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Construct : robot. No maintenance (need repair maybe) magical and loyal to serve you. You can make empire that works on construct but who is the producer ? Dwarf. Dwarf wizard are trained to craft so fast and efficient way. Name it. Terratoca could finished in a day. (Assuming you are high level and need sleep. Etc). Dwarf also lives long age. Human dont. They are potential buyers. Their short lives span, and they want to do anything for them to lives their live fullest. So buy terratoca servant than human ones. (Slaves could revolt. Need sleep. Food. And die by many ways). Robot can do all day without complaining. I (lvl 1 wizard) personally make 2 guardian gargoyles. And sell 1 of it. To realize they make good army. They can fly (but they horrible at it.). This lead robolution. By the way I am veilgn. Also hellatze (my alias) nice to mee you.
Sometime when we play. We often distracted. Lots jokes, talking when gm narrating a story (in very busy place and loud so I need attention. ). Sometimes we meet bullfrong (giant) and has lot of hp. Hard to take down. And everybody seems talking and interrupting the games. Makes my ears red. In the end, it took 2 hour to beat g~$ d&%m frog. After beating frog. Other newbie that watching us play. Take the places (well they are invited. Us veteran player tasked to teach them.). I am fine with this if we play every week. But people are busy. Need 3 months for us to play. Until that day comes, I feel angry inside (I dont have guts to tell thay we didnt play for 3 months. Only wasted to beat frog). I was angry but I think myself as selfish. So I hold myself. Agyer teaching new player the basics. I go. Alone enjoying peace. And cry inside. We should play after wait for 3 months for not to play. Also the plave was noisy. Makes me uncomfortable. I am fine with them roleplaying. Cracking jokes. But I didnt like it when take too long. Again. Maybe I was too selfish? .... I should seek reference how you guys play your game. How you enjoy it.
There was a hero that finally become a god. And he finally banish idea of evil from the world. The world progress that reach utopia. Untill finally. He become bored. After lot and lots of millenia he lives. He look around his citizen of utopia lands. Everybody lost an idea. Everything was peaceful without conflict. No ones make good story. Everything was repetitive. The day where hero itself lost track of times. The game are all the same. Food. Clothes. Music. Feeling empty he find boring is a SIN. But as the SIN itself he removed. Everybody never FEEL bored. That was wrong. Very wrong, that removes the idea of utopia. He took bad sides come again. And utopia no more. Hero than understand. Understand that the idea of perfection never come true, but bright side. That he feel something different after millenia. The conflict enrich lives.blives become enjoyable, when the conflict finally end. As now he watch, and look foward new lives as irresponsible god. But its FUN. So kids. When you die. > choose hell. By hellatze. Please dont spread story without permission
Mine : 1. Wizard know all the spell.
1. I confused about :special ability. I dont know about it, is there a list for this "special ability" for construct ? 2. How to calculater final cost for special ability? 3. Some special ability able to reduce CR. I need that for cheapen the construct. Any help will be appreciated. I also can help my friend to craft construct too.
I am a wizard who soon play a summoner. And I must spend evolution. But I find primary attack upgrades and secondary upgrades. Since I can put more than once. I will put almost all evo tentecles let say 4 times. Is that mean after primary attack. Secondary attack go as well ? I never play warrior. And so I dont know this and cant find the wiki.
Hello my fellow crafter. I made, some built for crafting focus. And I need some suggestion. My build : - wizard dwarf lvl 7 - spellcraft +15 (assuming I could get that) - feat : craft construct and its presequites - trait : hedge magician. And rich parents. Int focus and wis. All lowered. I want to make gargantuan animated object. Any suggestions on my craft build?
Its not I wanted them to work hard and whip all day. I will give em some good meal and sometimes wine (for cayden). Even gives them a clothes. I never told them to fight. Only tend wound, somwtimes tell them to give some buff so I will not waste my spell slot. I could make them making magic weapon for me too. And I even give em sone vacation.... In the end I need slave :( But I make a promise if the story/campain/module end I give em a freedom if he like it. Or he could follow. I swear I will not treat them like slave traders. If u didnt buy slave. Who know that he will got evil masters ?
I search everywhere when wanted to learn how to construct. I know some rules but not perfect. Since thus was my first time to build construct. I have a question. 1. Di construct point applied to construct? They said this only applied to aninated object. Need the link. 2. I cant finds the table of special ability for construction. I cant find the link.
I search everywhere when wanted to learn how to construct. I know some rules but not perfect. Since thus was my first time to build construct. I have a question. 1. Di construct point applied to construct? They said this only applied to aninated object. Need the link. 2. I cant finds the table of spell abiliry for construction. I cant find the link.
Perform skill makes you to get money by performing task. But the result are low. (Ridiculously low) and can be do it per day. I eas thinking to make this skill in good use. Like having a leadership feat. I could have a band performer who can gives me money depending how large the group. Minus deduction by food and water. But my DM for now wont allowed leadership feat maing this perform thing useless. (You must dedicate yourself for this kind of skill for good use)
my DM said wondrous item are item in treasure. it should prohibited to buy at settlement. (but I given a chance to buy it anyway. just this once). this is confusing because making magic item are prohibited too. only crafter can make magic item. since I am wizard and need to spend 10.000 gold.(because we reach the last chapter)
I tasked to go to certain island in large lake like sea. but I rarely experienced sea monster before. last time I go via boat, I fight. sea hag and small boats with 3 pirates on it. and they boarding at us. for sea monster.. idk. is there sea monster that throw you to open water. my character cant swim !
so I am a wizard sage, the archetype that grant bonus +4 caster level a day (cool. but replace my familiar).then I buy a ioun stone for spell storing. the spell storing states that I must use minimum caster level. is that mean, I cant store spell with sage modifier ? or other modifier that grant caster level bonus ?
I have 2 cracked prims stone that makes my cantrips fix. But what I care are caster level that orange prims granted. It gives +2 caster level if I have 2 cracked prims stone. But considered slotless item. This bugs me for pale ruby trillian that gives circumstances bonus for stealth. Cracked ones are 200 for 1 circumstances stealth bonus. While the normal ones cost 5000 for 5 competence bonus. I could buy 5 cracked for cost 0f 2
Is there a rules for slotless items ?
I am kinda new to this. I play several session and my character almost died. now I want to utilize traits fully. I don't want my wizard become useless again, also traits are something hard to find that totally usefull any help will appreciated :) note 1 : item are welcomed too. note 2 : AC traits are good, but primary traits I want to have is offensive. current level : 5