves out."

Unfortunate that this noble thinks that thanking me is taking me hunting? He must not know women all too well.

"So, about seeing what the ruckus was at the cemetery, am I going alone?"

Viorela stands, as if she makes to investigate whatever happened there - not quite ready to spend the rest of her afternoon relaxing.

The adrenaline is still strong.

The cemetery is within town, correct?

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela thanks Foxglove for the offer of a seat with the others.

Before she can share any tale of her own choosing, Hemlock arrives. She smiles politely at Foxglove's wink.

I must remember to not lead him on. There was that time in Magnimar with the drunken nobleman's son whom I had...

Her thoughts are interrupted by the sheriff's tale.

How exciting, it's like we're a band of adventurers retained by Sandpoint to fend off goblins!

"A human leading them? I admit I studied a little about goblins a few years back."

I should have payed more attention, yet they seemed so uninteresting when I could read about a chimera or a wyvern instead.

"I will gladly assist however I can sheriff. I have a fond place in my heart for Sandpoint."

And as I discovered already, this is an opportunity to practice all that I studied.

After a few more moments...

"Perhaps we should visit the cemetary and see what they were up to? Perhaps the tracks are more easily followed there... and don't lead us to a sea cliff?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Spotting Vors, Tosh and Borhald seated with the gentleman from earlier, Viorela smiles and makes her way to join them.

She didn't usually eat much during the day, and had gotten some fresh water back at the house when she changed.

In a teasing tone, she asked, "already reaping the benefits of your heroism, gentlemen?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela watched Kendra head off to attend to more mayoral duties.

I wonder where she is off to now. I'm not sure, but being a town's mayor seems to often revolve around mundane activities.

Seeing all the others disperse, Vestad to tend to the wounded, and Vors, Borhald and Tosh to the inn, she sighed.

The town has changed so much since I was a girl, I used to always have something to do.

Viorela returned up to the house to change out of her torn dress. She just had a loose fitting tunic and a pair of short leather breeches to change into. She hesitated as she considered her actual armor.

Why not...

Fully outfitting herself in case additional trouble should happen to befall Sandpoint, she made back into the town proper, her scimitar strapped to her waist.

Best see what the folks at The Dragon are discussing...

She'll enter the Rusty Dragon if nothing else in town seems urgent.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela laughs faintly.

"Likely with you, the last of my mother's coin was used up in Magnimar, so I'm making every last one count."

She frowns, as if this is starting to weigh on her.

"Have you heard if anyone needs any extra help in town yet? Perhaps these attacks have someone wanting a trained guard at their store?"

Viorela smiles at the others, as if the possibility of her serving as a guard should be something of a surprise before this afternoon.

Viorela knows that Kendra is aware of her skills - or rather, lack of skills in most areas. She has already talked to her aunt on several occasions that she would best attend to either clerical (scribing) duties if she doesn't put her martial skills to use.

EDIT - Oh I see she still has 26g left... that could last a while.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela only can blush and politely accept Foxglove's kind words with a smile. She continues to watch as he strides off.

What a gentleman!

Turning to Kendra, she returns the hug as if she hadn't seen her aunt in years. She turns to look upward, and then as always realizes she has grown to the same height as her aunt and smiles and laughs it off.

"Yes, let me introduce them... This is Vors, Vestad, Andwell, Borhald and of course Tosh."

"Is... is, the town safe now?"