Veilgn's page

205 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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johnlocke90 wrote:
Veilgn wrote:

In the world that god is exist.

Do they will go to hell ?

Even if they are good people?

They hang out in the boneyard. Occasionally atheist souls are fed to the moon to stop the moon from destroying everything.

Thats cruel.

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Mine. Fireball and burbing arc for low level.

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Cleric bard palading any spell like ability and divine power didnt count.

True spellcaster only

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What a cheap lady/man.

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1. Wizard
2. Summoner
3. Rovagug servant.

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This threwd become more confusing. Since I ever started it.

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While spelcaster eating popcorn on golarion sun. Laughing that punny fighters.

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100 perception?

Thats mean you can hear sound of leaves fall from trees.

And hearing ant footsteps.

Even hear somebody got killed in another planets?

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Iys ok to take real life materials. As long its fun to read.

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Thats called eternal dead.

Even if sun get blow up. Tarrasque will respawn in space. Nothing there just float away.

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Claxon wrote:
Veilgn wrote:
But his weapon have authority.
Righteous Authority

For sake of greater food.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

But his weapon have authority.

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I never seen in my adventure.

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Ok thanks

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I search everywhere when wanted to learn how to construct. I know some rules but not perfect. Since thus was my first time to build construct. I have a question.

1. Di construct point applied to construct? They said this only applied to aninated object. Need the link.

2. I cant finds the table of special ability for construction. I cant find the link.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Try to have inquisitor with witch hunter archetype. While having team full of a witch.

Again. Nobody expect a....