Headmaster Toff Ornels

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Organized Play Member. 128 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Thanks guys. Although I showed my Gm the ppst, he insists that a spell is not an attack (by definition).

Is there any official wording, so I can show him?


Quick rules question: Can I use the ready action, to cast a spell that deals damage, in order to force an enemy caster a spellcraft check to avoid loosing the spell being cast?

The SRD states that:
Distracting Spellcasters

You can ready an attack against a spellcaster with the trigger "if she starts casting a spell." If you damage the spellcaster, she may lose the spell she was trying to cast (as determined by her Spellcraft check result).

Although the word used is "ready an attack", I believe that any source of damage inflicted on a ready action, triggered by "casting", is enough to impose the check, but I want to be sure, so I can point it to my DM.

Thanks in advance

Yeah, I was assuming that, but as I got away from PF for a while, I wanted to confirm that.



I'm currently playing a Wizard/Hell Knight Enforcer and want to know if I take levels on HKE, will I receive new spells to my spellbook?


I am Augustus Maximus, first of my name, follower of Iomedae.

Although not a paladin in strenght of arms, I took the same vows, for my convictions are stronguer than mere flesh and bone.

I wield not the sword and shield, but The Art is my weapon and armour.

With Iomedae's guidance, I'll scorch evil with holy fire.

192. A dimensional door opens beneath one of the PCs, draging him in an instant, in front of his terrified comrades. The PC rolls a save for FORT, REF and WILL, all of them at DC 15. Seconds later another rift opens and the PC emerges 1d10 years older. For each succesful save, the PC has a cumulative 25% chance of gaining a level. For each failed save he adds another 1d10 years to his age. The PC has distant memories, like those of a dream.

157- The night goes troubled for the PCs, with dreams filled with terrible nightmares. In the morning, the PCs note that the last PC on guard looks different: spooked eyes, the hair is more whitened (as an effect of aging) and he seems unaware of his surroundings. He doesn't remember anything for last night, but is fatigued.

156- In the midle of the night a strange colour descends from the sky, shining with greenish blue hues. When it senses the PCs, it glows redish-yellow and charges the resting PCs. It doesn't attacks in a proper way, but when it touches the PCs they must save FORT DC 15 or take 1d2 STR damage. The colour occupies 4 squares in any direction and format. Only force spells can halt the colour (like incorporeality). If it receives 5 points of damage from a force effect, it withdraws to space.

Thanks for the replies!

I was thinking about a "shoulder cannon", that could fire every turn, without requiring a standard action. It could be a move action or free action.

Haste gives me another melee attack. I need a melee attack and a standar action to activate a magical item.


I'm building an "Iron Man" type of character and am in dire need of free attacks, even if they are a 1d6.

Do you know any options for making such attacks?

The character is a 5th level Aasimar (Scion of Humanity) Bard (Archeologist), and he is making wondrous items to fit the theme.

Currently he has a gauntlet that shoots magic missiles, but I'd like to make melee/ranged attacks AND use the gauntlet.

Any help is welcome!

Thanks in advance.

72- The PC on watch makes a simple INT 5 check to notice that the stars are positioned completely differently.
73- The PCs awake in the morning to discover a huge cow-like footstep near their camp.
74- A strange howling wind makes everybody unreast. Everybody roll a WILL save DC 10 against fear, or no rest is possible that night. In the morning, the PCs find that some large trees have vicious claw-like branches and twisted faces.
75- During full moon, an object covers 1/4 of the lunar surface for half an hour.

Thanks for the input!


I am wondering about creating a fireball "grenade" using Craft Wondrous Items.

It will cost 3 (spell level) x 5 (minimum caster level) x 750 (spell trigger 50 charges) = 11.250 gp.

As it is a "grenade" it's supposed to be used once, so this is question: can I divide the market cost above by 50 (charges) so I can make the item with just 1 charge?

Thanks for reading.


First of all, as I could understand from the first poster, JUST CORE RULEBOOKS (rule 1), so no house rules here.

Second, Rune got it straight. Excellent point!

Iron Man seems the more tricky, but with a synthesist summoner he can do wonders!

Hulk IS an alchemist/barbarian with levels in Master Chymist.

Great topic and great answers!

