Varith's page

No posts. Organized Play character for adorablechaosmonkey.


It's been 4 months since anybody's talked about it, and I don't want the idea to die, so how about it? Since Paizo's sticking with 3.5 and WotC's moving on to 4e, does it seem more likely or less likely? If anyone at Paizo is still listening to interest in the idea I want you to know that I'd be willing to shell out some descent money for it-please tell me that you're still trying to make it happen.

So does the announcement of 4e kill any chance of this ever happening? I hope not, but I'm afraid it does.

I've long been a fan of all things Kyuss (what little was in WotC's Monster Manuals, anyways) and was thrilled when I was pointed to AoW a couple of weeks ago. I've since discovered the amazingly positive feedback for the adventure, and the incredible support for a compilation of the adventure and its Wormfood suppliments. I'd just like to add my voice to the clamor for it to be issued as a complete adventure. After perusing some installments of the adventure in back issues of Dungeon at my local gaming store I am even more in love with it than I thought I could be. I would love a collected adventure, and would buy it the day irt came out, even if it cost a hundred bucks or more (I bought my fried Ptolus as a birthday present, so money won't stop me from having something really good). If it comes down to it, I will buy all the magazines seperately, but my dream would be to have a single hardcover volume with all the information nessecary to run the campaign, well organized, good art, all the Wormfood info, for around $60-80, with an additional optional softcover suppliment containing pullout maps, character handouts, NPC stat sheets, etc. for another $20-30. One way or another, though, I hope WotC hears all of our voices and allows Paizo to make this product, whatever the format.