Veilgn's page

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They never win the day. Sometimes i pity the evil.

I losing it.

You cant too evil and too good. Confusing because neutral good and evil exist.

Bandw2 wrote:
yeah by level 20 your character embodies the wealth and martial power of most nations

Put of all lvl 8 - lvl 20 adventurer. No inflation occurred.

Feeling proud this thread reach 249 post.

Lol. Adventure r are filthy rich.

What if i have trait that define poor ?

Starting level leaves huge amount of money. Btw i start play lvl 8. Get big sum of gold.

While cost of food are so cheap.

Still ... didnt match with cost of living. Cost of living are so cheap. Food can count on silver coins. Rent ... few gold coin.

This getting ridiculous. As progress to lvl 15..

Saethori wrote:
Warforged. You're basically describing Warforged.


QuidEst wrote:

First level wizard can't take Craft Construct, hit the DC reliably, or afford to make a gargoyle. I'm not sure why that example was used.

Golems are generally a terrible investment. They cost tens of thousands of gp. You can hire an unskilled laborer for about 33gp/year. You can cover 24/7 for about 100gp/year. So it would take a 10k gp golem a century to pay for itself. Even if it does better work, it's fifty years for two people at a time.

As for making an army, they're still way more expensive than a bunch of soldiers. In fact, they're so valuable that the enemy army should capture and sell them. There's the additional issue that golems are very hard to repair, requiring even more money to pay casters to patch them up with fancy spells or lots of really slow cantrips.

1. Golem are expensive example. But there is cheap construct. (Since i am new at crafting). (Homuculus quite cheap)

2. Use construct to craft complicated machine. Who knows that construct could create non magical construct. (Cut trees. Make warship. Sell to coastal country)

3. If printing press exist. Also university and school could teach basic how to make construct. Its the matter how people could learn about making it.

4. Construct designed for long term investment.

Construct : robot. No maintenance (need repair maybe) magical and loyal to serve you.

You can make empire that works on construct but who is the producer ?


Dwarf wizard are trained to craft so fast and efficient way. Name it. Terratoca could finished in a day. (Assuming you are high level and need sleep. Etc). Dwarf also lives long age.

Human dont. They are potential buyers. Their short lives span, and they want to do anything for them to lives their live fullest. So buy terratoca servant than human ones. (Slaves could revolt. Need sleep. Food. And die by many ways). Robot can do all day without complaining.

I (lvl 1 wizard) personally make 2 guardian gargoyles. And sell 1 of it. To realize they make good army. They can fly (but they horrible at it.).

This lead robolution.

By the way I am veilgn. Also hellatze (my alias) nice to mee you.

Jeraa wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Hmm, probably FaQ material.

You won't get one. The spell is pretty clear. And so is Ultimate Intrigue:

The first thing to note is that at the lowest levels, alignment detection spells simply don’t register NPCs due to their low level. Other than clerics, undead, and evil outsiders, creatures require 5 Hit Dice or more to register with detect evil. The second thing to keep in mind is that creatures with actively evil, good, chaotic, and lawful intents register as that alignment if they have enough Hit Dice, regardless of their actual alignment. So a selfish merchant whose heart is moved by an orphan’s plight into an act of largesse would register as good at the time, and a loyal knight forced to kill an innocent child to stop a war could appear evil while she formulates and executes the deed. The final thing to consider is that alignment detection is exceptionally easy and cheap to foil in the long-term.

So do you think this spell usefull ?

Start to think. This spell dangerous. (For cult anyway)

Remembering that detect evil / good / haotic etc. Exist.

Spell can racist huh?

So.. the lawfull good always good people ? That never commited crime, nor evil? That makes this guy like jesus.

And the chaotic evil always bad like satan ?

I wish to avolish this system. My character feel 1 dimensional.

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johnlocke90 wrote:
Veilgn wrote:

In the world that god is exist.

Do they will go to hell ?

Even if they are good people?

They hang out in the boneyard. Occasionally atheist souls are fed to the moon to stop the moon from destroying everything.

Thats cruel.

In the world that god is exist.

Do they will go to hell ?

Even if they are good people?

Ok the thread have meet its end.


Charon's Little Helper wrote:

Scorching Ray is a decent damage spell with no save.

Wall of Fire gives no save.

What is your Intelligence score? By level 8 you could easily have a 24. (20 base +2 from leveling, and a +2 headband) Along with Spell Focus & Greater Spell Focus, your level 4 DCs could easily be 23.

Also (a bit off topic) have you dipped 1 level in crossblooded sorcerer for +2 damage per die? :P

I am a wizard. Neber like sorcs.

My int score 22.

Still miss from frog.

Also scorching ray require range touch.

Ryan Freire wrote:
Veilgn wrote:
Thunderrstar wrote:

No GM can cheat.

The GM is right the rules are wrong.
And then I abbandon the game. Of thee GM think so highly like that.
GMS are far more rare than players.

Yes but my pride and feeling are important too.

I dont want to see my spell fail when I find the gm cheat a lot. (Gladly mu gm didnt cheat).

I could play other games.

Dustin Heaton wrote:
Veilgn wrote:
Alexandros Satorum wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
If all your foes are making their saves...
then cast spells that don't require saves (<== I like this one better)
I only know msgic missile.
First, magic missile is one of those spells that don't require saves, at least in Pathfinder. Second, you're playing an eighth level wizard and only know magic missile? Can't determine how many spells you should have started with without knowing your characters intelligence, bit you should know 14 spells just from the two free at every level.

You misunderstand something.

