
Valmoth Galvador's page

Organized Play Member. 33 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Shimrath wrote:

Pretty minor, but i like to keep this thread near the top of the list to encourage DMs to post the errors they find.

Chapter One

Jeneer Everdawn, one of the surviving prisoners of the Malachite Fortress, is listed as a female halfling on the Recent Abductees list, and as a male halfling in the text for area M27. Unless they're doing some weird experiments down there, i think that's an error.

What was the actual gender of this halfling in the magazine? Don't have the issues myself, so can't look it up.

I ask because I plan on having numerous cohorts and followers culled from the prisoners of the Malachite Fortress.

PS: Woah, I've started this campaign late! Also *BUMP*

Dark Archive

Filge was definately a memorable event for my group. We had 4 PCs at level 2, by the end of it though we only had two that were still concious. (Don't worry the others survived.)

Now one of the PCs that managed to knock Filge out one of the windows to his doom has been given the nickname, the Defenestrator. Now whenever the party sees a BBEG and a window nearby everybody looks to him and smiles.

(In short, yes. 5 PCs will ruin Filge.)

Dark Archive

I believe it may yet be another year or so before we might eventually see some sort of definitive news from WoC about this whole issue. (If anybody wants to keep track...?)

Besides, if you've got the original magazines, either in hardcopy or PDF, surely nothing is stopping you from running AoW. I know this doesn't help all players of the game, but I've been running AoW since TFoE showed up on shelves in Australia and my group is only now going in the labyrith for the same adventure.

Anyway, my two cents are in, (although they are worth less where you are) and I'll end this by saying that I definately support having an AoW hardcover and even a box set would be kick-arse.

Dark Archive

Okay, *streches and prepares*...

I've been gaming for about 3 years now, nearly 4. I'm nearly 19 so I would've gotten into DnD when I was 15. I got in just as revised 3rd edition came in. I've been getting every Eberron book since it's release. I get excited by every part of DnD, d20, Cthulu and all that other stuff.

Would you like to know how I got into this? Through video games. I'm not talking about Neverwinter Nights, not talking about Baldur's Gate. I'm talking about the fact that I write my own video games. Ever since I was 10 I've been writing stories, drawing character portraits and planning grand schemes. To any of you who have taken the grand seat of DM upon yourself, this might seem very familiar.

The great breakthrough to DnD came when my mother asked me what I wanted for christmas. I remembered hearing about a game where I could invite my friends around, hang out and have a fun time telling stories with them. That was all the knowledge I could glean from saturday morning cartoon, pop culture, references.

Getting on to an online book store, (I think you know the one...) I started looking for this mysterious Dungeons and Dragons game. I was a bit let down when I found out I could only get one book of the core three for christmas, but I was surprised when instead of the 3rd edition books I'd been looking at on the internet, I recieved the 3.5 editions when I turned 15.

Since then I managed to google information about a series of magazines that were giving information about the game to expand the enjoyment. The first one I found was issue 314 of dragon, shortly after I managed to get the last copy at the newsagents of the fantastic Maure Castle superadventure issue of Dungeon.

I had no gamers to play the game with, but soon my friends at my high school played video games also. I managed to convince about 3 people to pick up the Players Handbook. I now know about 8 people with whom I've convinced to pick up DnD as a hobby. Through my perseverance, I've funded a library of magazines and books all for roleplaying. DnD motivated me to get a job, just so I could learn all I could about the game.

Like I said, I'm new to the game, and no wonder. Dungeon makes so many references to the 70s and 80s modules that came out that I just end up scratching my head going 'huh?'. Another difficulty for me is probably the fact that I need to travel on a train for an hour to the city, just to get to my nearest stockest of DnD books. Okay, so living in Australia is probably also a hinderance, we get everything about a month after most of you have already filed your books away and re-read your magazines 5 times.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know what my experiences were for picking up DnD as a new gamer of the 21st century.


Dark Archive

Cool, thanks for all the info guys, now let's hear about your characters!

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The only reason I've chosen Power Attack, is to open up the Cleave and Great Cleave feats. Getting rid of lots of enemies really quickly? More time for actual roleplaying? Bring it on!

Dark Archive

heh, just realized that as a fighter I automatically get all martial weapons anyway. Also, the improved crit feat doesn't stack with the magic properties of Keen. Also I need permission to make the Rapier a bronzewood item and make it light enough to use weapon finesse.
Still, what do you all think of the idea for this, and what characters are you guys playing?

Dark Archive

Just a quick question, but does everybody remember the 8 pointed star at the Unopenable Doors? I was reading through my collection of Dungeon magazines recently and I remember reading about some treasure that included a triangular metal plate that was keyed to a plane. These two seem to be connected and I was wondering whether anybody had any hard facts on these mysterious plates?

Dark Archive

Hey all! I'm just wondering what you've all been playing now that the AP has been going for a little while.

