
Viorela's page

105 posts. Alias of wakedown.

Full Name





Magus 1D










Sandpoint, Varisia


Common (Taldane), Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Thassiolonian, Infernal, Varisian


Unemployed, Mayor's Niece

Strength 14
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About Viorela

Senses: Init +1, Perception +0

AC: 14, Flat-footed 13, Touch 11
Hp: 9
Fort: +2; Reflex: +1; Will: +2

Scimitar (1H): +2 attack (1d6+2 damage) [18-20/x2]
Scimitar (2H): +2 attack (1d6+3 damage) [18-20/x2]
Kukri (1H): +2 attack (1d4+2 damage) [18-20/x2]
Starknife: +2 attack (1d4+2 damage) [x3]

Spells - Currently Memorized:
0) Daze (DC14), Ghost Sound, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand
1) Shocking Grasp, Color Spray (DC15), Silent Image

Special Abilities
Spell Combat

Skills and Languages:


Know (arcana) 1R+3C+4A=7
Know (dungeon) 1R+3C+4A=7
Know (planes) 1R+3C+4A=7
Know (local) 1R+4A=5
Know (history) 1R+3C+4A=8
Spellcraft 1R+3C+4A=7
Linguistics 1R+4A=5

Common (Taldane), Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Thassiolonian, Infernal, Varisian

Feats and Traits:

Spell Focus (Evocation) [Human]
Varisian Tattoo (Evocation) [Bonus]
Combat Casting [1st Level]

1) Magical Lineage (shocking grasp): apply metamagic to spell at 1 level lower

2) Historian: Add Knowledge(History) to skills and also +1.

Varisian Tattoo:
You cast spells from this school at +1 caster level. Additionally, you gain a single spell-like ability usable up to three times per day. The spell-like ability gained (and its Varisian name) are as follows:

Evocation (ragario): dancing lights

The Five Questions:

1. Why are you in Sandpoint? Are you a local or a visitor to the city?
As the niece of Mayor Kendra Deverin, Viorela has been to Sandpoint many times to visit her aunt. Having graduated from her studies in Magnimar, she is at the stage of her life where she is not quite certain what to do next. Given her skills, and her admiration of her aunt as a strong female role-model, she packed up and headed to Sandpoint. She is also interested in getting to know Ameiko Kajitsu, as she's heard she used to be an adventurer.

2. What are your motivations for attending the Swallowtail Festival?
Finally out of years of study and training, Viorela is more than happy to attend the festival - considering it a long-deserved vacation. She hopes to observe how Kendra acts in the role of mayor to learn what roles a woman with martial training can fill in Varisia.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?
Viorela is a witty, playful and otherwise enjoyable addition to any group. In addition to her banter, she will contribute her skills as a magi. With a high intelligence, she will also be able to contribute to over a half-dozen skills (mostly knowledge skills, and possibly something from a bonus trait yet to be determined).

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
Having never built a Magus before or seen one in play at a tabletop or PBP I'm involved in, I'd like to see how the pure magus does for all levels (no multi-classing). Depending on the others in the group, her spell choices would be made to compliment the group. If we are lacking on healing resources, I could see pursing the Hexcrafter archetype for the healing hex. I see Viorela fighting with some form of elegant weapon (dagger? rapier? scimitar? -- still need to make a decision here).

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?
Early on, Viorela will be apt to pursue any employment (consider it her first "real job"), while seeking Kendra's council on life choices. As she has been sheltered up to this point, I am interested in seeing how she deals with the "real world" after leaving her ivory tower - at this point she is book smart, not street smart. She has also "coasted" a little too much in her life to date, and is needing something to teach her real responsibility (if that's even possible). Her parents were simple, honorable folk, so she seeks to make them proud. No tragic story here, when she was born - they were already older, and died of natural causes.



Fairly attractive, long reddish-brown hair, green eyes. Her long bangs often cover her face - perhaps to hide her numerous freckles?

Wears a fitted leather jerkin, along with tall auburn boots fitted with silver buckles. Instead of a cloak, wears a fitted green waistcloak while traveling.

On her back, often visible due to the low cut of her armor, is a small Varisian tattoo of a butterfly with Thassilonian runes hidden within the wings. The runes mean "beauty" and "forever". The marking is the result of a particularly extensive night of revelry from Viorela's first year in arcane training in Magnimar - a juvenile mistake of her youth to attract the attention of a young Desnan.

Around her neck is a simple brass locket given to her by her father when she was a young girl and attended a Varisian carnival outside of Magnimar. It was a prize he won for a ring-toss game, an impressive feat given her father was fifty-and-one years at the time.



The daughter of an older, retired couple, she had a very loving family who passed of natural causes in her later teens. They supported her through to her formal schooling in Magnimar. Here, she trained under three masters, who taught her the various arts known to a magi.

Master Davaros, who was old enough to be her great grandfather, taught her history, mathematics and tactics.

Master Prospero, from Tien, taught her of spells, the planes and all manner of the exotic.

and - Master Belaranduil, the elf, taught her how to weave spellcraft with swordplay into an ancient, delicate dance.

Obviously, her attention span was quite different between the three.

EDIT: Added 6/29/2011 -

Viorela last visited Sandpoint seven years ago, just after her aunt Kendra became the town mayor. She was kept at a distance since - due to schooling, and also due to the "Late Unpleasantness"

EDIT: Another addition 6/29/2011 -
When not visiting Sandpoint in the summer, Viorela grew up in Nybor before heading to Magnimar for studies. Her parents, in their own youth, claimed to have traveled together throughout all the countries of the Inner Sea, before settling into a quiet life as farmers near Nybor.


Backpack 2g 2#
Studded Leather 25g 20#
Scimitar 15g 4#
Starknife 24g 3#
Kukri 8g 2#

Bladed scarf 12g 2# (exotic; lacking the feat) - a gift from a Varisian friend of Vio's to protect her as she traveled north to Sandpoint

Brass locket (worth ~5gp), shaped like a small butterfly, an item she's had for ten years since her father won it at a Varisian carnival

Clothing, Traveler's 1g 5#
Dress, Simple 1g 1#
Ink 1oz vial 8g
Inkpen 1s
Perfume, common (5 doses) 5g
Sewing needle 5s
Soap 1c, 0.5#
Sunrod x3 6g 3#
Whetstone 2c 1#
Waterskin (empty) 1g

TOTAL SPENT 113g 6s 3c
REMAINING 26g 3s 7c


Carrying Capacity: Light (58#) Medium (116#) Heavy (175#)


Begin with 3+Int(4) = 7 of 1st level
0 - All from Magus list
1st – Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Grease, Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Magic Weapon, Ray of Enfeeblement

Family Ties:

Amos Deverin --{father of} Fenchus and Kendra Deverin

Amos, then Fenchus, then Kendra were town mayors (in that order).

Fenchus marries Vana before he dies.

Vana's brother Velares is Viorela's father (complex I know).

This makes Viorela the niece-in-law of Kendra. Vana (living in Sandpoint?) is Viorela's blood aunt.