Jolis Raffles

Vexanon Ur'Zahl's page

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Hey all, so the title basically sums it up. I have a character created and while I have a vague idea of how they act, I'm having a hell of a time fleshing out the details. Here's where I'm at.

Race: Fetchling

Class: Inquisitor (-2 WIS is counter-productive, I know, but I went with this for other reasons)

Gender: Male

Fighting style: 2H-melee with Cestus backup and a composite shortbow.

Current Level: 1

A little background: The setting is a custom world made by our GM. He created and wrote up details for a number of nations, but left others blank for the players to work with. We could create nations and populate them and have our characters come from them. He had created a nation with a largely eastern (Japanese/Chinese cultural influences) theme. Originally I wanted to play a Ninja but wanted a Fetchling (his nation being primarily Human) so I created a Fetchling Enclave that grew into it's own nation, taking much influence from the eastern nation as they were the closest neighbor. Eventually I scrapped the ninja for the inquisitor, but didn't want to change the nation I had created or the racial make-up for the sake of mechanical effectiveness. My stats are decent (14 avg for each ability, even after racial bonuses) and my skill focus is on stealth.

The nation the character hails from is very secretive and works with a lot of clandestine orders. One such is where my character comes from. Rather than a religious zeal, he is powered by shadow (darkness domain) and his conviction lies in the loyalty to the nation. His order seeks out enemies of the nation all across the world and strikes them down, using stealth, deception, and other under-handed tactics.

Alignment: LE. How this plays out: He understands and respects the laws of each country he goes to, as long as his mission is un-hindered by them. However all bets are off when it comes to his target, from lightly bending the rules to outright breaking them. Nothing is too severe as long as it means his target dies.

This is a lot of text, I realize, but if you've kept reading so far I appreciate your patience. Based on all of this info one would think I could easily come up with a personality, but I just can't think of one that fits.

Lvl 1 means he's fairly young (when the campaign starts he'll be on his first actual hunt) he's not against working with others, and can even be a valuable ally as long as his companions aren't suspects, but I just don't know how he'd come across in general situations. Any suggestions or examples of how he could act would be great!

So I see a lot on here about making ranged Inquisitors due to being proficient with the best ranged weapon in the game, but if I reeeeeaaaaally wanted to make a melee focused one, what would be a solid way to go with it? I have a campaign coming up and would like to play as one.

I was thinking a standard two-handed build, since they're less feat intensive than say TWF, but I don't know much about divine spell-casting so I feel like I'm definitely missing something on feats.

What are some examples of standard melee inquisitor builds you have tried before? Are there any specifics I should know? Any gear or spells or feats I should specifically look at?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

So, I've searched the Rules forums and scoured the PRD glossary on both Critical hits and damage reduction, and cannot find any information to clarify how the two interact. So I'm posting these questions here to see if anyone knows for sure.

Does a critical hit negate damage reduction?

If not, when is the DR applied? Before the multiplier is resolved or afterward?

Let's assume for sake of argument that a critical hit confirms but fails to overcome DR anyway (for one reason or another). Could critical feats still be applied?

My group has never really had an idea on how this works, so any advice would be great! Thanks much! :)

So a while back I worked with some of the fine gents here to come up with a viable multiclass option for my character in a upcoming campaign. However I've looked around at different posts and found that the standard for gunslingers in general seems to be to go 5 levels then go to something else.

Originally I was going to go Cavalier/Possibly Luring Cavalier. And I still really like the option, but I wanted to run my character concept by here and see if anyone had a better suggestion.

So here's where I sit for right now

Lvl 5 Gunslinger (Pistolero)

STR - 14
DEX - 20 (17 +2(Human Racial) +1(Lvl 4))
CON - 14
INT - 13
WIS - 13
CHA - 15

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Reload
Weapon Focus (Pistol)

HP = 53

AC = 20 (10+5(DEX)+1(Dodge)+1(Nimble)+3(Armor))

Attack Options
Pistol (Within 30ft.) - +12 hit. 1d8+6 Dmg. +2d6 for one grit point.

Longsword - +7 hit. 1d8+2 Dmg.

Armor - Studded Leather

Starting gold hasn't been decided yet for items so armor and magic items subject to change/be added.

