
Shizonrhu's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Title: The Shielded Heart

Alignment: LN

Domains: Law, Strength, Knowledge, Charm, Protection

SubDomains: Fortification, Competition, Loyalty, Thought, Love

Portfolio: Happiness, Games, Stories

Worshipers: Bards, Good Hearted Law Enforcement, Hopeless Romantics

Symbol: A brass kite shield with a heart boss

Favored Weapon: Shields

We finished soon after the AP's last book was released (with two 13-hour sessions for the final book)

Parati - Alternian (custom race) - Paladin of Iomedae - Guardian

Anthony - Aasimar - Wizard (With multiple schools due to Mythic) - Archmage

Nania - Alternian - Druid - Champion/Heirophant

Trillan - Tiefiling - Paladin of Cayden - Champion