Not much at all in this book that multiple other books have already stated. The migration map is pretty cool, but that's about it. Some new spells and traits do not in the least make up for the lack of originality in this book. I really think most of this was cut and pasted from other sources. Overall a very lazy book, not worth the price.
While i really loved this book, and i think it stands up to the other Revisited books admirably, i did feel that some entries felt a bit forced or rushed. Namely the spectral dead section, which i think that the entries there could have had their own sections in their own right to flesh them out more. The section on the wight as well felt a bit lacking in new insights that i have come to expect from the revisited line, as did the shadow section.
Really enjoyable adventure. I would say that this is definitely one of my favorite single shot adventures to date. Nothing bad to say about the adventure itself, but i do have one problem ...
While i think it is great that they put out a map pack for this adventure, the map pack only covers pretty much half of the adventure. The rest of the adventure uses a map that is not covered in the map pack. I personally think that Paizo should utilize more of the map packs inside the adventure and AP's, but to do so i think that the map packs should cover the whole adventure, not just part.
So far this AP has been really great, the previous three in the AP have had some really original and engaging bits.
Almost all the AP's have had that one part that i did not much care for. Kingmaker was the first and so far only AP that did not have a bad egg in it. I thought Carrion Crown was shaping up to do the same.... until this one.
Now as a stand alone adventure this one would have been better, but it just does not seem to fit with the rest of the AP. Sure it fits the horror aspect, but not the general feel of the rest of them that came before it.
I think though that one of my problems with this one is the Lovecraft aspect. I personally think that Lovecraft is getting way overused lately, and not just by Paizo. I work for a company that sells games, and so i have to be familiar with them before they come out, and it seems like every forth game or so that comes out has something to do with Lovecraft. So i am a bit burned out with Lovecraft and think that is coloring my view of this one.
Now there are some really neat parts to this adventure though, namely the inventor and his invention and the insanity rules, but i just think it could have been better suited to a stand alone adventure.
Not sure why people are posting here, when this is for reviews, but i just read through this one to prepare to run it at Free RPG day at the company i work for and while there is not much to it, it looks to be fun and easy to add stuff to to make it last longer. Good intro point to introduce new players as well.
Really don't like these character folios. Too much space devoted to companions, familiars and such for one thing. Who has that many to keep track of? And the spell section seems to be geared towards spontaneous casters only.
Overall just a lot of wasted space on these and while they don't cost that much, i really don't think they are worth the price.
For players this might be a useful book with many options, but for GM's it really does not offer much worth using. In addition a lot of the stuff that players might wish to use could cause rules issues for the GM to determine how to rule on certain rules problems.
Overall a rather lackluster book, and i really hope that Ultimate Combat does not follow the same pattern.
Really awesome start to this one, and a solid third in what is seeming to be one of, if not THE, best AP to date. The only downside to me is that the good stuff was at the start and the rest felt a little like filler material. Still this AP has been great enough that i can forgive a little fluff.
This book is an absolute must in my opinion. Lots of awesome NPC's and well fleshed out into adventuring parties, with neat gadgets and items and such all their own. All in All an absolute perfect book to me, and i am hard to please! Great job to all involved.
I love pathfinder, the rules and rulebooks are awesome and amazing, but so far the fiction has fallen a little flat to me. This first in the line of books was to me a poor choice to start the fiction line, as it took the most boring characters from the pathfinder's journals from the Adventure paths to base a novel on.
But to me the absolute worst part was the flipflopping first person perspective. It is really annoying to have to reorient to a different first person at the beginning of every chapter.
Really good information in this book, and a must have for those interested in all things Pathfinder, but overall the format is not up to the standards that Pathfinder has previously been known for. Lots of typos and inconsistencies, and the separate chapter for the cities apart from the counties chapter makes for a lot of flipping back and forth that would have been better suited to an entry for each county that included the city that pertained to it.