To get the ball rolling, I'm going to show you all the character concept I'll be playing when my group gets started early next year:

(P.S. This character concept is designed specifically to combat the forces of the STAP, it will be effective in other APs but probably to a lesser degree.)

I start as an elf (proficient in the rapier, a martial weapon), and my class is fighter.

I use the bonus feat from fighter to have Weapon Finesse (Use DEX instead of STR for one weapon only). I've chosen this because as an elf I'll have a high DEX score.

Because I didn't spend a feat to be proficient in the rapier I'll use my 1st lvl feat to have power attack (which opens up the pathway for cleave attacks).

I also get to start with ANY magic item of up to 10,000 gp in price (house rule). I decide to have a +1 Keen Rapier as my beginning weapon. The Rapier begins with a critical range of 18-20/x2 (3 numbers of crit possibility). The Keen ability doubles that threat range, so it is now 15-20/x2 (6 numbers of crit possibility).

Now whenever I roll the dice, I have a 1 in 4 chance of criticalling. And unless I'm mistaken, a critical is an automatic hit no matter what the AC is. Couple that with power attacking as a fighter, and the ability to Cleave continuously at higher levels.

Now when I get to +8 BAB I also have the ability to double my crit range for a weapon with the Improved Critical Feat. The magic weapon is innately at 15-20/x2 so that now becomes 9-20/x2 (12 numbers of critical possibility). That's criticalling at more than half the time, hitting at more than half the time and dealing double damage at more than half the time.

Now imagine I also had the audacity to start taking levels in cleric, just so that I can start taking levels in the Exorcist of the Silver Flame from the Eberron Campaign Setting book.

At low levels of that class my magic weapon starts to be counted as a silver weapon and good aligned. At higher levels it ends up being a good aligned, law aligned, silver weapon (for overcoming damage reduction) that deals an extra 1d6 of fire damage, 1d6 of sacred damage with an extra +1 sacred bonus on damage rolls.

I tell ya, I'm really looking forward to playing in this game...

P.S. I know I'm a power gamer, that's only because as a DM you get to know the rules, really well.

Dark Archive

LadyBard wrote:
... people will have to save the PDF to there computer, since geocities, doesn't open it.

Thanks for saying that for me then! :P

Glad you liked. As regards to whether the characters are all mine, only Ironfoot is. All the rest are done by a single player each. Oh and before I get asked, that voice in Ironfoot's head, yes that is a docent component from Xendrik.

If anybody else would like to tell me what they think, or if you've picked up on any errors I might have made, please don't feel like you can't mention it. I accept all criticisms, even flames (although I would prefer ones that are silver!).

Thanks again, I'll keep you updated as to when I write more.

Dark Archive

I have started a campaign in the AoWAP and have been writing a story based on it for quite some time. The link to a pdf version of it is here at my own website:

You can get it from there so please tell me what you think.

Dark Archive

Name: Ironfoot
Race/Class: Warforged Fighter 2
Adventure: Whispering Cairn
Catalyst: New PC

Ironfoot had been recruited by another PC during the time we only had 3 players and me, the DM. I was running Ironfoot to make sure the XP share matched the adventure progression and so they wouldn't all be killed (no player had gone as a combat orientated or as a type of healer...). After the PCs had headed to the Observatory, we managed to pick up a new PC, for we had just gotten a new player, so Ironfoot managed to get intercepted by a mine worker and he slowly faded away from the plot and the PCs.
I'm considering bringing him back for a whole bunch of special appearances/guest starring in later adventures. He is too much of a protector to work at the mines in Diamond Lake for too long. I can't wait to see the look on the faces of my players when they realize the Warforged 'Dignitary' sitting across the table from them at Zeech's party is none other than an old friend who has managed to do quite well for himself.

Dark Archive

Whispering Cairn - During the fight with Filge:

"Are there windows in this room? If so I'm going to bull rush him out the window." - Zuul, the changeling rogue with big ideas.

Filge is currently unconcious after his 70ft fall from the 3rd story window of the observatory yet is stable. We will find out what the PCs will do with him next session.

Dark Archive

Wraith wrote:
Melbourne here, south east suburbs. Bit too far north for you though!

What town?

Dark Archive

Melbourne. And coincidently I'm looking for another gamer for my group. Any Melbournians interested? Located near Frankston.

Dark Archive

Looking for any teenagers who are wanting to join a game at Frankston on the Victorian Mornington Peninsula region. One space for anybody that is willing to give up their Friday And Saturday afternoons (Not in the same week) to come join our game. Other players are all mid to late teens. Please contact valmothg (at) yahoo.com.au if you are interested.