BretI wrote:

I think they meant that the only spell they have with no saving throw is Magic Missile.

So, what other spells do you have in your spellbook? Will your GM allow you to scribe more spells from NPCs?

I am blaster mage. Focused on damaging in AOE.

I could buff stoneskin. Using shatter bone. Reduce person (vise versa). Using scry. Ice storm. Thunderbolt. Swarm spider. Etc etc.

But I reffering to attack spell that no use saves. I rarely find it

Btw lives in SE asia. So people rarely play the game.

Sometime when we play. We often distracted. Lots jokes, talking when gm narrating a story (in very busy place and loud so I need attention. ). Sometimes we meet bullfrong (giant) and has lot of hp.

Hard to take down. And everybody seems talking and interrupting the games. Makes my ears red. In the end, it took 2 hour to beat g$@ d#$m frog.

After beating frog. Other newbie that watching us play. Take the places (well they are invited. Us veteran player tasked to teach them.).

I am fine with this if we play every week. But people are busy. Need 3 months for us to play. Until that day comes, I feel angry inside (I dont have guts to tell thay we didnt play for 3 months. Only wasted to beat frog).

I was angry but I think myself as selfish. So I hold myself. Agyer teaching new player the basics. I go.

Alone enjoying peace. And cry inside.

We should play after wait for 3 months for not to play. Also the plave was noisy. Makes me uncomfortable.

I am fine with them roleplaying. Cracking jokes. But I didnt like it when take too long.

Again. Maybe I was too selfish? ....

I should seek reference how you guys play your game. How you enjoy it.

Thunderrstar wrote:

No GM can cheat.

The GM is right the rules are wrong.

And then I abbandon the game. Of thee GM think so highly like that.

wraithstrike wrote:

Yes, but it really depends on the social contract of the group.

Mostly the GM makes all the rules, and most groups have an understanding that the rules will work a certain way unless they are told they will change.

Other groups don't care about the rules as much.

I would ask the GM does he intend to always go by the rules. I would also ask him to let you know about any rules he plans to ignore.

She didnt tell the rules.

Only the basic ones.

wraithstrike wrote:

Yes, but it really depends on the social contract of the group.

Mostly the GM makes all the rules, and most groups have an understanding that the rules will work a certain way unless they are told they will change.

Other groups don't care about the rules as much.

I would ask the GM does he intend to always go by the rules. I would also ask him to let you know about any rules he plans to ignore.

She didnt tell the rules.

Is that really possible?

I offended if gm doing that !

Like make my spell too useless. Or make my damage small.

There is a rule about that in gm guide book. But when I find out. I feel angry.

I hate cheated :(

Alexandros Satorum wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
If all your foes are making their saves...
then cast spells that don't require saves (<== I like this one better)

I only know msgic missile.

Playing lvl 8 wizard meeting bullfrog that haves 9 reflex.

My offensive spell become useless.

Sometimes meet high fortitude enemy too.

There was a hero that finally become a god. And he finally banish idea of evil from the world. The world progress that reach utopia. Untill finally.

He become bored. After lot and lots of millenia he lives.

He look around his citizen of utopia lands. Everybody lost an idea. Everything was peaceful without conflict. No ones make good story. Everything was repetitive. The day where hero itself lost track of times.

The game are all the same. Food. Clothes. Music.

Feeling empty he find boring is a SIN.

But as the SIN itself he removed. Everybody never FEEL bored. That was wrong. Very wrong, that removes the idea of utopia. He took bad sides come again. And utopia no more. Hero than understand.

Understand that the idea of perfection never come true, but bright side. That he feel something different after millenia.

The conflict enrich lives.blives become enjoyable, when the conflict finally end. As now he watch, and look foward new lives as irresponsible god.

But its FUN.

So kids. When you die. > choose hell.

By hellatze. Please dont spread story without permission

Lemmy wrote:
Try online gaming.

what is online gaming?

Rub-Eta wrote:

Every Thursday. We've missed maybe 4 or 5 weeks since November last year (when we started our Reign of Winter game).

But it wasn't always like this... ** spoiler omitted **...

I know your feel bro. Sometimes players dint simply care because of "reason" like busy or anything.

But simply. I have a GM who feel sick or busy so we cant play (judge based on lifestyle its understandable. I should trust her or not that she is busy and sick?). I start to think that we wont play anymore :(
Its 3 weeks. I hope it wont get worser.

Hard to find player in indonesia.

Or should I abbandon my group?

This game need dedication anyway.

I am quite jealous you guys can play a lot :'(

And keep playing... hard to find tabletop player in this country :/

Once a year ?
Once a month ?
Once a week ?
Everyday ?


Random depending on GM mood?

I think I should poset the spell level. There are more than 100 spell and I got confused. Since I play low spell level.

Do cure light wound only abiable for divine spellcaster

Ok. You can choose 3 spells. I could get reference too.

Low level are very wellcomed.

Spell level? For wizard sorc summoner or arcanist?

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Mine. Fireball and burbing arc for low level.

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Cleric bard palading any spell like ability and divine power didnt count.

True spellcaster only

Try wizard :)

So caster were rare?

Just curious. How about your team ratio in battle.

Mine :

2 Spellcaster
2 Fighter
1 rogue

We are talking about prostitute.

I rarely use familiar :(

Also scrying are for lvl 13.

Neckles of fireball.

I want my familiar rabbit throw that bomb for me.

So my familiar didnt become usless.

How to convince my DM?

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What a cheap lady/man.

Kill god kill god kill god.


Mantis god isnt a god.

That just god creation serve as assasin. With CR30.

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