I've seen Inquisitor, Fighter, Ranger, and others suggested as good paths to go from here. I'll lay down my character's background and maybe some kind soul here could give me the next logical step?

This character comes from a noble family, the kingdom they live in has a special military group of particularly skilled ranged combatants. Our campaign revolves around each player being part of this task force. My character has been training with firearms (mainly pistols) his whole life and is up for a promotion (next level takes a new class) and will be promoted to the captain (leader) of the party. So I'm looking for a class that would let me help my team mates out in combat, be sort of the face of the party (a rogue-ish type may be better suited but I'm still the "leader") and be able to charge the front line if need be, so possibly some switch hitting.

Any thoughts? Or was cavalier my best option?

Hey guys, so a couple friends and I are making lvl 20 martial front line combatants to duel each other (started out as a challenge and now it's just for fun) and we're going for optimization. The two people I'm going up against have a lot to do with Crits (One of them auto-confirms all rolls above 14 as critical hits) So I made an Armor Master (lvl 20 Crit Negation, awwww yeah) and am planning on just shrugging off attacks.

My issue with this is I'm giving up so much damage and hit potential for the awesome survivability. I'm running a Human, so pretty basic in terms of racial bonuses. Right now he's got adamantine full-plate, a heavy steel shield and a katana (taking the feat to wield one-handed). I plan to go the Vital strike route so I can stack extra damage on the one hit (both will have decent to ridiculous AC so I'd rather hit once and make it count).

I'd love some suggestions on further equipping my fighter. I'd like a focus on straight up defense and making that one hit HURT. (Looking at Impact right now). I chose the Katana but am not dead set on it, so that can be a different weapon.

Here's the stipulations:

150k gp to work with (-15k for adamantine armor)
Only items/enchantments that exist in the Pathfinder PRD (Base, Advanced, Ultimate Equipment).

Would LOVE something to enlarge myself with, I feel like that would stack with the impact enchantment.

Thanks for reading and any input you provide!

So I recently read about the Brawler archetype and upon looking further into them I decided one would be very fun to play as that sort of gruff veteran who talks a lot of smack and backs it up with really powerful smack(s).

On that note I want to make a 10th level Brawler, but I don't know what race to take, and what sort of feats would be best. I want to get up to Shield Master on that feat chain, and would like to get Stand Still early so he becomes very good at keeping enemies near him. Outside of that (if there are any left) I'm open to feat suggestions.

Core Concept is a Brawler in Full-Plate with a Light Steel Spiked Shield (Bashing and a decent enchantment bonus on it) who wields a Scizore on the other hand and has two brass (adamantine and cold iron) knuckles he can slip on if he doesn't have time to equip the scizore, or if he gets disarmed or whatever.

Any ideas? :)

So I'm gonna guess this doesn't apply, but I wanted to make sure.

Stand Still says if an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity due to movement you can make a combat maneuver instead to stop their movement.

Prone condition says that someone who is prone can stand up as a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

So is it possible to use Stand Still on a prone target that tries to stand up? I imagine this could be extremely obnoxious for a tripped target if true.


So this is my first actual post here, but I've read many of the guides here on various topics and found them extremely helpful!

More to the topic, I have a Pathfinder game coming up that's focused on a group of adventurers who are all part of a special military task force. Each of us has to be ranged, and so far our party consists of a Wizard Spellslinger and a Barbarian Hurler.

I was looking around for various builds for a Musket user and I found a build recommended on here for a Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5/Cavalier (Luring, Musketeer) the rest. I liked the idea a lot, but I have some questions.

What race would work really well with this? I'm leaning Human, but am open to other ideas. The campaign uses the Pathfinder PRD, so anything from the Advanced Races would be ok. I would like this character to be the "leader/face" of the group, so something that would really work to that.

Another question I have is about the orders. Many of them rely on melee attacks, threatening enemies (melee) or being attacked. Obviously this doesn't really work with ranged characters so much. Have any of you modified any of the orders to make them work? Or have you made your own? My DM is pretty open to working stuff out so I'd love some suggestions on that.

Lastly, if I wanted him to be a sort of Sniper without relying on Sneak Attacks, how should I build him? We're not going for Optimization, but something that would be fun and effective would be great!

Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated! :)