I do like ASOFaI and think that PF would do great. The question is magic.

You could increase the relevant spellcasting attribute, so only truly exceptional idividuals could possibly cast a cantrip or a level 1 spell.

I think that a 18 in the relevant attribute should sufice. Just consider it as a 11 regarding bonus spells per day (+7 attribute requirememt).

In the proximity of special places or persons, this could be lessened, but not too much.

As a world almostly negated of magic, people would devote a 18 to more martial classes, instead of gaining low level spells.

Another thing should be the almost absence of scrolls and spellbooks. Almost no "formal" training for wizards and the like.

Magic should be more spontaneous than in other settings.

So I thought. Just asked to see if there is controversy.



Although I have some kind of answer for the topic's question, I'd like to hear from the fellow collegues: Can Rejuvenate Eidolon be used to harm an undead creature?

PRO: It's Conjuration (Healing)

Thanks for answering.

Piccolo, first of all I'm a big fan of He-Man!

Now, into business:

What you are trying to do, I belive, can not be fully accomplished using character creation in PF, without resorting to house rules which, in turn, breaks the system.

So, if you are trying to make a playable PC character you have 2 options:
1- Breaking your head trying to figure out what classes and abilities would be more fit; or
2- Simply put in your mind what abilities those charcaters SHOULD have, and give them.

For example: He-Man can be, as Prince Adam, an Aristocrat of ANY level. As He-Man (after transformation by the Sword of Greyskull) he has enormous Strength and Durability. So, what is such strength? I don't know... 40, 50, 80? I think it's irrelevant. Just consider he can, automatically, win any Strength check (unless confronting god-like beings) and bypass Hardness and non-epic DR. His Durability should be represent with immunity to Fatigue and Exhaustion, probably tons of HP.

The problem with stats is that as soon as you give them, you are limiting the character. Want to give a 30 to all physical stats? Fine! Think that a base 20 is enough? That's fine too!


I'm playing CC with a Summoner (Synthesist) and a friend (Gunslinger), besides the GM.

We just started playing the HoH AP and managed to complete the first part, and are in the middle of part 2.

I'll try to convince my GM to give us a level ahead of the planned by the AP, but I think I will not be able to do that.

Anyway, can you give any tips for a 2 PC party, with said configuration?


PS: I'm a Aasimar Summoner, increasing DR to my Eidolon, and planning to take the Heavenly Radiance feat route.

Ximen Bao wrote:

A full round action is ~6 seconds. A minute action is essentially 10 full round actions.

Most definitely not.

I see.

Regarding Full round actions

Full-Round Actions

A full-round action requires an entire round to complete. Thus, it can't be coupled with a standard or a move action, though if it does not involve moving any distance, you can take a 5-foot step.

I'm forced to believe that even if it is a full round action (for 1 minute), the characer is still able to move 5 ft. each round.

Anyone disagrees?

I'm sorry for reopening this thread after so much time, but I wish to elaborate a question regarding summoning the eidolon.

The text says that the ritual takes 1 minute. Period. It doens't says that requires a full round action during the minute, nor that you can do other actions while performing the ritual.

What is the consensus regarding this period of time? Can the summoner take other actions?


I found this on the FAQ

Summoner: How does a synthesist (page 80) heal damage to his eidolon?
Because the eidolon gives the synthesist temporary hit points rather than having a separate pool of normal hit points, effects that cure hit points don't restore the eidolon's temporary hit points. This technically leaves you unable to heal the eidolon. To remedy this, effects that specifically restore hp to an eidolon (such as rejuvenate eidolon) restore temporary hit points to a synthesist's eidolon. This does mean those spells end up as a sort of must-have "spell tax" for synthesists, but the advantage of being a synthesist is your eidolon's hp are a buffer between you and damage, unlike a normal summoner who can be targeted separately from his eidolon.

Even the Fast Healing evolution, or other fast healing or regeneration effects, restore hit points rather than temporary hit points, so they heal the summoner, not the eidolon's temporary hit points.

—Sean K Reynolds, 08/02/11 Back to Top

I guess that Life Conduit can restore HP to the Eidolon, even to the synthesist.

Anyone disagrees?

Finlanderboy, thanks for poiting out that part of the spell.

