
Vaenathis Konnal's page

110 posts. Alias of F. Castor.

Is the wizard supposed to gain a wizard class feat at 1st level?

The CRB seems to say so, but neither the cleric nor the sorcerer gain a class feat at 1st level. Furthermore, Ezren only has two class feats at 1st level, Reach Spell and Widen Spell, and, being a Universalist with the Metamagical Experimentation arcane thesis, these are accounted for (the Universalist grants a bonus 1st-level class feat and the thesis grants a bonus 1st-level metamagic class feat).

Hello there. :-)

Now, this may or may not have been asked and answered before. If it has, apologies and please point me to the relevant thread and/or answer. If not, onward!

Let us say I want to make a Dex-focused melee warrior, specifically a Swashbuckler 1/Fighter 9, who will be dual-wielding longswords and using Dexterity to attack.

Now, the 1st level of Swashbuckler gives this (emphasis mine):

Advanced Class Guide wrote:
Swashbuckler Finesse (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

Now, the idea is to have the Fighter, whose first and only Weapon Training will be Heavy Blades, take the feat Advanced Weapon Training (Fighter's Finesse) as soon as he is able (either using a general feat or a fighter bonus feat for that purpose, keeping in mind the above bold italicized part of Swashbuckler Finesse) and also use his 2nd Weapon Training (at fighter level 9/character level 10) to grab Effortless Dual-Wielding.

Weapon Master's Handbook wrote:

Advanced Weapon Training (Combat)

You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways.

Prerequisites: Fighter level 5th, weapon training class feature.

Benefit: Select one advanced weapon training option, applying it to one fighter weapon group you have already selected with the weapon training class feature.

Special: This feat can be taken more than once, but at most once per 5 fighter levels.Special: Fighters that have the weapon masterAPG archetype can select this feat beginning at 4th level. The benefits of a weapon master’s advanced weapon training options apply only to his selected weapon rather than all weapons in the same fighter weapon group, and he can’t select the weapon specialist advanced weapon training option. A weapon master can select this feat as a bonus feat; if he does so, it doesn’t count for the purpose of the requirement that it can be taken at most once per 5 fighter levels.

Weapon Master's Handbook wrote:
Fighter's Finesse (Ex): The fighter gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with all melee weapons that belong to the associated fighter weapon group (even if they cannot normally be used with Weapon Finesse). The fighter must have the Weapon Finesse feat before choosing this option.
Blood of the Beast wrote:
Effortless Dual-Wielding (Ex): The fighter treats all one-handed weapons that belong to the associated weapon group as though they were light weapons when determining his penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons.

Supposedly, he ends up dual-wielding longswords. He uses Dexterity to attack (via Fighter's Finesse, which he has taken thanks to the Advanced Weapon Training feat and Swashbuckler Finesse, specifically the ability's last sentence) and treats them as light weapons for the purpose of fighting with two weapons (via Effortless Dual-Wielding, which he has taken in place of his second Weapon Training class feature).

Is this correct and doable and legal and all that? I seem to think so, but I may be wrong.

Having discovered the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars games (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny), I am very interested in trying it some more. I am already in a game here on the boards, I do admit, but another certainly cannot hurt. :-) However, I would like to do so as a player, as I do not believe I have the skill or the time needed to GM a game. Plus, I like thinking up and making characters to play much more than building a campaign.

So, basically, this is a thread to see if there are others who would be interested in trying out and playing such a game, as the system seems rather fun and quite suited for a PbP. It would, of course, require enough potential players, but most of all it would require an interested and reliable GM (as PbPs can be quite a fickle thing at times) who is also quite familiar with the system.

Furthermore, since the game uses custom dice, it would require a dice roller on another site (Orokos). There is also the alternative to use the dice roller here by assigning the appropriate symbols to the various multi-sided dice, as the system's dice are simply the usual multi-sided dice with symbols instead of numbers.

Ideally, it would be nice if the game incorporated all three campaign books (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny) and it would certainly also be wonderful if it were Knight-Level Play or if it gave bonus XP and/or credits at character creation to better build the character and for variety's sake. I will also admit that a main reason for the above is because I would love to try out a Human Guardian (Protector, Force Sensitive Emergent), so there is a bit of selfishness thrown in as well. ;-P

Well, I suppose this is it. Keeping fingers crossed, even though Star Wars games do not appear all that often here, so I am not sure if there is indeed interest, especially for this particular system. But it is worth a try, I guess. :-)

Good day all.