Dark Archive

I think I remember reading somewhere that Kullen and his group would make interesting recurring NPCs. Can this be verified? I was extremely curious as to suggestions as to how I might use him, Rastophan, Todrik and Merovin Bask as a group that follows the PCs around. The situation I find myself in:

The PCs after following the lead of the tattoo approach Kullen while he is having drinks in the Feral Dog. One manages to get him away from the rest of his group and bribe him with 200gp to get him to tell what he knows. After getting the info, this skilled Pc rogue manages to steal back the money. When Kullen attempts to pay for another drink to celebrate his newfound wealth he realizes and gives chase to the PCs who are high-tailing it into the town square. After knocking all of Kullens' group unconcious (nobody wanted to kill them surprisingly, normally this is a hack and slash group) the rogue PC who is a Changeling turns into a commoner and steals everything Kullen and cronies has except for their clothes.

That's where we left the campaign last session, so what can I do that might build off of this? I was thinking of getting Smenk involved to steal the baby owlbear they found but I want Kullen and Co. to be involved in this side-trek somehow.
Any input would be appreciated!

Dark Archive

Jaign, the chaotic sorcerer, after setting off the burning hands trap on the sacophagus in Whispering Cairn:
"I climb inside and close the lid."
Said in all seriousness. I still don't know why he did this.

Dark Archive

My characters are doing an Eberron variant, so this might not apply. In any case these are the characters that _haven't_ died yet:

Warforged Fighter/Warforged Juggernaught (Meat Shield without meat)
Changeling Rouge (To be guide and trap specialist)
Elven Bard/Master Inquisitor (Knowledge and 'leader' for group. Also has the healing spells needed)
Human Chaotic Sorcerer/Heir of Khyber (Offensive spellcaster)

You can see that we stuck pretty close to the basic construction of a party. That's because the fighter and bard were filling the needs that the other two couldn't fill.

P.S. The Chaotic Sorc/Heir of Khyber is a variant on the Heir of Syberis that specializes in being a randomly powerful, otherwise weak spellcaster created by me.

Dark Archive

Bill Hendricks wrote:

I had a buddy of mine create one, but it is for Eberron. It incorporates the Emerald Claw, the Blood of Vol, and the Shadow.

Don't know if this helps you or not.


Any chance I'd be able to see a version of this? I'm running my group through eberron too.

Dark Archive

If anybody would be willing, I'd like to see a version of this as an Eberron timeline pertaining to the AoWAP. Is anybody willing to take up this task?

Dark Archive

Changed the rule for the feat, so the new 1.2 version is available at:

So go ahead and download the new version! Those that have already recieved an older version, feel free to replace it!

Dark Archive

Okay toymaker, good questions that get me to defend my creation! Love it!

1) Can I play in one of your games, and have that feat? ;P
Only if you live in Australia, Victoria near the peninsula.
Always happy to have new players, and I need a person for my AoW group to stop having a DMPC! (Worst idea ever!)

2) By "Any Save DCs +15" you mean on that spell only, correct?
Indeed I do.

3) Frederick d'Sivis, a Gnomish Sorcerer 12/Heir of Khyber 1.
If he is willing to do this, he would need to roll a second time. 1d20 + the difference from the previous roll (10).
This means that Frederick would get anywhere from 11 through to his own choice on the chaos magic table.

Thanks for the feedback, it has made me reconsider my wording for the feat.
And I've sent Manos the file now too. It's my 1.1 version. Just changes the wording a bit thanks to you guys.

Dark Archive

Been doing a bit of work and the file is now available at:

It's been linked to one of my posts.

Dark Archive

okay, I've sent it out again. Haven't changed anything. I'll get around to it later. Padan, you should get a copy too now.

Dark Archive

Psyicman wrote:
I though Eberron was the girl and the other two were the boys?

That's why I wanted feedback, I don't have my facts straight. All done without consulting Eberron backstory.

Dark Archive

sure. It's on its way.

Dark Archive

I've just finished creating a new prestige class for the Eberron world. I know lots of people don't play it, but I'd still like some feedback on how I have constructed it.
If you'd like to see my alternative to the Heir of Siberys prestige class, write down your email and I'll send it over.

Here's a preview at the background of the prestige class:
“You may call me what you like, but the truth is that I have more understanding of how the world works than any of those pompous fools in their Dragonmarked Houses.”
- The Restful Eye, an heir of Khyber currently in hiding

The great progenitor dragons, Siberys, Eberron and Khyber, have influenced the world for eons. The Heirs of Siberys, creatures of the dragon-marked races, receive greater versions of their family marks. Khyber, although defeated by his brother Eberron, managed to defeat his sister Siberys and spread her corpse across the sky. Now entombed thanks to Eberron, Khyber’s influence mimics that of his sister. Whether he gained some of her power in her defeat, or whether it was something all the progenitor dragons share, Khyber has been able to also create his own Heirs.