Another question: as a synthesist, can I use Life Conduit spell to heal the eidolon?

The spell

You utilize life conduit to share hit points with your eidolon. While this spell is active, you can spend a swift action to transfer 1d6 hit points between you and your eidolon, either taking damage yourself and healing your eidolon or healing yourself and damaging your eidolon. If your eidolon moves farther than 50 feet from you, this spell ends.

Thanks for answering.

I tried to look after some answer, but found none.

Anyone else?

Thanks again.


Just a quick question: Can I use Eidolon Surge to grant my Eidolon Fast Healing, although I'm level 7?

Thanks for answering!

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n00bxqb wrote:

Would this be correct?

Scenario: enemy charges Flowing Monk with a power attack.

1) Flowing Monk, who lacks Improved Trip, uses an immediate action to attempt a trip attempt at +4 CMB (due to charge + power attack).
2) Trip attempt provokes an AoO from charging attacker and any other threatening enemies due to lack of Improved Trip.
3) The attacker and any other threatening enemies take AoOs on Flowing Monk.
4) Providing Monk remains conscious, the trip attempt is resolved at +4 CMB. If successful, the attacker is knocked prone and rolls a saving throw to avoid the sickened condition. If unsuccessful, the attacker is not knocked prone. If the Monk fails by 10 or more, the Monk is knocked prone.
5) The attacker resolves his attack. If the attacker is knocked prone, he resolves his attack at -4 from attacking from prone, +2 from charging, and -? from power attack. If the Monk is knocked prone from failing his trip attempt by 10 or more, the attacker resolves his attack against the Monk, who suffers a -4 penalty to his AC from the prone condition.

Yes, it's correct.

I've made a build with Flowing Monk and Crane style. It got nigh AC, the redirection and block abilities, so hitting him was a pain.

In addition, I used 4 levels in Ninja class, so he could use a Kusarigama, triping from afar and making AoOs with sneak attack (Agile Maneuvers necessary).

I may be playing with this monk soon.

I've made a 10 level progression, and would like to hear about it from the fellow players.

The character

Aasimar (Peri-Blooded) Summoner (Synthesist)

+2 INT | +2 CHA

Scion of Humanity: Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.

Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.

Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft.

Emberkin gain pyrotechnics as a spell-like ability.

STR 10 00
DEX 10 00
CON 10 00
INT 14 02
WIS 14 02
CHR 19 04

FORT 0 + 0 = 0
REF 0 + 0 = 0
WILL 2 + 2 = 4

AC 10
HP 8


+2 Knowledge (Planes) and +2 Spellcraft

Knowledge (Planes)(INT) 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 8
Perception (WIS) 1 + 2 = 3
Spellcraft (INT) 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 8
Use Magic Device (CHA) 1 + 4 + 3 = 8


Latent Psion (+2 vs Mind Affecting Effects)

FEATS and Habilities

1- Cantrips, Fused Link, Summon Monster I, FEAT (Extra Evolution)
3- Summon Monster II, FEAT (Toughness)
4- Shielded Meld
5- Summon Monster III, FEAT (Extra Evolution)
6- Maker's Jump
7- Summon Monster IV, FEAT (?)
9- Summon Monster V, FEAT (Extra Evolution <10th lvl>)
10- Aspect

The Eidolon


Level 1

STR 16
DEX 12
CON 13
INT 07
WIS 10
CHA 11

Fort 2 + 1 = 3
REF 0 + 1 = 1
WILL 2 + 0 = 2

AC 10 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 15
HP 6
DR 1/Evil


Level 1 4
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Imp. Natural Armor, Imp. Damage (Claw), Bite, Skilled (Perception)

Level 2 5
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Imp. Natural Armor, Imp. Damage (Claw), Bite, Skilled (Perception), Resistance (Fire)

Level 3 6
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Imp. Natural Armor, Skilled (Perception), Resistance (Fire), Bite, +2 STR

Level 4 8
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor, Skilled (Perception), Bite, +2 STR, Minor Magic (Magic Missiles)

Level 5 10
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Imp. Natural Armor, Skilled (Perception), Resistance (Fire), Bite, +2 STR, Energy Attacks (Fire), Gore

Level 6 11
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Imp. Natural Armor x2, Skilled (Perception), Resistance (Fire), Bite, +2 STR, Energy Attacks (Fire), Gore