Well, as the title says, we are an already established group of players in need of a new GM due to our previous one having to bow out owing to personal reasons.

You know the type, a good ol' reliable GM with the usual PbP requirements I see in almost all reqruitment threads (one post per day sort of thing, weekends optional, and ready and willing to DMPC a character if his/her player has not responded within a suitable amount of time, say 24 to 48 hours). :-)

The Story So Far

Our intrepid adventurers-turned-castaways, consisting of both crew and passengers of the Jenivere, have found themselves on Smuggler's Shiv. After establishing a camp and doing a bit of exploration, managing to meet and join forces with a man that had already been on the island for a few weeks before them, are now on their way to deal a blow against a settlement of cannibals seemingly led by a witch with the power to raise the dead.

Dramatis Personae
Brynmor Drakh, N male human fighter 3
Isandril Velahrn, CG male elf fighter 2/ranger 1 (if noone has any objections, will be retconned to ranger 3 by the time we restart, seeing as how there will be next to no changes where fluff and crunch are concerned by such a retcon, not to mention it will get rid of a 3.5 remnant the character has; plus, he has been used as a ranger from the very beginning, anyway)
Jonagher Witt, CG male half-elf rogue 3
Origen Leanthris, LG male human sorcerer 3
Torden Ironcask, NG male dwarf bard 3

This may or may not be a silly question, but I will ask it anyway.

The Defensive Flurry and Twin Blades abilities work when the two-weapon warrior (fighter archetype, APG) makes a full attack with both weapons.

The Doublestrike ability lets the two-weapon warrior make an attack with both weapons as a standard action.

What I am asking is this: When a 9th-level two-weapon warrior attacks with both his main and off-hand weapon as a standard action, is he eligible for the Defensive Flurry and Twin Blades bonuses? He is after all attacking with both weapons, even though he is not doing it as a full attack action.

In my mind, one of the reasons the Doublestrike feature exists is so that it can indeed synergize with Defensive Flurry and Twin Blades, so that a fighter of a high enough level will be able to take advantage of his class features more often.

What say you? Not expecting an official answer, but would greatly appreciate one. Thank you in advance! :-)

Basically, my question is twofold:

1) Does the Trapfinding rogue ability grant its bonus to Disable Device checks in general (disarm traps, open locks, etc) or only to Disable Device checks made to disarm traps?

2) What type of bonus is it? Competence, circumstance, racial, etc?

This may or may not be a silly question, but does a ninja with the Wall Climber (Su) ninja trick also gain a +8 bonus on Climb checks?

According to the rules, any creature with a climb speed gains the aforementioned bonus, but the reason I am asking is because the description of this particular ninja trick seems a little particular (e.g. 'only on vertical surfaces' and so on).

So, does he get a bonus on Climb checks or not? And if he does, is it on Climb checks in general or just those made to climb vertical surfaces, like the trick itself is associated with?

Hello there. :-)

I thought to purchase the Inner Sea Primer PDF and tried to use my VISA Electron card (according to my bank it can be used for online purchases, since it is supposed to be a debit card and has the VISA Electron logo on it). Once I reached the point where my card is supposed to be charged with the PDF's cost, however, I am told that the payment method was declined and was asked to choose a different payment method.

Granted, the only other time I used it in such a way was to pre-order a game through a UK-based site, but there did not seem to be any problem doing so.

Anyway, I would appreciate any clarification on the matter that you might be able to provide, not to mention any solution as well. Thank you in advance.

Relevant Link.

Well, more or less, what the thread's title says. I am curious to see if anyone is playing.

As for myself, I had started as soon as the game had launched, but stopped a few months later. I have recently thought to give it a try once more after reading about how much it has changed when compared to the way it was at launch so I said why not? Currently playing a Cimmerian Conqueror in the Aquilonia RP-PvP European server.

This is more of an attempt to see if there are other Greek gamers out there, preferably in Athens. Whether it will lead to a game or not is anybody's guess really...