Kutholiam Vuere

Vernon Fults's page

Organized Play Member. 165 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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I really want to like the Thief Guildmaster however, it appears she has a bow and quiver on her back but no straps over her shoulder and around her body to hold them in place. Poor sculpt design if that's the case.

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I hope it's just the pictures but the quality of the sculpts look inferior to the other minis in the Iconic Heroes line.

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Thanks for linking the pictures, Marco.

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RDI is the best minis release ever! The sculpts and the paint jobs are wonderful. My personal favorite is the bartender; a beautifully sculpted piece with a perfectly painted face. WizKids should do a revision of the sculpt to add a weapon and armor to her so we could have a rogue or fighter version of the bartender.

Would it be possible for WizKids to make a promotional set of one table and two stools to be sold in the web store? I know I'd snap up six to help fill out the tavern.

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Cleanthes wrote:
Wizkids once did a couple of sets of prepackaged terrain for their Mage Knight line (called Artifacts, if I remember right.) I have no idea how they did in the stores, but I know they're still very much in demand on Ebay. The first set they released in particular had a lot of really useful pieces (including a table and 4 chairs.) The second set was considerably more niche.

Mage Knight Artifacts Set #1 is highly useful with 2 tables, 4 chairs, a throne, a pair of columns, and a few other bits. A few years ago, a game shop I frequented marked down the set to $5; I snapped up 4 of them specifically for the tables and chairs. Now they will see use with the new bar incentive! The set is now harder to find and most eBay sellers mark it up to around $50.

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Please, WizKids, don't screw up the faces! I've liked every figure previewed so far; this set is going to be another winner.

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The Avenger's exaggerated proportions and costuming doesn't appeal to me; same with the Shadow, to a lesser degree. However, the Shoanti is excellent.

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Love this preview! Both of the humans can serve multiple npc roles in a campaign, and the leucrotta is a classic monster that has never been done before. I'm glad that WizKids is getting the message from Paizo that they need to address the painting on human minis. Hopefully, The Lost Coast will not suffer from the problems that plagued the last few sets.

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I've lost faith in WizKids' ability to paint human/humanoid faces. This is the third set in a row where the pc/npc figures I want most have lousy paint jobs. Where is quality control? Why can the painters do excellent jobs on monsters but not on humans? I can not justify blind purchases when the quality is so spotty.

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Erik Mona wrote:
How many people would tolerate Tiny fey about the size of the demonic familiar or dero from Shattered Star?

That's the ideal solution to the problem. I think that the majority of players will get behind this idea.

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Erik Mona wrote:

As far as this and upcoming sets are concerned…

More female monstrous humanoids: CHECK

More male PC-proxy types: CHECK

This is very good news! Now, just stay on WizKids about the paint jobs on PC types' faces!

This is another fantastic preview! The male/female trolls are must haves!

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Please, WizKids, don't screw up Feiya. This set is off to a great start!

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Ponswick, in the many years that I ran AD&D, I never made use of weapon speeds. The game runs faster without that rule. I also never gave xp for gold; to me, gold is its own reward. Instead, I gave xp for monsters and bonuses for good role-play.

If you like old-school style play but want something a bit more streamlined and in-print, check out Swords & Wizardry (it's available thru the Piazo store http://paizo.com/products/btpy8yg8?Swords-Wizardry-Complete-Rulebook-2013-E dition). It has the option of using classic descending AC or modern ascending AC, is very clearly organized, classic modules adapt with minimal conversion (or the S&W modules can be used with AD&D), and is well-supported by both professional modules and by many on-line blogs.



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Fredrik wrote:
That is all true, however my new lich currently has a folded-up piece of tissue paper on him. He came holding his goat's-head staff in front of his face, like a mask on a stick, so I'm using the tissue to hold it straight off to the side in the hope that it'll learn to stay that way.

If you're having trouble keeping the staff in the right position, gently heat the figure by dipping it in hot water or heat it with a blow dryer until it becomes slightly bendy, reposition the staff, and dip the mini in ice-cold water for a few minutes. This should lock the staff into its correct shape.



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The one thing I hope WizKids accomplishes that DDM never did: consistent scale. I have DDM figures that are all over the place in scale; 25mm to 33mm, dwarves taller than humans, near-halfling sized humans.....I'm sure everyone is familiar with the problem. Please WizKids, pick a scale and stick with it!
