
Valrim Dalrek's page

2 posts. Alias of Darthrancor.

Battle Map | Korvosa Map

For all things housekeeping and out of character shenanigans.

Battle Map | Korvosa Map

Gameplay thread for my Curse of the Crimson Throne PFRGP game. For all things directly pertinent to the game.

Hello, all. I've been on the boards for a while and after playing in a few games I'm want to try my hand at GMing a game for a change. Now onto the fun stuff, the character creation rules!

  • Ability Scores: 1:1 20 Point Buy. No score above 18, or below 8 before racial modifiers.
  • Starting Level: 1st
  • Classes: All Paizo (except Antipaladin; Unchained Summoner Only; Unchained Monk, Rogue, and Barbarian preferred). Anything from Kobold Press's Deep Magic. Any class from The Spellshaping Codices except the Advaitan, Dragonheart Adept, and Sublime Shaper.
  • Races: All Paizo (except Drow, Duergar, and Svirfneblin) are acceptable as well as any from The Spellshaping Codices.
  • HP and Starting Gold: Max HP for all levels and Max Starting Gold.
  • Traits: 2. One Campaign trait from the updated player's guide (Found here), and another of your choice. Drawbacks are allowed for an extra trait.
  • Other Rules: Background Skills will be used. Fighters gain Combat Stamina as a Bonus Feat at 1st level (Any other class has access to it as a feat).

A few items of note. First, Recruitment will run until 11:59 PM EST on Feb, 1st. As for how the spellshape races and classes fit into Golarion and the Inner Sea, I'm leaving the specifics up to you, the players. How they fit into the world generally will be put into the campaign info tab after I get it written up. With this being a pbp there is a minimum of 1 post per day to keep the game going. If you can post more, great. I usually can post at least twice a day, in the morning and evening.

Good luck everyone! I can't wait to see what kinds of characters you come up with.