Level 7 12
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Imp. Natural Armor x2, Skilled (Perception), Bite, +2 STR x2, Energy Attacks (Fire), Gore

Level 8 13
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Imp. Natural Armor x2, Skilled (Perception), Resistance (Fire), Bite, +2 STR x2, Energy Attacks (Fire), Gore

Level 9 15
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x2, Skilled (Perception), Minor Magic (Magic Missile), Major Magic (Scorching Ray), Breath Weapon (Fire) x2

Level 10 17
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x3, Minor Magic (Magic Missile), Major Magic (Scorching Ray) x2, Breath Weapon (Fire) x2

Artanthos wrote:
Summoner uses a d8, not a d6.

My mistake. Thanks for pointing.

David knott 242 wrote:
Also -- shouldn't a 1st level summoner have more than 6 hp? Assuming that he does not devote his favored class bonus to hp, he would have to have a Con of 6-7 in order for his 1st level hp to be only 6. With his eidolon summoned, he should have 9 hp (assuming that the eidolon is Medium -- 8 hp if Small).

My stats are STR, DEX and CON 10, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 19.

So 1d6 maximized for 1st level = 6 + 0 (CON) = 6.

Eidolon 1d10 = 5 + 1 (CON) = 6.

As this thread kept rolling, I decided to make another question:

When a Fused Eidolon has an hability that depends on HD, like Breath Weapon, the PC uses his own HD or the Eidolon's?

Thanks again.

By reading more carefully the Temp HP entry, they are IN ADDITION to main HP, so it's just math.

If overall HP is bellow 0, the PC is dying.

Thanks for answering.


I'm preparing a Synthesist and got stuck in a simple rules question: Considering a level 1 Summoner, with 6HP and a fused eidolon with 6HP, his total HP would be 6 + 6 Temp HP. So far so good.

Now, by the rule Fused Link, I can prevent my eidolon dying by sacrificing my own HP. Rule here.

Fused Link (Su)

Starting at 1st level, the synthesist forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the temporary hit points from his eidolon would be reduced to 0, the summoner can, as a free action, sacrifice any number of his own hit points. Each hit point sacrificed this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the eidolon (thus preventing the loss of the summoner’s temporary hit points), preventing the eidolon from being killed and sent back to its home plane.

So, considering the PC get attacked and hit for 15 dmg, can he give away 10 HP of his own (going -4) and still be active with 1 Temp HP?

Here are the rules for Temp HP

Temporary Hit Points

Certain effects give a character temporary hit points. These hit points are in addition to the character's current hit point total and any damage taken by the character is subtracted from these hit points first. Any damage in excess of a character's temporary hit points is applied to his current hit points as normal. If the effect that grants the temporary hit points ends or is dispelled, any remaining temporary hit points go away. The damage they sustained is not transferred to the character's current hit points.

Here the rules regarding Injury and Death

Your hit points measure how hard you are to kill. No matter how many hit points you lose, your character isn't hindered in any way until your hit points drop to 0 or lower.

Disabled (0 Hit Points)

When your current hit point total drops to exactly 0, you are disabled.

You gain the staggered condition and can only take a single move or standard action each turn (but not both, nor can you take full-round actions). You can take move actions without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. Unless your activity increased your hit points, you are now at –1 hit points and dying.

Thanks in advance.

Guys, thanks A LOT for your insights!

MTCityHunter, thanks for your input!

The DR question is answered in the PC's race: Aasimar. As it is, I can have DR X/ Evil, where X equals Level/2. So at 10th level, it has DR 5/Evil.

Regarding Bite, your right. I'll be updating the info, so I can get Skilled in Perception.

Thanks again


Back in the days of 3.5, I had a good build regarding counterspelling, but those days are gone....

I've read the rules, but can't see much info regarding counters and ways to boost it.

Can you halp me pointing out how to optimize counterspelling?

Anything helps!

Thanks in advance.

Slacker2010 wrote:

Why would you want magic spells? Tony stark used Technology. Use the Eidolon like his suit, use his magic for small tech effects. Get Quiver of infinite holding (or whatever it is) and use javelins for his energy blast.


I like the idea behind a Wizard using a full plate mail and firing repulsors....

