Winter Oracle

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. ****** Venture-Lieutenant, Russia—Kaliningrad 34 posts. 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 27 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I receive a notification email and see that shipping of the sole book of AP now costs 43.98 witch is 8 times more than usual delivery from previous 2 years. I understand that costs of shipping can rise, but 8 times ? Is there any alternative ways of shipping ?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Please cancel my starfinder subscription, if it possible i want to receive last book of fly free or die, and not receive planetfall (if separate this is not possible, then cancel before both).

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I missing Starfinder Adventure Path #25: The Chimera Mystery from this order, all other items already recived (they come in separately packages), and i already recive next orders, including next chapter of this a AP.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Promotional code holiday20 not working with my cart (

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi, i rescently start Pathfinder AP Subscription and choose to start with #151: The Show Must Go On, but i think i click something wrong in my settings and this volume dissapear from incoming order( Now it shows only part 2 of this adveenture path incoming in februrary.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It sounds like something strange happening) Can i change delivery to that i use in order Order 7712123 or something alike ? And why there items that aleready send to me in that order ?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The order is sent to me 24 december, tipicaly i recive orders 3-4 weeks after they sent, is there any chance to check where it is ?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Subtotal (7 items) $127.18
Shipping & Handling $27.81
Shipping & Handling Discount - $10.00
Order Total $144.99
Store Credit to Apply $70.21

Sunday $68.39 Payment authorization
Expires Sun, Dec 30, 2018 QIWI CARD
Visa **** **** 9480

Today Transaction declined $76.59
The payment method you have entered has been declined for insufficient funds. Contact your bank or card issuer for further information.

Why it wants 76.59 if it already authorized 68.39 also promo code hollyday19 seem to be applyed but not calculated second time

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello there, successfully redeem some gift sertificates from past convencion to buy some books/accessories for my local community, but store credit balance won't change

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello i make my first order (4092299) 31 october and there are issue with payment (not enough money on card) i resolve this 01 november, and my bank reserved 28.96 as payment. Today i charged 28.96 again for the same order, i contact the bank, and they say that both payments are not authorized, because they don't recive "accept" from you shop.

2-nd order - 4131028 i make 14 november, and money still don't charged and now after double payment for the first order, there are not enough money to pay for it.

Why this situation with double payment occur and how it can be resolved ? (can screenshot all transactions, but they be in russian, hope u can check it from you side)