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![]() Double weapons must have both ends enchanted separately. If I had both ends of a double weapon enchanted with Dancing, could I loose it(standard action) have it fight for 4 turns, touch/grab (free action) the weapon and repeat? Dancing:
As a standard action, a dancing weapon can be loosed to attack on its own. It fights for 4 rounds using the base attack bonus of the one who loosed it and then drops. While dancing, it cannot make attacks of opportunity, and the activating character it is not considered armed with the weapon. The weapon is considered wielded or attended by the activating character for all maneuvers and effects that target items. While dancing, the weapon shares the same space as the activating character and can attack adjacent foes (weapons with reach can attack opponents up to 10 feet away). The dancing weapon accompanies the activating character everywhere, whether she moves by physical or magical means. If the activating character has an unoccupied hand, she can grasp it while it is attacking on its own as a free action; when so retrieved, the weapon can’t dance (attack on its own) again for 4 rounds. This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. Turn 1: Activate Dancing on end 1 and Fight 1, end 2 at rest
The tricky part would be grabbing the weapon before it drops or picking it off the ground during combat. This trick would work with 2 weapons and animate shields as well. ![]()
![]() Beware. This topic may be a possible FAQ, and will likely become a heated discussion. Please try to keep a level head, use RAW, provide references, citation and other binding/official sources, and follow the Community Guidelines at all times. 'Inhales a deep breath' Klars counts as light shield for the purpose of using it as a shield. We know this because of this FAQ, and it it written least 2 times in the Ultimate Equipment, page 12 and 31. Klar:
The traditional form of this tribal weapon is a short blade bound to the skull of a large horned lizard, but a skilled smith can craft one entirely out of metal. A traditional klar counts as a light wooden shield with armor spikes; a metal klar counts as a light steel shield with armor spikes. My questions,
2)If I can shield bash with a Klar, would I be using light spiked shield damage and "hand of effort"? 3)If Klars are one handed weapon, supported by the weapon table in Ultimate Equipment on page 18, then what would happen if I got a large Klar? Would it become an inappropriately sized two handed Weapon and still count as an inappropriately sized light shield for damage and "hand of effort"? 4)If I can't shield bash with a Klar. Would certain feats, like Improved shield bash, and special shield ability, like bashing, become useless for the Klar? "Hand of effort" is a much argued over unwritten rule in Pathfinder. Often used to explain why one can not two-weapon fight while using a two-handed weapon.
I posted this tread in General Discussion, so I may refine my question if I should ever post it on Rules/Question. ![]()
![]() Light shield description in the Core Rulebook on page 152, clearly states: You strap a shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A light shield’s weight lets you carry other items in that hand, although you cannot use weapons with it. I know I can't attack with any weapon, including two-handed ones, with out some kind of special ability or feat; while using the hand. I don't think using the hand to hold a weapon for a short time is a problem. Free action to change weapon from hand to hand. DM can enforce a reasonable limit. The treads I've read seem to agree you can cast spells with with the hand. 1)But could I hold a Rod of Absorption and gain all the benefits of the Rod and Shield? 2)Can I use Wands? 3)If yes to 2, would I lose the shield AC? 4)If yes to 3, What can I do to keep the Shield AC? I can see this light shield hand being used for some very powerful combinations. FYI, I use a light shield instead of a buckler to shield bash with the improved shield bash feat. ![]()
![]() I was flipping through in my Ultimate Equipment and noticed that knuckle axe, a monk weapon, is not in the Monks Weapon Group. It's in the axes Weapon Group. So I decided to take a closer look and found that Temple Sword and Nunchaku are also not on the Monks Weapon Group, yet the table listed them as monk. Is this an error somekind? Which is right? Are there any more weapons missing from their Weapon Groups that I should be aware of? ![]()
![]() I want to point this out very clearly from the start.
I know on a reach weapon there is no way you could get a free shield bash, your shield does not have reach as well. If I was wielding a Katana and shield. No one would argue against using Bashing Finish. For it is two 1 Handed weapons But while wielding both shield and a 2 handed weapon, I feel there would be issues. Do I use free actions to hold and regrip my Nodachi while using a free shield bash? FAQ: Two-Handed Weapons: What kind of action is it to remove your hand from a two-handed weapon or re-grab it with both hands?:
Two-Handed Weapons: What kind of action is it to remove your hand from a two-handed weapon or re-grab it with both hands?
Both are free actions. For example, a wizard wielding a quarterstaff can let go of the weapon with one hand as a free action, cast a spell as a standard action, and grasp the weapon again with that hand as a free action; this means the wizard is still able to make attacks of opportunity with the weapon (which requires using two hands). As with any free action, the GM may decide a reasonable limit to how many times per round you can release and re-grasp the weapon (one release and re-grasp per round is fair). Nodachi is in the Polearms Weapon Group
Bashing Finish
Shield Brace
![]() I have a few questions on the subject, because I encountered a Barbazu Beard. Barbazu Beard
Attacking with a barbazu beard provokes an attack of opportunity. Because it is so close to the wearer’s face, using a barbazu beard against creatures harmful to touch (such as fire elementals and acidic oozes) has the same risks as using a natural weapon or unarmed strike against these creatures. 1)Does Barbazu Beard work as written? 2)Would Monk's unarmed strike work as well? Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved
3)Are there any other examples of this two weapon fighting with a two handed weapon? I am aware of this FAQ:
4)Are there any rules or any other FAQ I should be aware of? ![]()
![]() What would happen if I roll a natural 20 while performing a shield slam or shield snag? Would the 20 count for auto hit, critical threat, and the attack roll based Combat Maneuver? Shield Slam's bullrush lets me push a creature an extra 5ft for every 5 I beat the CMD. How would the 20 play in this? Take 20 add attack bonuses vs CMD for bullrush? ![]()
![]() Would Indomitable Faith and Latent Psion traits stack against Charm person and similar spells? Indomitable Faith gives a +1 trait bonus to will save.