It's a shame that the system does not support a steam punk technological aproach.

I've made a small 10 levels Eidolon progression, to emulate the Stark armor.


Level 1 4
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor, Imp. Damage (Claw), Bite

Level 2 5
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor, Imp. Damage (Claw), Bite, Gill

Level 3 6
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor, Imp. Damage (Claw), Bite, +2 STR

Level 4 8
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor, Imp. Damage (Claw), Bite, +2 STR,

Minor Magic (Magic Missile)

Level 5 10
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x2, Imp. Damage (Claw), +2 STR, Minor

Magic (Magic Missile), Flight

Level 6 11
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x2, Bite, Imp. Damage (Claw), +2 STR,

Minor Magic (Magic Missile), Flight

Level 7 12
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x2, Imp. Damage (Claw), +2 STR, Minor

Magic (Magic Missile), Flight (+2)

Level 8 13
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x2, Imp. Damage (Claw), +2 STR, Minor

Magic (Magic Missile), Flight, Major Magic (Scorching Ray)

Level 9 15
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x2, Imp. Damage (Claw), +2 STR, Minor

Magic (Magic Missile) +2, Flight, Major Magic (Scorching Ray)

Level 10 17
Limbs (Arms)*, Limbs (Legs)*, Claws*, Basic Magic (Light), Imp. Natural Armor x3, +2 STR, Minor Magic (Magic

Missile) +2, Flight, Major Magic (Scorching Ray) +2

Magic Missile and Scorching Ray for repulsors, Flight for Flight capacity, and Improved Natural Armor to get sturdier.

Also, I'd like to stay clear that this is not for optmized play. I'm trying to get into the mood of Iron Man, not to do tons of damage.

Buri wrote:

Or just get the folding plate clasp and use overland flight :D

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-armor/specific-magic-armor/foldin g-plate

The folding plate looks like Iron Man 2!

Seriously, the syhtesist gives everything I could possibly want:
-a replacement for physical stats
-interesting evolutions
-limited magical capabilities
-Temp HP

If I could build magic items to try to emulate what the class gives, I belive it would be too expensive and lvl prohibiting.


I'm trying an Iron Man build using a Synthesist Summoner (although I'd prefer to use a Wizard with a Mithral Mechanus Gear).

Is it viable to exchange the Summon Monster feature for the spellcasting of a Sorcerer (Spells known / Spells per day)?

I just don't like Summoning that much.

Thanks for reading!

EDIT: I'll be using this post so I can post the build and aks for suggestions.

If you like the idea, try to make "traps" that tax the PCs, for example, a door that opens when the blood of the innocent/guilty is used to fill some small vial, taxing the PC in 1d4 CON damage.

I made a story about a severed head that, when immersed in blood, could awake and grant information. However, filling the plate with blood would cost 1dX in CON dmg.

Another idea is a crystal key that is inside a glass container. When someone tries to take it, he takes DEX dmg as the liquid reveals to be acid (possibly incapacitating the hand for somatic components).

There are nasty things you can do, outside combat, to gradually consume the party's very body!

Dennis Baker, I've managed to accomodate a 4th Ninja level in this 10 level build, so I can buy Agile Maneuvers.

c873788, a finessable reach weapon can be used to threat 10ft, allowing the PC to trip foes from a distance.

Dabbler, this PC already has Crane Style listed.

Dennis Baler,

I can't belive why such weapons aren't finessable, considering that without a chain (light?) they are all light weapons.

Well, it seems more like a bug than an intentional weapon feature to me.

I strongly belive, though, that DEX could be used instead of STR, without paying for Weapon Finesse (this feat could allow DEX to damage), but this was not a system's choice, however.

In conclusion, there are no finessable weapons with reach, sadly.

RedDogMT, regarding the weapon proficiency I can see 2 possible and viable solutions: a trait that gives me proficiency woth an specific weapon, or taking a level in Ninja before 8th level, so I can get access to Kusarigama, which os also a reach tripping monk weapon.

StrangePackage, having Weapon Finesse enables me to use DEX in Trip maneuvers, instead of STR.

Any more comments?

Thanks for reading

RedDogMT, thanks for the reply!


Thanks for reading my topic!

