
Violant Turra's page

50 posts. Alias of Violant.

Now, I know multiple classes with familiar levels stack. However, it has recently come to my attention shamans and witches can't take figment familiars. What would the situation with the familiar be if, for example, someone took a figment familiar as a Wizard, then proceeded to dip into Shaman or Witch? How would that even work, if at all?

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Smokeside Quarter, where the campaign starts out, is in a permanently dead magic zone in terms of the lore. Granted... that doesn't exactly bode well for our casters. I do want the fact that this is Alkenstar to play a role in the campaign, but I feel having the entirety of what amounts to two chapters being played without magic would be a massive disservice to some of your characters.

With that said, what percentage of the Smokeside fights would you be okay with being without magic? I want to get that question out of the way before any actual fights start.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to Smokeside, Alkenstar, y'all! This is a recruitment for a backport into 1e of the Outlaws of Alkenstar adventure path, originally written for 2nd Edition. I will love to see what kind of builds people come up with for this unique campaign! Hoping to recruit 4 players for this, might recruit one or two more, but that isn't a guarantee.

System - Pathfinder 1e
SRDs - Archives of Nethys, d20PFSRD
Books Allowed - All official Paizo 1e content is welcome. I will potentially a backport/something with siml
House Rules and Systems in Use - Some 2e features (to be detailed in a separate post), along with some odd bits and ends, as well as Commonplace guns, as well as the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax and Background skills, are in effect.
Banned Items, Classes, Archetypes, Etc. - None. Feel free to go hog-wild with classes and archetypes exclusive to 1e.
Races - Any reasonable race with a stat bonus spread of +2/+2/-2 , +2/+2, as well as Humans, Half-elves, Half-orcs, Goblins and Kobolds.
Level - The adventure starts at 1st level and takes us to 10th near the end of the 3rd book.
Starting Wealth - Max for your class.
Attributes - 25 point buy.
Hit Points - Max at 1st level, higher of average (rounded up) or roll from 2nd on.
Traits - 2, or 3 with drawback.
Alignment - Non-evil alignments only, please.

Submission Requirements
Character Sheet - At a minimum, it needs to have race, class, and the attributes. However, I would prefer a complete character sheet.
Character Background - No need for a novel, just a reason why you're outlaw and all. Look at the Player's Guide for inspiration if you want some inspiration-- but keep in mind there will be some differences to how this is ran. This is Alkenstar, and this is 1st edition, so keep those things in mind!

I've seen a few people offering spots in ports to 2e, which recently got me thinking: what would the opinion be on running one or more backports to 1e of some 2e adventure paths? I don't know how many I could keep up at once, but I would definitely be down to run at least one if there's enough people interested. This is just an interest check, and I'd have to purchase the books in question unless it's Outlaws of Alkenstar that the people want, since that's the only 2e AP I have at the moment.

If I do run a game, it'd likely include some backported mechanics from 2e to make everything relatively seemless. These would include languages available, backports of a few deities, as well as potentially a few campaign-specific rewrites needed, and potentially an Inventor backport if I can find a decent one. Some tweaks would be needed to the ruleset for certain campaigns, Strength of Thousands would likely warrant a Gestalt ruleset courtesy of Free Archetype in 2e along with a bit of increased difficulty, Outlaws would require changing a few things to be inline with what's magic and what's not for 2e (and Commonplace Guns), and so on.

But would anyone be interested in this in general? Perhaps a specific AP people want to see adapted for 1st edition?

Here's the discussion thread. I figured I should get this done before I take a short nap or whatever my body decides to do.

Don't forget to dot in here!

Welcome to the recruitment/interest check for Iron Gods I'll be hosting! Fair warning this is my first time PbP GMing, but I'm currently GMing two VTT campaigns at the time, so I'm not going in totally blind with respect to GMing. (Sorry if I somehow screwed something up when posting this)


System - Pathfinder 1e

SRDs - Archives of Nethys, d20PFSRD

Books Allowed - All official Paizo 1e content, including books published after Iron Gods was published.

House Rules and Systems in Use - Some 2e lorewise-features (mostly languages available), Elephant in the Room feat Tax.

Banned Items, Classes, Archetypes, Etc. - Summoner.

Races - Any Race with a stat bonus spread of +2/+2/-2 is acceptable, along with humans, half-elves, half-orcs, and Aasimars.

Starting Level - 1st

Starting Wealth - Max for your class

Attributes - 25 point buy.

Hit Points - Max at 1st level, higher of average (rounded up) or roll from 2nd on

Traits - 2, or 3 with drawback. One must be a campaign Trait from Iron Gods.

Alignment - Non-evil alignments only, please.

Submission Requirements

Character Sheet - At a minimum, it needs to have race, class, and the attributes. However, I would greatly prefer a complete character sheet.

Character Background - No need for a novel, just a reason why they're currently in Torch, and a reason they wish to save Torch and Khonnir Bane. (Write a pseudo-novel if you're feeling up to it, though)