Jolis Raffles

Vexanon Ur'Zahl's page

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Back in an old 3.5 game, I was playing a Curst (sorta undead who goes mildly insane at random moments) fighter in a pirate setting. I was with a were-shark kensai and we were on our way to the main hub city. While camping we are attacked by a group of bandits who we quickly dispatch but let one escape so we can track him to their hideout.

Upon reaching the hideout we clear out all of the bandits and investiage the area, it was a small but well furnished cave with a strange set of runes forming the shape of a doorway. We manage to determine through taking some 20's that it's a magic doorway that responds to a specific person or group.

At this point my fighter flips his crazy switch and decides it must work for the bandits so the following exchange occurs.

Me: I pick up one of the corpses.

DM: Um...ok?

Me: I huck it at the wall with the runes around it.

DM: throw the corpse?

Me: Yeah.

DM: Ok, make a STR check.

Me: *rolls a nat 20*

DM and my Were-shark Partner: o_O

DM: ....well nothing magical happens, but the bandit corpse splats against the wall and makes a bloody mess.

Me: (in character) well....guess that didn't work.

WS: What the hell was that?

Me: I thought the bandits could go through!

WS: Even the DEAD ones?

Me: Obviously!

Later on we met a character with strange runes embedded in their head. They weren't related to the door we had found, but that didn't stop my guy from trying when he had the chance.

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So this isn't from PF per say, but from 3.5 D&D.

Party is a LN Cleric of Kalemvor, myself a LN Monk, a CN Ranger, and a CN Bard/Rogue.

We were looking into a yuan-ti cult of Asmodeus that was terrorizing a nearby village. At this point we're all around lvl 10 and have gained some fame/notoriety in the area for our deeds. We learn that the cult is aware of the presence of heroes who may try to thwart them, so they put out a bounty on us. From this information we hatch a grand scheme.

The ranger and bard (the two lesser known of our group, the monk and cleric pulled off some crazy stuff in our adventures) disguise themselves and bind the cleric's and mine hands with rope and march us into the old watchtower where the cult is, claiming they want half the bounty for half the adventuring party.

We are brought straight to the cult leader, a Yuan-Ti Abomination, who looks us over and laughs at our miserable situation. The ranger and bard/rogue have positioned themselves for the ambush, when the DM looks at me and as the abomination, says,

"So you 'brave' do-gooders, have you any last words?"

At this point in time I had recently acquired the Fiery Ki Fist feat (give up 1 or 2 stunning fist uses to set my hands on fire for X rounds) So I ignite my hands and burn the ropes. Readying to fight, I say:

"Just two.....roll initiative."

It was horribly out of character but the table lost it for a good ten minutes.