Regarding the Kama


The wielder can attack as if armed with a single kama in each hand or extend the chain to make a single reach attack.

As the Monk is proficient with Kama, and considering what is said about the equipment, can't we conclude that he is also proficient with the double-chained kama?

I've managed to improve the build further, posting it bellow.

Husei, the Flowing Water


Human Monk 7(Flowing Monk, Monk of the Sacred Mountain) Ninja 3

STR 10 00 FORT +2 AC 10 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 17 (+3 F.Def.)
DEX 19 04 REF +6 HP 8
CON 10 00 WILL +4 (+2 M.Effects) Attack +4 (+3/+3) (-2 F.Def.)
INT 13 01 Ki 0
WIS 14 02 Trip 5 + 0 = +5 (+2 Charge AND +2 P.Attack -2 F.Def.)
CHR 09 -01 CMD 10 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 17 (+3 F.Def.)

STR 10 00 FORT +5 AC 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 20 (+3 F.Def. +2 I.L.D. +1/Enemy F.D)
DEX 20 05 REF +10 HP 8 + 5d8 + 6 = 36 avg.
CON 10 00 WILL +7 (+4 M.Effects) Attack 4 + 5 = +9 (+9/+9/+4) (-2 F.Def.)
INT 13 01 Ki 5
WIS 14 02 Trip 5 + 6 + 2 = 13 (+2 Charge AND +2 P.Attack -2 F.Def.)
CHR 09 -01 CMD 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 6 = 25 (+3 F.Def.)

LVL 10
STR 10 00 FORT +6 AC 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 20 (+3 F.Def. +2 I.L.D. +1/Enemy F.D +2 C.Expt.)
DEX 21 05 REF +13 HP 8 + 9d8 + 10 = 58 avg.
CON 10 00 WILL +8 (+4 M.Effects) Attack 7 + 5 = +12 (+12/+12/+7) (-1 F.Def. -1 C.Expt.)
INT 13 01 Ki 7
WIS 14 02 Trip 5 + 9 + 2 + 2 = 18 (+2 Charge AND +2 P.Attack -1 F.Def. -1 C.Expt.))
CHR 09 -01 CMD 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 9 = 28 (+3 F.Def. +2 C.Expt.)

Kama, double-chained 1d6/1d6 Reach 10ft. 20/x2


Threatening Defender -1 on C. Expertise
Latent Psion (Human) +2 on saves against mind-affecting effects.

FEATS and Habilities

1- FEAT (Dodge), FEAT (Crane Style), FEAT (Weapon Finesse)*, FoB, Redirection*, Unarmed Strike
2- Unbalancing Counter*, FEAT (Toughness)*, AC +1 Natural
3- FEAT (Improved Trip), Flowing Dodge*, Maneuver Training, Still Mind
4- Ki Pool (magic), Bastion Stance*
5- FEAT (Crane Wing), Elusive Target*, Iron Limb Defense AC +2/+4 Shield*
6- FEAT (Combat Reflexes)*
7- FEAT (Crane Riposte), Wholeness of Body
8- Poison Use, Sneak Attack +1d6
9- FEAT (Combat Expertise), Ninja Trick (Greater Trip), Ki Pool
10- No trace +1, Sneak Attack +2d6

As it is, by the time it reaches 10th level it can:

  • Trip most opponents AND attack them dealing weapon damage + 2d6 Sneak
  • Tripped opponents are Flat-footed and possibly sickned
  • Tripped opponents triger AoO from adjacent allies
  • Trip an incoming attacker THEN deliver a AoO to the attacker (Sneak damage) THEN block the attack (Crane Wing) THEN Riposte attacker (Sneak damage). All of this during attacker's action.
  • AC 28 (possibly 34) WITHOUT magical support
  • Trip probably 30, maximized at 32, WITHOUT magical support.

Well, these are the implications of a 10th level PC on his own.


Thanks for reading this far!

You could increase from 15 to 25 pointbuy system, as the adventures are ment to be in the standard 15's.

I've also heard of a book of NPCs. Maybe you can find a good NPC to fill a specific spot which is missing.

Also, an Alchemist can be very brutal if played properly. It can fill the Rogue role or the Barbarian role. I can't make opinions on the Ranger, though (maybe going Archer).