Aberrant dragonmarks were the first step, but due to the War of the Mark, almost all of these disappeared leaving only the families with ties to Siberys remaining. Recently however, it has come to the attention of the Dragons of Argonnesson, and they have realized that the war was unable to eradicate all of these strange and oddly chaotic forms of the dragonmarks.

Those that have ties to the Dragonmarked races, and even those that don’t, have found that they are susceptible to generating these ‘Aberrant Marks’. There are some, so the rumors go, that those with extremely strong ties to the marks of the past, have formed aberrant versions of the Siberys marks, and that they challenge, and in some cases overpower the powers they have derived from. Those that manifest such a mark have been referred to as Heirs of Khyber. How this might affect the Draconic Prophecy is known only to the Dragons themselves."

So tell me what you think, post your email and I'd also like feedback on a new feat I've made too that capture the feeling of the chaotic nature of an heir of Khyber, 'Chaotic Spells/Powers'.

Dark Archive

Unfortunately, I don't have enough money right now to subscribe. I would if I could, believe me! It's because of things like what Paizo/Lisa have done here that encourage me to stay a loyal, and extremely avid, reader of both Dungeon and Dragon. Sorry to hear about your loss, I have about 50 roleplaying books/materials that are worth more than the money they are printed on to me, only due to the satisfaction they bring me everytime I sit down and read them. So I understand how heart-breaking it can be. The smile on your face though, as you read the letter to replace your magazines would have eased the pain considerably. So well done to Paizo and good luck that these will stay with you for a longer time!

Dark Archive

I posted this in a different thread, but nobody has posted a reply, so I thought I would try this. In the Spire of Long Shadows the PCs recieve a whole bunch of visions about Dungeon adventures that the players might have played in. Unfortunately for ME, I haven't run them through any of these and don't really plan to in the foreseeable future. So here's the crux of the problem...

What can I use as the prophecies leading up to the Age of Worms that are specifically Eberron related and will still sound cryptic? I was able to come up with a few:

The child of fortunes shall speak for those long gone. (Jaela Daran assumes the role of the Keeper of the Flame in Thrane)

The race without freedom shall be given it, yet give themselves back to servitude. (Warforged are given their rights as citizens but start following the Lord of Blades)

The clear spire shall rain down upon the knife. (The Glass Tower of Sharn is destroyed by sabotuers and much goes into the Dagger)

A single stone shall send the frozen lands into madness. (The Madstone in Karrnath creates havoc among the northern forest with no predictable end in sight)

A land that reached for the stars shall be brought to it's knees. (Cyre, the shining jewel of Galifar, is destroyed on the Day of Mourning, 20th Olarune 994YK)

So please tell me what you think, and what else I could add.

Dark Archive

We're up to our fifth session for the AoWAP in Eberron, the party have just gotten past the wind trap in WC and are about to meet Alastor. All 2nd lvl too now.

Ironfoot - Ftr2 Warforged - DM PC
Hired to be the 'muscle' for the group. Used to work one of the mines.
Secret: Has a docent component from Xen'drik that tells him to kill constantly.

Andos Galtiem - Brd2 Elf
Works for the Korranberg Cronicle, told by boss to investigate the empty cairns around the area. Has nothing to do with him playing music while the other staff are trying to work.
Secret: Aspires to rule Eberron, Khorvaire or perhaps his own kingdom.

Jaign Prose - Sor2 Human
16 year old, chaotic sorceror. Adopted by the ladies at the Midnight Salute, is undergoing training by Allustan to control his magic.
Secret: Gets magic from chaotic bloodline of the progenitor dragon Khyber.

Tox, Zuul, Bur - Rog2 Changeling
Hired to be the group guide. None know he is a changeling and will be an interesting roleplaying situation during the Hall of Harsh Reflections when his character will be kidnapped and found out.
Secret: Is an exile of Sharn with connectons to the Tyrants of the Free City.

This is the most interesting party combination I've run, mainly due to the roleplaying reasons but also because this is my first campaign I'm hoping to actually finish.

Dark Archive

I'm running my characters through Eberron as well, these are my thoughts for possible prophesies(sp?):

The child of fortunes shall speak for those long gone. (Jaela Daran assumes the role of the Keeper of the Flame in Thrane)

The race without freedom shall be given it, yet give themselves back to servitude. (Warforged are given their rights as citizens but start following the Lord of Blades)

The clear spire shall rain down upon the knife. (The Glass Tower of Sharn is destroyed by sabotuers and much goes into the Dagger)

A single stone shall send the frozen lands into madness. (The Madstone in Karrnath creates havoc among the northern forest with no predictable end in sight)

A land that reached for the stars shall be brought to it's knees. (Cyre, the shining jewel of Galifar, is destroyed on the Day of Mourning, 20th Olarune 994YK)

Tell me what you think, and what else I could add.

Dark Archive

I wouldn't mind getting a copy of those conversions too, valmothg at yahoo dot com dot au