I would think they do not stack. As both are traits bonuses and trait bonuses do not stack.
Thoughts anyone? ![]()
![]() I need to clarify a few things here. Bull Rush uses CMB.
Bull Rush and Bull Rush Strike can't be used to push someone into a solid object or obstacle. (Okay for traps, pits, lava, etc.)
Improved Bull Rush and Greater Bull Rush completely works with Bull Rush.
All Bull Rush attempts, regardless of method, must be against opponent's CMD. Must I "bull rush" every time I Shield Bash while having Shield Slam?
Do I have the gist of it?
![]() Swift Iron Style (Combat, Style) Prerequisite(s): Str 13, Dex 13, proficiency with medium armor. Benefit(s): While using this style, you treat the armor check penalty of your armor as if it were 1 less, and the maximum Dexterity bonus to AC as if it were 1 higher. Special: A character with the armor training class feature can use Swift Iron Style while wearing any type of armor with which she is proficient. These benefits stack with armor training. I am a little confused. Is the special note nearly useless? No where is it stated I have to use any specific armor.
![]() Dueling Weapon Special Ability clearly states it's an Enchantment Bonus to Initiative. Guardian and Defending states it allocate the weapon’s enhancement as a bonus that stacks with all other bonuses. There for, is not an Enchantment Bonus. So what is Pitfall? Enchantment? Luck? A bonus that stacks with all others? From, Taldor, Echoes Glory, Page 27 Pitfall (Weapon Quality)
Sound like an Enchantment Bonus to me. As it says "apply the weapon’s enhancement bonus to your initiative checks" Thoughts? ![]()
![]() I am starting this tread to hammer out some of the details for Inappropriately Sized Shields House Rules since there are no official material around on this subject. Please keep an open mind. Here it goes. A Medium sized Heavy shield may be used as a large sized light shield with -2 to shield attack rolls and an extra -2 to ACP to the shield. A Small sized Heavy shield may be used as a Medium sized light shield with -2 to shield attack rolls and an extra -2 to ACP to the shield. A large sized light shield may be used as a Medium sized Heavy shield with -2 to shield attack rolls and an extra -2 to ACP to the shield. A Medium sized light shield may be used as a Small sized Heavy shield with -2 to shield attack rolls and an extra -2 to ACP to the shield. A buckler and tower shield is only designed to work with a creature in which it is sized for. Example: A Small sized buckler is too small to provide any AC to a medium size person. Example: A large sized Tower Shield can not be used by a Medium size person because it is too big and heavy to wield. One may use Effortless Lace with a heavy spiked shield to make it a light weapon. (NOTE) Effortless Lace must still be used with a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon. The "grips" part may be arguable. One may remove the -2 to shield attack roll with an Effortless Lace, but not the -2 to ACP. (Note) That spike shield and Bashing enchantment are both Size bonus and do not stack. Now for the storm of criticisms and comments of rule and game breaking. ![]()
![]() I took a look a weapon design options and I came up with this: Exotic=6dp
4x Improved Damage(1d10) =4dp
Result is:
I thought about adding Fragile to get +1dp.
And I don't have a clue what Shield design would do to a weapon.
![]() Would Living Steel Spiked Gauntlet with Shield Gauntlet Style count toward living steel's ability to break weapons on natural 1's used against the wield/wearer? Living Steel:
Shield Gauntlet Style:
![]() I am most likely going to regret asking this, But it goes. Please feel free to correct me where I go wrong. 1) Knowledge Skills: (Trained only) can be used to identify your target and any of their special powers or vulnerabilities. This is non-action . To me this counts as a free action in combat. Normally the DC is 10+CR, but is 5+CR for common creatures and 15+CR for rare ones. There are Special rules for untrained Knowledge checks of 10 and less.
2) Kirin Style (Combat, Style) "While using this style, you can spend a swift action to make a Knowledge check to identify a single creature (DC 15 + the creature's CR for this purpose). If you succeed at the check, while using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against that creature's attacks, as well as a +2 dodge bonus to AC against that creature's attacks of opportunity. These bonuses last for as long as you use this style. If you cease combat with the creature during this time and resume it later, you can attempt the check again." I think I can avoid the swift action with combat Mastery into a free action.
There's more, but I put it on hold for the moment. Just tackle these two first. ![]()
![]() I feel silly asking this but... The feats I have listed in title are not Combat Feats and are in a feat list of their own, Correct? Therefore a Fighter can't choose them as Fighter feats and Martial Flexibility & Barroom Brawler can't use them as they are NOT combat feats.
Did I miss something? ![]()
![]() This has to be wrong. A greater transformative weapon becomes any other weapon the wielder desires when a command word is spoken. The weapon cannot become ammunition, but can freely change between simple, martial, exotic, light, one-handed, two-handed, melee, and ranged. The weapon retains all of its enhancement bonuses and weapon special abilities. Does that mean with enchanted armor spikes with greater transformative, I can grab a spike, transform it in to a greatsword, and my armor is spike free? I would think "treat armor spikes as martial weapons" doesn't cover this. ![]()
![]() A character can wear two gauntlets. I am fairly sure that I can enchant my gauntlets with the training enchantment from Inner Sea Intrigue. And to have each gauntlet enchanted differently. Also, since multiple bane enchantment can be placed on a single weapon, logically I could have multiple different training enchantments on a single gauntlet. Did I miss something? Does this mean I could use up to 18 Combat Feats while wearing my gauntlets? As long as I have all prerequisites for those feats and don't use the training enchantment as prerequisites itself. |