However, as you stated before, your 2 players are inexperienced. THAT is a problem, as they probably won't be used to optimization, action economy etc.

A good starting point could be: "Well, you guys want to play which kind of characters (Melee, Ranged, Stealthy)? I can help you with your PCs, making them more optmized."

Just my 2 cents.

Hi, thanks for answering!

In fact, they look very close to each other!

In my build, AC is important, but keeping the AC race is really hard, so my AC will be to shake off the minor nuisances.

Greater Trip is paramount to me, because I really wish to serve the party with AoOs from proned foes.

As a form of comparison, my PC at 7th level should have:


AC: 10 + DEX 5 + WIS 2 + DODGE 1 + MONK 1 + F.Def. 3 + Shield 2 + N. Armor 1 + F. Dodge 1 + C. Expertise 2 = 28/30 (without magic)

Unarmed Attack: BAB 4 + DEX 5 - F. Def. 2 - 1 C. Expertise = +6
Flurry: BAB 7 + DEX 5 - F. Def. 2 - 1 C. Expertise - 2 Flurry = +7/+7/+2 (1d8 DMG)

TRIP Attack: BAB 7 + DEX 5 + I. Trip 2 - F. Def. 2 - 1 C. Expertise = +11 (+15 If enemy is P. Attacking and Charging).

As a routine, he could be standing next to his comrades, fighting defensively, and attacking with reach weapon.

IF the enemy attacks him/comrade he can (if possible) AoO for a TRIP, or Redirect the attack, tripping the opponent (possibly Sickening and becoming Flat-footed), before the roll is made.

IF the attack is made at the PC, he can, after the dice is rolled, Block the attack, and, last but not least, roll REF for half damage.

As you can see, DMG by itself will be at a minimum, but after 7th lvl, I plan in getting 2-3 lvls in Ninja.


I've made a particular build for a possible game coming soon, so I'd like the opinions of more experienced forum users regarding it.

The Build


Human Monk (Flowing Monk, Monk of the Sacred Mountain)

Attributes (20 pts)
STR 10 00
DEX 19 04
CON 10 00
INT 13 01
WIS 14 02
CHR 09 -01

Kama, double-chained 1d6/1d6 Reach 10ft. 20/x2


Desert Shadow (You move with a quick and quiet grace and your enemies are often taken unawares by your silent speed. When using the Stealth skill to move at full speed you no longer suffer a -5 penalty on your Stealth skill check.)

Adopted (Perseverance - In time, any obstacle can be endured and overcome. When you have more than 1 Will saving throw to overcome an effect (such as greater command, hold person, or by using the good fortune ability of the Luck domain), you receive a +3 trait bonus on the extra Will saves against that effect.)

FEATS and Habilities

1- FEAT (Dodge), FEAT (Crane Style), FEAT (Weapon Finesse)*, Flurry of Blows, Redirection*, Unarmed Strike
2- Unbalancing Counter*, FEAT (Toughness)*, AC +1 Natural
3- FEAT (Improved Trip), Flowing Dodge*, Maneuver Training4- Ki Pool (magic), Bastion Stance*
5- FEAT (Crane Wing), Elusive Target*, Iron Limb Defense AC +2/+4 Shield*
6- FEAT (Combat Reflexes)*
7- FEAT (Combat Expertise), Wholeness of Body
9- FEAT (Greater Trip), Adamantine Monk DR 1/-*
10- FEAT (Spring Attack)*, Ki Pool (Lawful)

So this is another tripping variant, making AoOs to trip foes, and hit them in the ground. Thats basic.

The turning point is that Redirection gives me a +2 or +4 bonus to Trip, if the foe is Power Attacking or Charging (or both), just noting that a charging enemy looses -2 to his CMD. In addition, Improved and Greater Trip nets another +4 bonus to Trip, but that is basic.

Another strategy is not getting hit.

My defense lines are:

1- AoO due to reach weapon;
2- Redirection (before attacker rolls)
3- High AC (during attack)
4- Block (after hit) with Crane Wing
5- Roll REF for half damage
6- Apply DR

So, this build is a battlefield controller, that can not be Tripped back (Bastion Stance), has Reach, has Multiple Attacks (including AoO), can negate many attacks and heal himself.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for reading!


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